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Back to the fragments May 2013
Lynne Segal, one of the authors of the seminal 1979 socialist-feminist text Beyond the Fragments, reflects on its lessons for today

Sexism and the left: Fight the (invisible) power April 2013
Recent controversies over allegations of sexual abuse and violence raise urgent questions about the dynamics of power and authority in our own organisations, argues Zoe Stavri

‘I can hear the roar of women’s silence’ October 2012
On the 25th Anniversary of Sankara's assassination Sokari Ekrine considers the importance of his vision for women's emancipation.

Go Feminist: Feminism for all April 2012
Lola Okolosie reviews the first Go Feminist conference, aimed at inspiring feminist activism

Niger Delta: a quiet resistance December 2011
Sokari Ekine meets women’s movements in the Niger Delta and discovers that in this militarised country even small acts take courage

A neoliberal assault on women July 2010
The coalition's cuts will hit women hardest, says Tim Hunt, as he lays out a gender audit of the budget

All together now July 2010
The feminist fightback against cuts needs to come from the grassroots, says Siobhan McGuirk

Together we can win July 2010
Grass-roots women's campaigns are mobilising to fight the cuts on the frontline. Red Pepper spoke to women from five organisations, who explained how they are working to combat the impacts of the cutbacks

Feminist parenting July 2010
Not sure where to start? Then let the CRAP! (that's Child Rearing Against Patriarchy) collective lead the way with this nine-point guide. It's as easy as chaining yourself to a runaway rollercoaster...

Do you remember Olive Morris? July 2010
Red Chidgey reports on a collective of women using the internet to reactivate forgotten activist histories

The militarised zone July 2010
Andrea D'Cruz talks to women from New Profile, a feminist movement for the demilitarisation of Israeli society

Mind the gap June 2010
It was the 40th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act in May, but Jon Robins finds there's still a long way to go before equal pay becomes a reality

Feminism: now for the good news June 2010
Women's oppression remains a major feature of British society, even if it sometimes looks rather different than it did during that last big wave of feminism in the 1970s. But the good news, argues Catherine Redfern, is that feminism is alive and kicking too

Reclaiming the revolution May 2010
It is right to celebrate the re-emergence of feminism, says Laurie Penny, but we need to build a broad movement that has a clear analysis of the economic basis of women's oppression

Inspirational history, practical handbook August 2009
Ireland's Hidden Diaspora by Ann Rossiter (Irish Abortion Solidarity Campaign), reviewed by Laurie Penny

We are woman, we are strong … March 2009
Hilary Wainwright on the vital role women played in the miners' struggle

Do we still need an International Women’s Day? March 2009
Yes, says Fiona Osler, as long as women's oppression is still alive and kicking

Feminism and war: confronting US imperialism March 2009
Nathaniel Mehr reviews (Feminism and War) and writes that it is essential reading for anyone who is remotely convinced by the feminist pretensions of the US-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq

Out of the Shadows: A Life of Gerda Taro March 2009
The reader feels the injustice of Gerda Taro's exclusion from history, says Jess Vyvyan-Robinson in her review of Francois Maspero's biography. Taro is all but forgotten, only mentioned in conjunction with Robert Capa

Women of the revolution January 2009
Thirty years after the toppling of the Shah in Iran, Azar Sheibani looks at how Iranian women have defied the reign of misogynist terror

A rebel with many causes January 2009
Tribute to Irene Bruegel

Channel 4 colludes with Iran tyranny December 2008
Pull the plug on President Ahmadinejad's propaganda, says Peter Tatchell, it's an insult to 100,000 murdered Iranians

The ‘f’ word: from ’68 to ’08 December 2008
{'68-'78-'88: from women's liberation to feminism}, edited by Amanda Sebestyen, was published at a moment 'when feminism became uncool'. Ten years on, it became a key text on women's studies courses - its tales from feminists of various backgrounds documenting the many layers and differences woven into the women's liberation movement. Fast forward to 2008, and some of the contributors met at Housmans bookshop in London. We present edited extracts from that discussion to open a debate on feminism today, introduced by Hilary Wainwright and with a summary of current feminist activity by Andrea D'Cruz

Alaskan women demonstrate against Sarah Palin October 2008
Sue Katz looks beyond the lipstick and the sound bites to unravel the real Sarah Palin. In this extract from her new book, {{Thanks But No Thanks: The Voter's Guide to Sarah Palin}}, she examines the critical response from Alaskan women to the next possible US vice-president

Commie Girl in the OC July 2008
Laurie Penny interviews Rebecca Schoenkopf about politics, life, feminism and getting 'finger-fucked' by Hillary Clinton

Up for a fight May 2008
The anti-choice lobby, with David Cameron at the helm, has proposed amendments to the abortion law that would target a vulnerable minority of women. Reforms are needed, but to extend rather than restrict women's reproductive freedoms, argues Laurie Penny

Planetary mythology February 2008
Soundbite science and self-help manuals would have you believe that men and women can't communicate. Deborah Cameron's new book shows that the real issues are to do with power, writes Romy Clark

Babes without spice December 2007
Laurie Penny explains what it means to have hopes dashed twice, first by the Spice Girls and second by Blair's Babes

It’s only natural February 2001
The biological differences between men and women are no threat to feminism, says Helena Cronin


Red Pepper is a magazine of political rebellion and dissent, influenced by socialism, feminism and green politics. more »

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