- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 84114

Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A | Part 1
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. T...
published: 22 Aug 2012
Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A | Part 1
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. Toby is A. But he is not the REAL A. Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Toby is part of the A team. [IMPORTANT: READ DESCRIPTION]
LIKE our newly created FACEBOOK PAGE for
The show has been giving us very visible clues that are impossible to
ignore—only the old Jenna can't see them. Like our Facebook Page;
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel; and Follow Us on Twitter. Like and
Share the never-before-seen —A photos EXCLUSIVE from Best TV Videos.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheBestTVvideos
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/TheBestTVvideos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestTVvideos
Blogger: http://besttvvideo.blogspot.com/
Playlist: Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy-hnVr_Zso
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqoLXfM1xU
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEX_NTG-IYk
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MxZGXZBns
The Betrayal Series
Evidence 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzOTVpka7iY&feature;=plcp
Evidence 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrMZ1dt_N0&feature;=plcp
Toby is the Betrayer:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHpb5szqoU8&feature;=plcp
Make sure to watch all the videos.
Watch closely and make sure to pay attention to details.
The biggest clue on the show: "Nothing is as it seems."
Play the video again and take a closer look.
We missed to point out that the "I see you" written on Ezra's car wasn't signed by A--because it wasn't done by A; he was inside the car when it happened.
The main idea that the writers want the viewers to see on these scenes is that Noel Kahn is the real A; but if you analyze the whole situation from a different perspective, you'd see that it's the other way around. Noel just seemed guilty because he wrote the letter A on the essay, but in reality, he was just saying: I know you're A.
[Latest Update: Toby is the betrayer! This proves our point.]
In movies and TV, the person whom you least expect to be the bad guy is
usually the bad guy--or killer in most cases. It only makes sense; no one
likes a predictable ending. Having said this, the same logic applies to the
show Pretty Little Liars. A big part of the show's success is due to the
mystery behind A's identity. So let's go straight to the point and talk
about who this A really is.
There's no fun if A would turn out to be Jenna and Melissa. They're on
top of the list of the guilty ones, and it's a given that they're hiding
something; but they're not A. "Nothing is as it seems."
In the previous seasons, the bad guys and suspected A's were Melissa,
Toby, and Jenna. The writers made them obvious suspects. But who
turned out to be the bad guys? A police officer (Garrett) and what seemed
to be a harmless nerd (Lucas). And who turned out to be [fake] A in the end? It was Mona. In the first 20 plus episodes, Mona seemed dumb and harmless. The writers made her appear that way. Why? Because it would have a bigger impact once they reveal that she's A--or one of the real A's followers. Imagine if it were Jenna all along? Not so exciting, right? But Jenna's not off the hook just yet. She has a connection with A. The woman got blind for God's sake; she was obviously looking for some kind of revenge. We'll find out what that connection is soon enough.
Of course, the writers also have to consider how the audience would react when they reveal the real A and/or Alison's killer. A lot of fans would be really
disappointed if it's Ezra or one of the girls. With this in mind, the possible A and/or killer is Toby or Jason. They were bad-guys-turned-good-guys. It would also be
a good twist if one of them turns out to be the bad guy, and that the liars were right all along.
- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 84114

Walang Iba Ezra Band (Lyrics)
Hope you'll love it guys.. Season's Greetings to all lovers out there! plz subcribe! thank...
published: 11 Dec 2010
Walang Iba Ezra Band (Lyrics)
Hope you'll love it guys.. Season's Greetings to all lovers out there! plz subcribe! thanks!!! ^_^
- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 4868311

