- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 24008
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Lynda Nyangweso on cyber bullying
#ACurveIs with Linda Nyangweso, Radio Presenter at Kiss FM
Alaine's interview with Shaffie Weru and Lynda Nyangweso
Lynda Nyangweso Reveals That She Can Now Breastfeed In Public Without Covering Up
#CelebQuickfire: Lynda Nyangweso finally reveals when she lost her virginity
Shaffie Weru's message to Lynda Nyangweso on her wedding day
Lindah Nyangweso 1. 2012_flv.mp4
Nyangweso by Anyona
Female Circumcision: The Interplay of Religion 2007 by Mary Nyangweso Wangila
Walter Nyangweso Graduates
#ACurveIs.... is an initiative of Plus Fabulosity and Black Perl to create awareness on body image and confidence in the Plus Size Community by featuring various artists, Tv Personalities and Politicians. The campaign is being run as a build up to #MissPlusSizeKenya2015 happening on 31st October at Weston Hotel, 6pm-11pm The campaign is being run as a build up to #MissPlusSizeKenya2015 happening on 31st October at Weston Hotel, 6pm-11pm
Just visit : http://bit.ly/251cGqO 80n54y-2016
2012 Beulah Heights University Graduation - Walter Nyangweso receives his diploma
Nairobi's largest burger, a mammoth of a food monster, stared at me blankly: a foot-tall premium beef burger with 1.5 kg of beef patties, all of Brew Bistro's 40 toppings oozed out of every nook and cranny, a cone of what seemed like at the time "never-ending" pit of hand-cut thick fries, and a foaming 2L pitcher of beer. In total, weighing 11 kg, it suddenly dawned on me: How the hell was I going to consume all of that in 60 minutes, and what did I get myself into? http://www.capitalfm.co.ke/lifestyle/2013/05/16/nairobis-largest-burger-did-susan-wong-manage-to-conquer/
For the love of #AdelleOnyango RadioAfrica teen station #KISS100 presenter
nunca me digas que no puedo
nunca me digas que creer
no ves que ya tengo miedo
no me pongas tus cadenas
perdóname si no te sigo
pero me aburre caminar
me construí unas alas de cartón
y voy a intentar llegar al sol
aunque me muera de calor
un vuelo en llamas
bautizo lumino
reparo los magnetos del amor
mientras mis alas
se desintegrarán
y vuelvo a caer una vez más
en el rincón
uh! en el rincón
uh! me queme
uh vuelvo a intentar
mataste al verbo con saliva
con tu lenguaje natural
creo que aún hay esperanza
y por eso me vuelvo a rasurar
todas las penas de una vez
y vuelo en llamas
bautizo lumino
recargo los magnetos del amor
y abro mis alas
sin más superstición
que la que me llevo a abandonar
un vuelo en llamas
bautizo lumino
recargo los magnetos del amor
mientras mis alas
se desintegrarán
y vuelvo a caer una vez más
en el rincón
uh! en el rincón
uh! me queme
uh! vuelvo a intentar