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Issue 82: March–April 2012

NATO and G8:
Enforcers for the global 1%


Lance Selfa

Election 2012: Abandon all hope?

Mostafa Ali

Year one of the Egyptian Revolution

A member of Egypt’s Revolutionary Socialists interviewed on the revolution’s first anniversary

Dave Zirin on the soccer riots in Egypt

Enforcers for the global 1%

Shaun Harkin

Protest, repression, and the summits

Rahm Emanuel’s plan to host the NATO and G8 summits in Chicago this Spring and what activists can expect

Eric Ruder

A primer on NATO and G8

What are NATO and the G8 and why you should oppose them


Phil Gasper • Critical Thinking

Marxism, morality, and human nature

Marx rejected bourgeois morality in favor of an ethics of human emancipation


Olivier Besancenot

From Paris to New York: The struggle against neoliberalism

A French socialist speaks on the fight against capitalism

Ahmed Mohammed

Bahrain and the Arab Spring

A Bahraini activist speaks about Bahrain’s rebellion and what the future holds

Cary Nelson

Welcome to the surveillance campus

A university professor discusses the denial of free speech and civil liberties on US campuses

Sam Farber

Cuba’s future: an assessment

A speech by Sam Farber, author of a new book on Cuba

John Riddell

The periphery pushes back

Policy initiatives from below in Lenin’s International

Megan Behrent

Education, literacy, and revolution

A look at the struggle for a liberatory education in revolutionary Russia


Paul Leblanc

Revisiting permanent revolution

Review of Richard B. Day and Daniel Gaido’s Witnesses to Permanent Revolution: The Documentary Record

…plus Hadas Thier on capitalism in the Gulf Arab states; Leela Yellesetty on the unfinished revolution in gender roles; Roger Annis on Haiti: from independence to occupation; Phil Gasper on Alex Callinicos’ The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx; Julien Ball on the Sacco and Vanzetti trial; Khury Petersen-Smith on twenty-first century colonialism in the Pacific; Rory Fanning on the war on terror; Ron Jacobs on Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers; and Dan Sharber on a Marxist view of the environmental crisis

The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx Available from Haymarket Books.

Anarchism and autonomism: Readings from the ISR archive

A critique of insurrectionary anarchism
Geoff Bailey

Comtemporary Anarchism
Eric Kerl

Comtemporary Anarchism: an exchange
Tom Wetzel and Eric Kerl

Problems of autonomism
Claudio Katz

The powerlessness of anti-power: a critique of Change the World Without Taking Power
Paul D'Amato

Emma Goldman: A life of controversy
Lance Selfa

Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War
Geoff Bailey

Anarchists in the Russian Revolution: The Makhno myth
Jason Yanowitz

Empire strikes out: a critique of Hardt and Negri's Empire
Tom Lewis

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