Ezra - France 1/2 @ Beatbox Battle Convention 2008
Ezra from Angers, France live at the 1st International Beatbox Battle Convention Days in B...
published: 20 Feb 2008
Ezra - France 1/2 @ Beatbox Battle Convention 2008
Ezra from Angers, France live at the 1st International Beatbox Battle Convention Days in Berlin, Germany. The whole beatboxing music festival was produced and organised by Bee Low for Beatbox Battle Networks.
Booking: info@beatboxbooking.com
Caixa da Batida Bôite à Rythme Bit Boks κτυπήστε το κιβώτιο Mond Percusie 拍子盒 Scatola di Battute 비트박스 коробка удара 敲打箱子 Vocale Percussie صخبا الطرق Biittaus Mulakrobat Szájdob Maultrommel Beat Box
- published: 20 Feb 2008
- views: 98650

why ezra could be A "pretty little liars"
ok so i've always had a lot of clues that point out to ezra being A so i decided to put th...
published: 24 Sep 2012
why ezra could be A "pretty little liars"
ok so i've always had a lot of clues that point out to ezra being A so i decided to put them all together in this video. it includes scenes and pictures from the show. please like comment and share this video with all your friends. enjoy :)
- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 9897

Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A | Part 2
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. T...
published: 22 Aug 2012
Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A | Part 2
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. Toby is A. But he is not the REAL A. Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Toby is part of the A team. [IMPORTANT: READ DESCRIPTION]
LIKE our newly created FACEBOOK PAGE for
The show has been giving us very visible clues that are impossible to
ignore—only the old Jenna can't see them. Like our Facebook Page;
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel; and Follow Us on Twitter. Like and
Share the never-before-seen —A photos EXCLUSIVE from Best TV Videos.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Best-TV-Videos/220073794786766
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestTVvideos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestTVvideos
Blogger: http://besttvvideo.blogspot.com/
Playlist: Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy-hnVr_Zso
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqoLXfM1xU
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEX_NTG-IYk
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MxZGXZBns
The Betrayal Series
Evidence 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzOTVpka7iY&feature;=plcp
Evidence 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrMZ1dt_N0&feature;=plcp
Toby is the Betrayer:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHpb5szqoU8&feature;=plcp
Make sure to watch all the videos.
Watch closely and make sure to pay attention to details.
The biggest clue on the show: "Nothing is as it seems."
Play the video again and take a closer look.
The main idea that the writers want the viewers to see on these scenes is that Noel Kahn is the real A; but if you analyze the whole situation from a different perspective, you'd see that it's the other way around. Noel just seemed guilty because he wrote the letter A on the essay, but in reality, he was just saying: I know you're A.
[Latest Update: Toby is the betrayer! This proves our point.]
In movies and TV, the person whom you least expect to be the bad guy is
usually the bad guy--or killer in most cases. It only makes sense; no one
likes a predictable ending. Having said this, the same logic applies to the
show Pretty Little Liars. A big part of the show's success is due to the
mystery behind A's identity. So let's go straight to the point and talk
about who this A really is.
There's no fun if A would turn out to be Jenna and Melissa. They're on
top of the list of the guilty ones, and it's a given that they're hiding
something; but they're not A. "Nothing is as it seems."
In the previous seasons, the bad guys and suspected A's were Melissa,
Toby, and Jenna. The writers made them obvious suspects. But who
turned out to be the bad guys? A police officer (Garrett) and what seemed
to be a harmless nerd (Lucas). And who turned out to be [fake] A in the end? It was Mona. In the first 20 plus episodes, Mona seemed dumb and harmless. The writers made her appear that way. Why? Because it would have a bigger impact once they reveal that she's A--or one of the real A's followers. Imagine if it were Jenna all along? Not so exciting, right? But Jenna's not off the hook just yet. She has a connection with A. The woman got blind for God's sake; she was obviously looking for some kind of revenge. We'll find out what that connection is soon enough.
Of course, the writers also have to consider how the audience would react when they reveal the real A and/or Alison's killer. A lot of fans would be really
disappointed if it's Ezra or one of the girls. With this in mind, the possible A and/or killer is Toby or Jason. They were bad-guys-turned-good-guys. It would also be
a good twist if one of them turns out to be the bad guy, and that the liars were right all along.
- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 54469

Ezra Miller Interview on 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' Film, "Technicolor Dream of Weirdness"
Young breakout actor talks about new film and his own weirdness. For more, click here: htt...
published: 28 Sep 2012
Ezra Miller Interview on 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' Film, "Technicolor Dream of Weirdness"
Young breakout actor talks about new film and his own weirdness. For more, click here: http://abcnews.go.com/entertainment
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 59332

