News and events

Ciara Doyle DPAC speaking at Saturday's Benefit Justice Summit2

Another 15,000 join the unemployment numbers. Benefit Justice Summit2 forms Anti-Bedroom tax and Benefit Justice Federation and calls Day of Action on 1st June

Saturday's Barnsley Against the Bedroom Tax march

Spanish anti-eviction campaigner Alberto Portillo to speak at Benefit Justice Summit. Sat 11 May 11am Westminster Central Hall.

IDS nosferatu

IDS caught lying again. Stop the Benefit Cuts. Benefit Justice Summit 2 Sat 11 May London


Another 70,000 join the dole queue. Help co-ordinate the fightback. Sign up for Benefit Justice Summit 2 Saturday 11 May Central London

IDS nosferatu

IDS lies about benefit cap. Sign up for Benefit Justice Summit2 Sat 11 May Central London

campaign for benefit justice logo

Thousands protest at weekend in more than 50 towns and cities. Book now for Summit II on 11th May at Westminster Central Hall

Right to Work workfare protest McDonalds Oxford Street

Labour throw the Tories and their rotten workfare a lifeline. PCS strikes and protests on budget day show how Tory austerity can be beaten.

Summit backs Budget day protest and PCS strike on March 20. Second Benefit Justice Summit called for 11 May.

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