Alan Watts - Drug Abuse
published: 11 May 2013
Combating Prescription Drug Abuse
While most prescription pain medicines are used as prescribed, some criminals and addicts ...
Painkiller - Drug Abuse Short Film
Short student film about a boy who gets bullied and resorts to substance drug abuse. Shows...
published: 30 Mar 2013
Narcotics Anonymous Commercial
So, for Creative Writing, we had to write a screenplay for a commercial and either act it ...
published: 13 May 2013
author: Ember4501
The Pineal Gland and Fluoride, what you need to know!
Serotonin= Is what levels out our moods and keeps us from being depressed. So when it's lo...
published: 13 May 2013
author: Mama Rosa
Reality of Teen Drug Abuse
This video was created in order to show the REALITY of what teen drug abuse is about, not ...
published: 18 Dec 2012
Drug Abuse is Life Abuse
Mesquite ISD Film 2013 Festival Finalist School: John Horn High School Instructor: Mayo Pr...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: Mesquite ISD
Bath Salts Drug Abuse (Video)
"The man is strapped onto a gurney and restrained, yet he is singing, making faces and twi...
published: 05 Jun 2012
Overtaken Documentary (Edited) [Original Version]
Jodi Barber and Christine Brant have teamed up with Ashley Media to produce a documentary ...
published: 08 May 2012
author: Kaard Bombe
Dauphin County summit warns of prescription drug abuse
Dauphin County hosted a summit Tuesday with experts warning prescription drug abuse is now...
published: 08 May 2013
author: wgaltv
Governor Christie With Jon Bon Jovi: A Life Saved From Drug Abuse Can Be A Life Restored
published: 02 May 2013
abuse !!
published: 14 May 2013
author: Glynbrown
Prescription Drug Abuse PSA by @RyanRstar
"Prescription Drug Abuse PSA" Starring/Written by @RyanRstar Shot & Edited by @ShotByDC Su...
published: 25 Apr 2013
Faces of Prescription Drug Abuse: Michael Donta
Ashland, Ky. father Mike Donta talks about his son Michael's struggle with prescription dr...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: kyoag
Youtube results:
Drug abuse rampant within US military
According to the Institute of Medicine, drug abuse within the US Army is so rampant it's c...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: RTAmerica
The Silent High: Prescription Drug Abuse
Hazelden in Chicago's clinical director David Cohen is featured in this news piece from AB...
published: 02 May 2013
Drugs And Beyond - 1971 Drug Abuse & Social Guidance / Educational Documentary
Examines the potential for manipulation and alteration of man's life through the use and a...
published: 04 May 2013
author: Val73TV4
PBS NewsHour Excerpt: Prescription Drug Abuse aired 5-3-13
In this excerpt from the PBS NewsHour, correspondent Betty Ann Bowser looks at what Oklaho...
published: 06 May 2013
author: oklahomanews