WALANG IBA by ezra band
after baliw by kiss jane... Walng iba by Ezra nmn binanatan koh hahhaa... hope u like it u...
published: 30 Dec 2010
WALANG IBA by ezra band
after baliw by kiss jane... Walng iba by Ezra nmn binanatan koh hahhaa... hope u like it ulet...
- published: 30 Dec 2010
- views: 6514710

Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Ezra is the Real A | Aria 1
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. T...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Ezra is the Real A | Aria 1
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. Toby is A. But he is not the REAL A.
Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Toby is part of the A team.
While they have been leaving clues that Ezra is the real A, the writers have seem to be leaving significant clues that leads to Aria, as well. Looks like there's gonna be a battle of "who's the real A" in the series finale. That would be an epic turn of events. All of them will be torn and the only two suspects left are Aria and Ezra. On this specific situation, Ezra is the real A. Aria killed Alison and Ezra's back to avenge Alison's death as he was in love with her. The most brilliant thing about the show is that on almost every evidence that Ezra is the real A, Aria is there. Best example is on the episode "unmAsked". They were the only ones who were literally unmasked. We're thinking that one is a red herring and one is the real A. We'll try to explain this further on our next post, but until then, think about this for now.
LIKE our newly created FACEBOOK PAGE for
The show has been giving us very visible clues that are impossible to
ignore—only the old Jenna can't see them. Like our Facebook Page;
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel; and Follow Us on Twitter. Like and
Share the never-before-seen —A photos EXCLUSIVE from Best TV Videos.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Best-TV-Videos/220073794786766
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestTVvideos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestTVvideos
Blogger: http://besttvvideo.blogspot.com/
Playlist: Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy-hnVr_Zso
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqoLXfM1xU
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEX_NTG-IYk
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MxZGXZBns
The Betrayal Series
Evidence 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzOTVpka7iY&feature;=plcp
Evidence 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrMZ1dt_N0&feature;=plcp
Toby is the Betrayer:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHpb5szqoU8&feature;=plcp
Make sure to watch all the videos.
Watch closely and make sure to pay attention to details.
The biggest clue on the show: "Nothing is as it seems."
Play the video again and take a closer look.
The main idea that the writers want the viewers to see on these scenes is that Noel Kahn is the real A; but if you analyze the whole situation from a different perspective, you'd see that it's the other way around. Noel just seemed guilty because he wrote the letter A on the essay, but in reality, he was just saying: I know you're A.
[Latest Update: Toby is the betrayer! This proves our point.]
In movies and TV, the person whom you least expect to be the bad guy is
usually the bad guy--or killer in most cases. It only makes sense; no one
likes a predictable ending. Having said this, the same logic applies to the
show Pretty Little Liars. A big part of the show's success is due to the
mystery behind A's identity. So let's go straight to the point and talk
about who this A really is.
There's no fun if A would turn out to be Jenna and Melissa. They're on
top of the list of the guilty ones, and it's a given that they're hiding
something; but they're not A. "Nothing is as it seems."
In the previous seasons, the bad guys and suspected A's were Melissa,
Toby, and Jenna. The writers made them obvious suspects. But who
turned out to be the bad guys? A police officer (Garrett) and what seemed
to be a harmless nerd (Lucas). And who turned out to be [fake] A in the end? It was Mona. In the first 20 plus episodes, Mona seemed dumb and harmless. The writers made her appear that way. Why? Because it would have a bigger impact once they reveal that she's A--or one of the real A's followers. Imagine if it were Jenna all along? Not so exciting, right? But Jenna's not off the hook just yet. She has a connection with A. The woman got blind for God's sake; she was obviously looking for some kind of revenge. We'll find out what that connection is soon enough.
Of course, the writers also have to consider how the audience would react when they reveal the real A and/or Alison's killer. A lot of fans would be really
disappointed if it's Ezra or one of the girls. With this in mind, the possible A and/or killer is Toby or Jason. They were bad-guys-turned-good-guys. It would also be
a good twist if one of them turns out to be the bad guy, and that the liars were right all along.
- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 42832

