Bruce Springsteen & Tom Morello - The Ghost of Tom Joad
'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács
Labels: class struggle, Margaret Thatcher
Labels: class struggle, crisis, Europe, Marxism, socialism, women
Margaret Thatcher’s government was defined by overseeing the greatest ever transfer of wealth from the bottom of society to the top. In the name of little people, she handed billions to the richest in tax cuts and de-regulation, a theft from which Britain has never recovered ... Between 1979 and 1992-3, the poorest tenth of the British population experienced a fall in their real income of 18 percent after housing costs, compared to an unprecedented rise of 61 percent for the top tenth. According to Economic Trends, the post-war improvement of life for the poorest 'has been put into reverse [since 1979]. Income has not trickled down, but filtered up from the poorer sections of society to the richer ones'. Put another way, since the year Margaret Thatcher came to power, more than £63 billion has been transferred, in subsidies, from the poor to the rich...
Labels: Margaret Thatcher
Labels: Margaret Thatcher
Let's call this government's welfare policy what it is – wrong, nasty and dishonest.
Labels: class struggle, David Cameron
CLR James's Beyond a Boundary - declared by John Arlott 'the finest book written about the game of cricket', marks its fiftieth anniversary this year - there is a conference in Glasgow in May for those interested. CLR James used to report cricket for the Glasgow Herald and the Manchester Guardian during the 1930s - and so it is fitting that the Guardian should publish a tremendous piece by CLR's wife Selma James recalling the circumstances in which James wrote his classic work (which I once discussed briefly on my blog in the past here amidst the victorious movements of national liberation in the Caribbean and elsewhere.
Labels: Britishness, Caribbean, socialism, sport