Why is Léon Krier defending anew the work of the Third Reich’s master builder?
The war between democracy and aristocracy in Janet Malcolm’s Forty-One False Starts.
Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby, Richard Linklater’s Before Midnight
David Graeber’s account of Occupy Wall Street is essential—and somewhat maddening in its insistence on heightening the differences between anarchists and liberals.
Are Washington, Moscow and Beijing using the global arms trade to create a new cold war?
From North Africa to the Middle East to China’s Central Asian border, how many years will it be?
On topics from Guantánamo to drone strikes, I couldn’t let the president act as if he were some helpless official at the mercy of Congress.
Liberalism—including much of what’s published in this magazine—seems well-intentioned but inadequate. The solution lies in the re-emergence of American radicalism.
From stopping wage theft to organizing carwasheros, victories have come from meeting workers where they live.
In a brilliant sign of our rapidly changing times, the gay soccer star will be taking the field.
Using familiar Wall Street tactics, JPMorgan Chase rigged the rules in his favor. But the movement for corporate accountability lives on.
WATCH: Jeremy Scahill Uncovers US Dirty Wars Around the Globe
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