EZRA BAND - Wonderful Tonight
published: 02 Mar 2010
EZRA BAND - Wonderful Tonight
download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?flnnmzuxilj
- published: 02 Mar 2010
- views: 475657

Ezra & Aria | Top Five Scenes - Season One
Here are the top five Ezria scenes from season one - voted by the fans from the Ezra & Ari...
published: 27 Apr 2011
Ezra & Aria | Top Five Scenes - Season One
Here are the top five Ezria scenes from season one - voted by the fans from the Ezra & Aria Facebook, Twitter, & LiveJournal!
Meant to bring the fans together! No copyright infringement intended!
These are the episodes the moments are from:
#5 - 1x21 - "Monsters in the End"
#4 - 1x14 - "Careful What U Wish 4"
#3 - 1x10 - "Keep Your Friends Close"
#2 - 1x13 - "Know Your Frenemies"
#1 - 1x02 - "The Jenna Thing"
- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 86292

Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Ezra is the Real A | Part 1
Hours before the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer....
published: 28 Aug 2012
Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Ezra is the Real A | Part 1
Hours before the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. Toby is A. But he is not the REAL A.
Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Toby is part of the A team.
LIKE our newly created FACEBOOK PAGE for
The show has been giving us very visible clues that are impossible to
ignore—only the old Jenna can't see them. Like our Facebook Page;
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel; and Follow Us on Twitter. Like and
Share the never-before-seen —A photos EXCLUSIVE from Best TV Videos.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Best-TV-Videos/220073794786766
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestTVvideos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestTVvideos
Blogger: http://besttvvideo.blogspot.com/
Playlist: Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy-hnVr_Zso
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqoLXfM1xU
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEX_NTG-IYk
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MxZGXZBns
The Betrayal Series
Evidence 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzOTVpka7iY&feature;=plcp
Evidence 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrMZ1dt_N0&feature;=plcp
Toby is the Betrayer:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHpb5szqoU8&feature;=plcp
Make sure to watch all the videos.
Watch closely and make sure to pay attention to details.
The biggest clue on the show: "Nothing is as it seems."
Play the video again and take a closer look.
[Latest Update: Toby is the betrayer! This proves our point.]
In movies and TV, the person whom you least expect to be the bad guy is
usually the bad guy--or killer in most cases. It only makes sense; no one
likes a predictable ending. Having said this, the same logic applies to the
show Pretty Little Liars. A big part of the show's success is due to the
mystery behind A's identity. So let's go straight to the point and talk
about who this A really is.
There's no fun if A would turn out to be Jenna and Melissa. They're on
top of the list of the guilty ones, and it's a given that they're hiding
something; but they're not A. "Nothing is as it seems."
In the previous seasons, the bad guys and suspected A's were Melissa,
Toby, and Jenna. The writers made them obvious suspects. But who
turned out to be the bad guys? A police officer (Garrett) and what seemed
to be a harmless nerd (Lucas). And who turned out to be [fake] A in the end? It was Mona. In the first 20 plus episodes, Mona seemed dumb and harmless. The writers made her appear that way. Why? Because it would have a bigger impact once they reveal that she's A--or one of the real A's followers. Imagine if it were Jenna all along? Not so exciting, right? But Jenna's not off the hook just yet. She has a connection with A. The woman got blind for God's sake; she was obviously looking for some kind of revenge. We'll find out what that connection is soon enough.
Of course, the writers also have to consider how the audience would react when they reveal the real A and/or Alison's killer. A lot of fans would be really
disappointed if it's Ezra or one of the girls. With this in mind, the possible A and/or killer is Toby or Jason. They were bad-guys-turned-good-guys. It would also be
a good twist if one of them turns out to be the bad guy, and that the liars were right all along.
- published: 28 Aug 2012
- views: 171378

