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  Last updated: 24 May 2013
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Socialist Democracy Bulletin - May 2013
1913 – 2013  Unfinished Business?
The parallels with today hardly need explaining. Workers are ground down by the coalition 
government and the occupying Troika. The unfinished business is to repudiate the debt, expel
the Troika and build new and independent working class organisations. Its immediate focus is 
the battle to prevent Croke Park ll being imposed and prevent another sell-out. (read more)

Workers reject Croke Park II
Is the long retreat over? The decisive rejection of the Croke Park ll deal by public sector workers
is certainly dramatic, especially in the teeth of the majority of the trade union bureaucracy who 
negotiated the deal and tried to force it through. (read more)

Abortion in Ireland: illusion of reform
The expectation that the public outcry over the death of Savita Halappanavar would lead to a liberalisation
of Ireland's abortion laws has been dealt a blow by the outcome of her inquest and by the details of 
legislation and guidelines brought forward by the government. (read more)

A Bankrupt Leadership
The trade union movement in the North of Ireland has been operating a very simple model. Local democracy,
as exemplified by the comic opera Stormont executive, represents a mechanism through which trade unions 
can lobby the local parties and achieve gains for their members. (read more)

Jerry Hicks vote in UNITE: A victory for the grassroots!
Jerry Hicks campaign in the recent election for General Secretary in Unite The Union has witnessed a 
significant step forward for the Grass Roots Left (GRL). In the face of determined and unprincipled opposition 
by an array of conservative political groups in alliance with the union bureaucracy. The GRL advanced from a
vote of just over 53,000 in the last leadership election to almost 80,000 this time around.  (read more) 

Next edition - May/June 2013


Water charges, privatisation: A modest proposal - 23/05/13

Critique and slander: D.R.O'Connor Lysaght and Ireland's Historical revisionists - 21/05/13

Interview with D.R.O'Connor Lysaght - 10/05/13

Continuation of debate on Republican Socialism - 17/05/13

A shared future in the North of Ireland? - 15/05/13

Peace in Colombia: Reality, Myth and Wishful Thinking - April 2013

Correspondence: Thatcher myth rebuffed - 11/05/13

Transforming your care: Stormont preys on the elderly - 08/05/13

GFA - Thatcher’s progressive legacy? - 18/04/13

The resistible results of Margaret Thatcher - 15/04/13

Jerry Hicks on UNITE GS election result - 15/04/13

Response to report on éirígí Easter commemoration - 08/04/13

Statement - Rebuilding the Resistance - 13/04/13

Meath by-election - Capitalism, austerity triumph over workers' rights - 06/04/13

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