Latest News on Education

The World We Want

24 May 2013

Take part in shaping the future of education!

EI is calling on educators, students, parents and communities to contribute to The Global Thematic Consultation on Education in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The deadline for online contributions by members of the public to the draft Executive Summary of the Global Consultation on Education is 27 May. This is a key opportunity to push for education to be prioritised in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. More




23 May 2013

Peru: Indigenous peoples discuss public education

The III Meeting on Public Education and Indigenous Peoples, held from 15-16 May in Cusco, Peru, brought together indigenous education union leaders from several countries. The participants demanded respect for their communities’ rights, a multicultural and multilingual education, and integration based on understanding and equality. More




22 May 2013

International support for Haiti unions

Achieving quality public education for all in Haiti took another step forward recently when EI and some of its affiliates met with EI Haitian member organisations. More




21 May 2013

Nigeria: Extremist attacks hit school attendance

EI has strongly condemned attacks on Nigerian schools, teachers and students that have kept 15,000 children away from school since last February. News of the attacks by Boko Haram (BH) extremists came from IRIN, the news service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The attacks on state schools in the Borno State, North-Eastern Nigeria, have continued. More



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About EI

Education International is the voice of teachers and other education employees across the globe. A federation of about 400 associations and unions in more than 170 countries and territories, it represents 30 million educators in education institutions from early childhood to university.

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