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  • Photo: °Florian/Flickr
  • Child-Porn Suspect Ordered to Decrypt His Own Data

  • Tuesday, May 28
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  • federal magistrate is reversing course and ordering a Wisconsin man suspected of possessing child pornography to decrypt hard drives the authorities seized from his residence. Decryption orders are rare, but are likely to become more commonplace as the public …

  • Assange press conference. Julian Assange speaks on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Picture date: Thursday December 20, 2012. He made a rare public appearance on a balcony to mark the six-month anniversary of his sudden arrival at the building. See PA story LEGAL Assange. Photo credit should read: Ian West/PA Wire URN:15412042 (Press Association via AP Images)
  • WikiLeaks Donations Down to a Trickle

  • Thursday, May 23
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  • As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange approaches the one-year anniversary of his confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, a report released Wednesday reveals that donations to the secret-spilling site have slowed to a trickle.

  • ff_queen_th
  • The Strange Story of Marie Antoinette’s Watch

  • Friday, May 17
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  • It was a watch so beautiful, so elegant, so precise, that it could only have been meant for royalty. Then it vanished without a trace.    |    Photo: David Silberman/Getty Images The tiny Simca 1000 Sedan puttered through the …

  • Damage from the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake in San Francisco's Marina District. Photo: J.K. Nakata / U.S. Geological Survey
  • Our Algorithms Can Predict Future Disasters — Now What?

  • Monday, May 13
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  • California is studded with a network of sensors that can perceive almost any motion in the ground, including the slightest perturbation of the Earth’s crust. The network began as a seismology research project, to track earthquakes in this fault-ridden part …

ElsewhereWhat we’re reading
  • The Chinese Time Bomb

  • Malware that uses the Mandiant report on Chinese APT to infect computers of Japanese and Chinese journalists communicates with its command-and-control server only on Tuesdays between 8am and 7pm.  More
  • Tuesday, March 5
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  • The Hackers of Damascus

  • Taymour Karim didn’t crack under interrogation. His Syrian captors beat him with their fists, with their boots, with sticks, with chains, with the butts of their Kalashnikovs. They hit him so hard they broke two of his teeth and three ...  More
  • Thursday, November 15
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  • Google Play Chomps Grooveshark -- Again!

  • It appeared that controversial streaming music app Grooveshark was back for good when the Android title returned to Google’s Play Store earlier this week, but already it has mysteriously been pulled from the marketplace, suggesting music labels have pressured the search giant into ...  More
  • Friday, August 31
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  • seculert
  • Shamoon Malware a 2-Stage Targeted Attack

  • The Shamoon malware, which researchers say is copycat malware that mimics malware found on machines that struck Iran's national oil company this year, apparently uses a proxy machine inside company to steal data about files on a computer before destroying ...  More
  • Thursday, August 16
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