RMT London Transport Region Statement on Muswell Hill Islamic Center Fire

June 6, 2013 in Appeals, Protest

Statement from the London Transport region of RMT – for original see here http://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/node/4207 Today’s attack on the Islamic centre in Muswell Hill was a barbaric act calculated to whip up division in the community. The London Transport Region of the RMT wholeheartedly condemns the attack on the centre and offers its full solidarity and support to the community which it serves. We call upon the trade union movement in London to lead a campaign of support and solidarity with the local Muslim community. Reports that the letters ‘EDL’ were scrawled on the walls of the mosque indicate this was a [...]

Bulletin 145 – Turkey: No option but to Rebel

June 6, 2013 in Bulletins, Protest, Reports, Strikes

Bulletin 145 –  Turkey: No option but to rebel!– A statement from Day-Mer, a Turkish & Kurdish community organisation What is happening in Turkey?  On 27th May 2013, a police escorted demolition team arrived at the Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul Turkey to flatten the entire park and destroy all the parkland, including the trees. Despite resistance from local people and environmentalist groups, the site was cleared and demolition work proceeded. The police then clashed with protesters who began to occupy the Park. The activists have been camping there for three days in an attempt to stop the destruction. The [...]

Video: NSSN lobby of the TUC

April 25, 2013 in Reports

NSSN 7th annual conference

March 14, 2013 in Bulletins

11am-5pm, Saturday June 29th, Camden Centre, Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE Speakers include Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, Billy Hayes, CWU general secretary and Steve Gillan, POA general secretary The NSSN was initiated by the RMT transport union in 2006. Seven national unions – RMT, PCS, CWU, NUM, POA, NUJ, and BFAWU – are either affiliated to the NSSN or officially support it as well as countless union branches, shop stewards committees and trades councils. We support workers in struggle as well as those facing victimisation for the crime of defending their members from the employer’s attacks. The conference will include [...]


May 30, 2013 in Bulletins, International, Protest, Reports, Strikes

EBULLETIN MAY 30th 2013 NO. 144 STATEMENT FROM GREENWICH UNITE TRADE UNION BRANCH ON WOOLWICH ATTROCITY AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTS –  ‘UNITY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST RACISM, DIVISION & TERROR’ Unite 2050 trade union branch totally and without any reservation condemn the senseless and barbaric murder of a serving soldier in a busy street in our community. Our condolences go out to the family of Lee Rigby. This was a barbaric and callous act that has taken a son, husband and father away from his family. We would wish to add our voice to others in saying that there is no place [...]

Don’t let the racists divide us! Lewisham NUT call anti-BNP protest

May 29, 2013 in Protest

NO TO TERRORISM NO TO RACISM Join the protest against the BNP SATURDAY 1 JUNE Rally planned 2pm from Islamic Centre Check on the Lewisham NUT website for confirmed details The horrific murder of a young soldier in Woolwich has rightly been met with overwhelming condemnation. However, now the British National Party (BNP) are trying to use the understandable outrage at this attack to gain support. On Saturday afternoon, they are planning to march on the Islamic Centre in Lewisham. Lewisham has a proud record of standing united against all those who would divide our community. Join the protest to [...]

NSSN bulletin

May 28, 2013 in Bulletins

NSSN at the PCS Annual Delegate Conference in Brighton.    Over the course of the last few months in PCS we have taken a day  and a half of national industrial action and many parts of the union have also taken group action in support of the unions national campaign.  We will also be looking to take a further day of national industrial action in June. As a rank and file activist organization the PCS supports the NSSN and hosted an official fringe meeting chaired by DWP President Fran Heathcote; with speakers NSSN Chair Rob Williams and PCS Assistant General Secretary Chris [...]

Bulletin 142 2013 – The brutal reality of the Bedroom Tax & Fighting back

May 16, 2013 in Bulletins, Reports, Strikes

This week the impact of the brutal Bedroom Tax had tragic consequences. We pass on our sympathy and condolences to the family. On the eve of PCS conference, a rep from the union argues for the unions to be at the fore in the battle against this hated tax and the whole austerity programme: The Conservative-Liberal Democrat government has unleashed a brutal war on the historic social gains of the working class in Britain. Attacks on welfare provision – such as the Bedroom Tax – display the cold cruelty of the British ruling class. Since 1 April, 660,000 social housing [...]

NSSN Bulletin 141 – ‘we can’t sit back and wait for 2015′

May 9, 2013 in Bulletins

NSSN ebulletin 141 ‘We can’t sit back and wait for 2015’ The results of last week’s shire council elections have dealt a clear blow to the Con/Dem Coalition’s austerity juggernaut, both parties losing seats in large numbers. However, the protest vote did not accrue overwhelmingly to the ‘official’ opposition – as has been the case in recent times. Rather, UKIP cut a sizeable slice of the protest vote, undoubtedly for its right-wing populism and dangerous immigration policy, trying to capitalise on real fears over jobs and housing. Trade unions and particularly their leading bodies should view this development with some [...]

No. 140 Mayday – Still fighting for a shorter working week!

May 3, 2013 in Bulletins

NSSN ebulletin 140 MAY DAY is the traditional celebration of international working-class solidarity. Its origins lie in great struggles in the late 19th century and the martyrdom of workers’ leaders executed in Chicago in 1887. DAVE NELLIST, a member of the NSSN anti-cuts committee, explains the fighting origins of May Day. As relevant today as it has been in the past. WORKERS HAD long struggled for shorter hours. In England women and children were granted the ten-hour day in 1847. French workers won the 12-hour day after the February 1848 revolution. In 1886 in America, 350,000 workers in more than [...]

Bulletin 139 – Time to get your diaries out..

April 24, 2013 in Bulletins, Reports, Strikes

We’re supposed to be in the age of declining unions but if the TUC calls a 24 hour general strike, the young, the unorganised and the unemployed will join the unions.” RMT General Secretary Bob Crow closed the NSSN lobby of today’s (April 24th) TUC General Council, which saw up to 200 union member and activists chant “Name the date for a general strike!” It was apt that POA prison officers’ union leader Steve Gillan also addressed the lobby. It was his union’s motion 5 to last September’s TUC conference that called on the unions to consider the “practicalities of [...]