Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bloody Confused! by Chuck Culpepper (Broadway Books 2008)

On Saturday, December 9, 2006, on the south coast of England, not far from the English Channel, at Fratton Park, in the fourteenth minute, Kanu chased the ball nearing midfield with his back to the Everton goal. Everton's Simon Davies chased the ball from the other direction. Davies slid towards Kanu. They converged. As they headed towards opposite sides of each other from where they'd started, both touched the ball, and the ball popped upward, hard to tell just how. It floated lazily over to the right and descended towards Portsmouth's Matthew Taylor, forty-five yards from Everton's goal. Before it could hit the ground, Taylor struck it with his left foot and sent it back upward. I thought he'd struck it casually, almost goofily. I thought he'd struck it in one of those see-what-happens modes. It flew high and flew toward me as I sat in the fifth row behind my fellow American Tim Howard, manning the Everton goal. It sailed to its pinnacle and then gravity beckoned. Here it came, just beginning its descent toward Fratton Park soil, still two-thirds of the way air borne, when there came an instant that would have to rate as one of the best instants you can know upon the earth.


Darren said...

One line review for the book:

'American sportswriter seeks to out self-deprecate the British.'

That goal he mentions is, of course, this wonder strike.

Matt Taylor is the the 21st century Mark Hughes. You know what I'm saying.

mikeovswinton said...

He's scored better for the Trotters, you know. And we call him "Super Matty Taylor", although you have to say it in a Bolton accent. (That's one of my sister's stories about a trip to Middlesbrough that we'll no doubt hear at inordinate length on saturday.)
On the other thread; Whitechapel was better than it might have looked on the trailers, and certainly than the crits said. The Long Firm - book, but especially series - is brilliant.

Given your tendency to comment on your own posts, are you nominating yourself for Commenter of the Year? Only joking.

Darren said...

I would need the youtube proof of him scoring a better goal than that one. I know he's known for his spectaculars but that one of out of the cliched top drawer.

For some strange reason, not many of his Portsmouth goals are on YouTube, and the ones that are unfortunately of very poor quality.

'Commentator of the Year'?

Sorry, I couldn't possibly comment on that.