Many sunscreens contain lower SPF than labels claim, study finds

Edit CNN 18 May 2016
(CNN)Nearly half of sunscreen products in the United States do not live up to the SPF claim on their bottles, according to a new study ... Any reduction would block fewer UVB rays from sunlight, which can cause sunburn and skin cancer ... Sunscreens with chemical active ingredients, such as avobenzone and ecamsule, were found to perform better than those with "natural" or mineral active ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide ... ......

How to choose the best sunscreen for sun damaged skin?

Edit The Examiner 06 May 2016
Sun damage on skin is the precursor of not only wrinkles and age spots but it could also lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Practically the only way to protect yourself from the damaging effects of the sun is by wearing sunscreen. That, and never ever seeing the light of day ever ... Pro tip ... ecamsule, avobenzone, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone, octylmethyl cinnamate, salicylate or zinc oxide ... ....

How to Choose the Best Sunscreen for Surfing

Edit 21 Feb 2016
According to the National Cancer Institute, there were more than one million new cases of skin cancer in the United States in 2010. Of those new cases, less than one thousand of them resulted in death. Mathematically, those odds of surviving skin cancer are pretty good ... So what are we to do? ... They do this in two ways. ... titanium dioxide, zinc oxide , ecamsule, avobenzone, oxybenzone, or sulisobenzone.Special Consideration for Surfers ... ....

What You Should Look For in a Sunscreen

Edit 21 Feb 2016
Alberto Pomares/E+/Getty Images. A New York Times article on the FDA's new sunscreen rules stated that even with sunscreen sales approaching $1 billion a year, skin cancer rates continue to rise ... Sun Exposure & Skin of Color ... Misleading Product Claims ... 1 ... To ensure that a sunscreen has UVA protection you can also check the ingredient list for avobenzone, ecamsule, oxybenzone, sulisobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide. 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5....

Sunscreen: No more excuses

Edit Yahoo Daily News 17 Dec 2015
undefined. Women know they should wear sunscreen every day of the year, but only 31% do, according to a recent poll ...  . The chemicals in sunscreen are probably more dangerous than sun exposure". Reality check ... Reality check ... Reality check ... The study specifically looked for UVA filters such as avobenzone, octocrylene, ecamsule (also known as Mexoryl SA) and zinc oxide in 29 of the best-selling day creams in the US....

Men, hormones and skin

Edit Jamaica Observer 20 Sep 2015
"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old." - George Burns. MEN age much more slowly than women. They tend to get on the anti-ageing bandwagon later than women, and when they do, they are highly secretive. They share their secrets with no one ... Men have thicker skin, more acidic skin environs, and testosterone causes more sweat production ... Zinc oxide, titanium dioxie, cinnamates, salicylates, avobenzone, and ecamsule ... ....

Statement by Farah Ahmed, Chair, Sunscreen Committee Personal Care Products Council In Response to FDA Announcement on New Sunscreen Ingredient Applications (Personal Care Product Council)

Edit noodls 07 Mar 2015
(Source. Personal Care Product Council). "We are very disappointed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) preliminary decision on the last two pending sunscreen ingredients, ecamsule and enzacamene.  On February 24, 2015, the Agency announced that it needed additional data before it could approve these ingredients - ingredients that have been approved and used safely by millions of consumers worldwide ...   ... ### ... (noodl....

U.S. FDA wants more data on sunscreen additives before approval

Edit Reuters 24 Feb 2015
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S ... The additives, ecamsule and enzacamene, are to protect the skin against cancer-causing ultra-violet (UV) rays ... consumers ... L'Oreal applied for review of ecamsule in 2007 and Buchanan Ingersoll sought a review of enzacamene in 2002 on behalf of Merck & Co Inc, whose consumer business is now owned by Bayer AG ... (Reporting by Susan Heavey) ....

Summer Sun Safety: Tips for Skin Cancer Prevention in Your Car

Edit PR Newswire 03 Jul 2014
... cloudy outside and use about an ounce (two tablespoons) of sunscreen over your entire body, including the face.  Because UVA passes through the window glass, make sure your sunscreen contains some combination of UVA-shielding ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, stabilized avobenzone, or ecamsule (as found in L'Oreal MexorylTM)....

Your biggest skin cancer risk? You might be driving it

Edit The Examiner 02 Jul 2014
Southern Californians love their cars. Whether it is a weekend cruise down the Pacific Coast Highway or just the daily commute down a crowded L.A. freeway, the majority of our time is spent behind the wheel ... The reason might be the very thing you are sitting in - your car ... UVA-blocking ingredients that are a must include zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, stabilized avobenzone, and ecamsule (Mexory) ... Treat your vehicle to window film ... ....

Fresh sunscreen ingredients stuck in FDA backlog

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 28 May 2014
European sunbathers tend to wear less on the beach than their American counterparts, but they may be better protected when it comes to sunscreen ... But they haven't seen the light of day in the U.S ... Eight sunscreen ingredients are pending before the U.S ... Ed Whitfield, R-Kentucky ... They include ecamsule, also known as Mexoryl, and Tinosorb, and health experts believe they may be better than anything currently available in this country....

FDA review of new sunscreen ingredients has languished for years, frustrating advocates

Edit The Washington Post 20 Mar 2014
The pending applications at FDA include chemical filters such as Tinosorb B, Tinosorb M and Mexoryl SX (also known as ecamsule), which experts say offer stronger UVA protection and could allow manufacturers to create sunscreen formulations that last longer and feel better on consumers’ skin, making them more likely to use them....