Merge PDF Documents Easily and for Free !

This service enables you to combine PDF documents into a single one, free of charge. All you need to do is select the PDF documents that you want to merge together on your computer and click a button, as instructed step-by-step below.

Combine PDF Documents: arrow


Select two (or more) PDF files to be joined together by pressing "Browse"'


Press the "Merge PDF" button to upload and combine the selected documents!

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Require secure uploads? Check out our plans below!


  Anonymous   Free   Pro  
Registration No   Yes   Yes end
Max Upload Size (MB) 30   50   200 end
Secure uploads (https) No   No   Yes end
Multiple file upload Yes   Yes   Yes end
Ad-free site No   No   Yes end
Monthly price     $4.99 end
  end   Free Sign Up   Pro Sign Up  
*Note: The Pro plan gives Pro access to all of our apps at a single price.

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Information and notable limitations:

  • The maximum total size of all uploaded files for merge is 30MB.
  • All files are removed after a merge is completed, or within an hour of inactivity.
  • Optionally a user can keep files in store for further merging, by checking Retain files (in the Merge Dialog). The one hour limit still applies, where all uploaded files are removed within an hour of inactivity.