Ian Harding Talks Aria & Ezra Pretty Little Liars Season 3!
Ian Harding Talks Aria & Ezra 'Pretty Little Liars' Season 3!
Subscribe | http://bit.ly/Su...
published: 01 Jun 2012
Ian Harding Talks Aria & Ezra Pretty Little Liars Season 3!
Ian Harding Talks Aria & Ezra 'Pretty Little Liars' Season 3!
Subscribe | http://bit.ly/Sub2HotMinute
Send Chels a Tweet! | http://bit.ly/TweetChelsea
Follow Hollywire! | http://bit.ly/TweetHollywire
Ian Harding chatted about Pretty Little Liars Season 3 surprises, and also how much the relationship between Aria and Ezra is oging to develop. My favorite part about the interview is when he laughs about making out with Lucy Hale on set and how NOT romantic it is. Hilarious! He also talks about how his character is going to be effeected by the reveal of "A" and who else he thinks could be a part of the "A" squad! WATCH HERE!!
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 76097
Youtube results:

Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Ezra is the Real A | Emily 1
Hours before the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer....
published: 11 Sep 2012
Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Ezra is the Real A | Emily 1
Hours before the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. Toby is A. But he is not the REAL A.
Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Toby is part of the A team.
LIKE our newly created FACEBOOK PAGE for
The show has been giving us very visible clues that are impossible to
ignore—only the old Jenna can't see them. Like our Facebook Page;
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel; and Follow Us on Twitter. Like and
Share the never-before-seen —A photos EXCLUSIVE from Best TV Videos.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Best-TV-Videos/220073794786766
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestTVvideos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestTVvideos
Blogger: http://besttvvideo.blogspot.com/
Playlist: Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy-hnVr_Zso
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqoLXfM1xU
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEX_NTG-IYk
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MxZGXZBns
The Betrayal Series
Evidence 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzOTVpka7iY&feature;=plcp
Evidence 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrMZ1dt_N0&feature;=plcp
Toby is the Betrayer:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHpb5szqoU8&feature;=plcp
Make sure to watch all the videos.
Watch closely and make sure to pay attention to details.
The biggest clue on the show: "Nothing is as it seems."
Play the video again and take a closer look.
[Latest Update: Toby is the betrayer! This proves our point.]
In movies and TV, the person whom you least expect to be the bad guy is
usually the bad guy--or killer in most cases. It only makes sense; no one
likes a predictable ending. Having said this, the same logic applies to the
show Pretty Little Liars. A big part of the show's success is due to the
mystery behind A's identity. So let's go straight to the point and talk
about who this A really is.
There's no fun if A would turn out to be Jenna and Melissa. They're on
top of the list of the guilty ones, and it's a given that they're hiding
something; but they're not A. "Nothing is as it seems."
In the previous seasons, the bad guys and suspected A's were Melissa,
Toby, and Jenna. The writers made them obvious suspects. But who
turned out to be the bad guys? A police officer (Garrett) and what seemed
to be a harmless nerd (Lucas). And who turned out to be [fake] A in the end? It was Mona. In the first 20 plus episodes, Mona seemed dumb and harmless. The writers made her appear that way. Why? Because it would have a bigger impact once they reveal that she's A--or one of the real A's followers. Imagine if it were Jenna all along? Not so exciting, right? But Jenna's not off the hook just yet. She has a connection with A. The woman got blind for God's sake; she was obviously looking for some kind of revenge. We'll find out what that connection is soon enough.
Of course, the writers also have to consider how the audience would react when they reveal the real A and/or Alison's killer. A lot of fans would be really
disappointed if it's Ezra or one of the girls. With this in mind, the possible A and/or killer is Toby or Jason. They were bad-guys-turned-good-guys. It would also be
a good twist if one of them turns out to be the bad guy, and that the liars were right all along.
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 11653

Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A | Part 3
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. T...
published: 22 Aug 2012
Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A | Part 3
Days after the BetrAyal, a secret is revealed: Ezra is the real A.
Toby is the Betrayer. Toby is A. But he is not the REAL A. Pretty Little Liars | The Betrayal | Toby is part of the A team. [IMPORTANT: READ DESCRIPTION]
LIKE our newly created FACEBOOK PAGE for
The show has been giving us very visible clues that are impossible to
ignore—only the old Jenna can't see them. Like our Facebook Page;
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel; and Follow Us on Twitter. Like and
Share the never-before-seen —A photos EXCLUSIVE from Best TV Videos.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Best-TV-Videos/220073794786766
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBestTVvideos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestTVvideos
Blogger: http://besttvvideo.blogspot.com/
Playlist: Pretty Little Liars: Secrets Revealed | Ezra is the Real A
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy-hnVr_Zso
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqoLXfM1xU
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEX_NTG-IYk
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8MxZGXZBns
The Betrayal Series
Evidence 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzOTVpka7iY&feature;=plcp
Evidence 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrMZ1dt_N0&feature;=plcp
Toby is the Betrayer:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHpb5szqoU8&feature;=plcp
Make sure to watch all the videos.
Watch closely and make sure to pay attention to details.
The biggest clue on the show: "Nothing is as it seems."
Play the video again and take a closer look.
The main idea that the writers want the viewers to see on these scenes is that Noel Kahn is the real A; but if you analyze the whole situation from a different perspective, you'd see that it's the other way around. Noel just seemed guilty because he wrote the letter A on the essay, but in reality, he was just saying: I know you're A.
[Latest Update: Toby is the betrayer! This proves our point.]
In movies and TV, the person whom you least expect to be the bad guy is
usually the bad guy--or killer in most cases. It only makes sense; no one
likes a predictable ending. Having said this, the same logic applies to the
show Pretty Little Liars. A big part of the show's success is due to the
mystery behind A's identity. So let's go straight to the point and talk
about who this A really is.
There's no fun if A would turn out to be Jenna and Melissa. They're on
top of the list of the guilty ones, and it's a given that they're hiding
something; but they're not A. "Nothing is as it seems."
In the previous seasons, the bad guys and suspected A's were Melissa,
Toby, and Jenna. The writers made them obvious suspects. But who
turned out to be the bad guys? A police officer (Garrett) and what seemed
to be a harmless nerd (Lucas). And who turned out to be [fake] A in the end? It was Mona. In the first 20 plus episodes, Mona seemed dumb and harmless. The writers made her appear that way. Why? Because it would have a bigger impact once they reveal that she's A--or one of the real A's followers. Imagine if it were Jenna all along? Not so exciting, right? But Jenna's not off the hook just yet. She has a connection with A. The woman got blind for God's sake; she was obviously looking for some kind of revenge. We'll find out what that connection is soon enough.
Of course, the writers also have to consider how the audience would react when they reveal the real A and/or Alison's killer. A lot of fans would be really
disappointed if it's Ezra or one of the girls. With this in mind, the possible A and/or killer is Toby or Jason. They were bad-guys-turned-good-guys. It would also be
a good twist if one of them turns out to be the bad guy, and that the liars were right all along.
- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 36721

"Idle No More" Attacks Ezra Levant at a Toronto Demonstration
The "Idle No More" movement, which considers itself spiritual, held a rally in front of th...
published: 20 Jan 2013
"Idle No More" Attacks Ezra Levant at a Toronto Demonstration
The "Idle No More" movement, which considers itself spiritual, held a rally in front of the SUN News building in Toronto. Ezra Levant, who tried to speak with them, was treated to a flood of insults. The participants held a sign showing the SUN logo changed to a swastika and another one urging the SUN staff to go back to Europe. Other than some drumming, the spirituality was absent from the event.
- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 23661

PGT Semi Finals 052210 - EZRA Band - Right here waiting
video Courtesy of Pilipinas Got Talent / ABSCBN
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published: 22 May 2010
PGT Semi Finals 052210 - EZRA Band - Right here waiting
video Courtesy of Pilipinas Got Talent / ABSCBN
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2331 for GLOBE, SUN, TM
231 for SMART, TALK n TEXT
- published: 22 May 2010
- views: 340393