Thursday, December 02, 2010

That joke isn't funny anymore

Johnny Marr took his bastard time.


mikeovswinton, very sceptical said...

D'yer think that Dave Cameron listened to casette versions of some of those early Jam LPs he also claimed to like on a Walkman when he stayed out all night on the pavements of London to wait for the wedding of Chas n Di? Yeah, right.......

mikeovswinton, relieved. said...

I can only say; thank God (I know the SPGB says he aint there) I repeat Thank God Cameron never claimed to have been inspired by the 1981 Drury Lane Projected Passion Review Dexy's shows. I think I would have felt suicidal.
(Get the CD BTW)

Darren said...

Anne McElvoy did a radio documentary a while back entitled, The Jam Generation, about " . . . the growing political influence of the children of the 1980s . . ." and I could have sworn Cameron claimed that he like listening to Eton Rifles whilst a student at said establishment.

The documentary was from a few years ago, so it might have been when he was still going around saying, 'Call Me Dave'.