- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 47430
- author: MuonRay
Higgs Boson Discovery announcement by Peter Higgs
4th of July 2012, this is the day the Higgs Boson was discovered by the human race. After ...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: MuonRay
Higgs Boson Discovery announcement by Peter Higgs
4th of July 2012, this is the day the Higgs Boson was discovered by the human race. After 45 years of searching, Peter Higgs can now announce to the world how he has seen the culmination of his life's work finally blossom into a tangible result, a result which has brought an all too human emotion to this triumph. Francois Englert, Carl Hagen and Gerald Guralnik are also present in this announcement, who created the theory along with Robert Brout. For this reason it will most likely be renamed the HEB-Boson. The Higgs field and resulting Higgs boson are a vital part of the Electroweak Interaction and the Standard Model of Particle Physics. In the absence of the Higgs field, when a Local Gauge is applied to the Lagrangian of the Electroweak Interaction we are left with force-carrying bosons that are massive, the W and Z Bosons with masses of ~80GeV and ~90GeV respectively. This would be okay for the Photon as it has no mass. The Higgs mechanism was the most favoured explanation for solving this problem. In brief, the Higgs field is introduced to 'break' the symmetry of the Electroweak theory, which allows particles to have mass. This Higgs mechanism is important as it not only explains how the heavy bosons become massive but also provides an explanation as to how the fermions come to have mass. The Mechanism of the interaction is simple to understand. Where the Electroweak Interaction couples to electric and weak (or flavour) charges and the Strong Interaction couples to ...
Le boson de Higgs pour les nuls.
Le boson de Higgs, également appelé boson scalaire ou boson BEH4, est une particule élémen...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: Freestyl9Amine
Le boson de Higgs pour les nuls.
Le boson de Higgs, également appelé boson scalaire ou boson BEH4, est une particule élémentaire dont l'existence permet d'expliquer la brisure de l'interaction unifiée électrofaible en deux interactions par l'intermédiaire du mécanisme de Brout-Englert-Higgs-Hagen-Guralnik-Kibble, proposé indépendamment en 1964 par Gerald Guralnik, CR Hagen et Tom Kibble5,6,7, Robert Brout et François Englert, et Peter Higgs. Le boson BEH, quantum du champ de Higgs, confère une masse non nulle aux bosons de jauge de l'interaction faible (bosons W et boson Z), leur conférant des propriétés différentes de celles du boson de l'interaction électromagnétique, le photon. Cette particule élémentaire constitue l'une des clefs de voûte du modèle standard de la physique des particules. La connaissance de ses propriétés peut par ailleurs orienter la recherche au-delà du modèle standard et ouvrir la voie à la découverte d'une nouvelle physique, telle que la supersymétrie ou la matière noire. Le 4 juillet 2012, le CERN communique, lors d'une conférence, avoir identifié un boson scalaire présentant les caractéristiques attendues du Higgs dans un domaine de l'ordre de 125 GeV (correspondant à environ 133 fois la masse du proton) avec 5σ (99,99997 % de certitude) Le modèle standard de la physique des particules ne prédit l'existence que d'un seul boson de Higgs : on parle de « boson de Higgs standard ». Des théories au-delà du modèle standard, telles que la supersymétrie, autorisent l'existence de ...
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 15737
- author: Freestyl9Amine
'The God Particle': The Higgs Boson
www.facebook.com ... The Standard Model of Particle Physics (Chapter 8): The Higgs Mechani...
published: 18 Dec 2009
author: Best0fScience
'The God Particle': The Higgs Boson
www.facebook.com ... The Standard Model of Particle Physics (Chapter 8): The Higgs Mechanism. --- Please SUBSCRIBE to Science & Reason: • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com --- STANDARD MODEL OF PARTICLE PHYSICS: www.youtube.com 1) First Second Of The Universe: www.youtube.com 2) Force And Matter: www.youtube.com 3) Quarks: www.youtube.com 4) Gluons: www.youtube.com 5) Electrons, Protons And Neutrons: www.youtube.com 6) Photons, Gravitons & Weak Bosons: www.youtube.com 7) Neutrinos: www.youtube.com 8) The Higgs Boson / The Higgs Mechanism: www.youtube.com The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory of three of the four known fundamental interactions and the elementary particles that take part in these interactions. These particles make up all visible matter in the universe. Every high energy physics experiment carried out since the mid-20th century has eventually yielded findings consistent with the Standard Model. Still, the Standard Model falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions because it does not include gravitation, dark matter, or dark energy. It is not quite a complete description of leptons either, because it does not describe nonzero neutrino masses, although simple natural extensions do. • en.wikipedia.org --- The HIGGS BOSON is a massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model in particle physics. At present there are no other known fundamental scalar particles in nature. The Higgs ...
- published: 18 Dec 2009
- views: 679246
- author: Best0fScience
c'est quoi le boson de higgs ?
Le boson de Higgs, également appelé boson scalaire ou boson BEH4, est une particule élémen...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: Freestyl9Amine
c'est quoi le boson de higgs ?
Le boson de Higgs, également appelé boson scalaire ou boson BEH4, est une particule élémentaire dont l'existence permet d'expliquer la brisure de l'interaction unifiée électrofaible en deux interactions par l'intermédiaire du mécanisme de Brout-Englert-Higgs-Hagen-Guralnik-Kibble, proposé indépendamment en 1964 par Gerald Guralnik, CR Hagen et Tom Kibble5,6,7, Robert Brout et François Englert, et Peter Higgs. Le boson BEH, quantum du champ de Higgs, confère une masse non nulle aux bosons de jauge de l'interaction faible (bosons W et boson Z), leur conférant des propriétés différentes de celles du boson de l'interaction électromagnétique, le photon. Cette particule élémentaire constitue l'une des clefs de voûte du modèle standard de la physique des particules. La connaissance de ses propriétés peut par ailleurs orienter la recherche au-delà du modèle standard et ouvrir la voie à la découverte d'une nouvelle physique, telle que la supersymétrie ou la matière noire. Le 4 juillet 2012, le CERN communique, lors d'une conférence, avoir identifié un boson scalaire présentant les caractéristiques attendues du Higgs dans un domaine de l'ordre de 125 GeV (correspondant à environ 133 fois la masse du proton) avec 5σ (99,99997 % de certitude) Le modèle standard de la physique des particules ne prédit l'existence que d'un seul boson de Higgs : on parle de « boson de Higgs standard ». Des théories au-delà du modèle standard, telles que la supersymétrie, autorisent l'existence de ...
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 5102
- author: Freestyl9Amine
The Higgs Boson Breaks the Electroweak Symmetry Spontaneously
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
The Higgs Boson Breaks the Electroweak Symmetry Spontaneously
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 46
- author: higgsbosonlab
God Particle - Large Hadron Collider LHC
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 25 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
God Particle - Large Hadron Collider LHC
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 429
- author: higgsbosonlab
Fermions - two or more fermions cannot occupy the same space
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Fermions - two or more fermions cannot occupy the same space
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 28
- author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Boson - Revisiting the Standard Model
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 24 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Boson - Revisiting the Standard Model
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 94
- author: higgsbosonlab
Does the Standard Model Really Need The Higgs Boson
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Does the Standard Model Really Need The Higgs Boson
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 8
- author: higgsbosonlab
The Vacuum Expectancy Value of the Higgs Boson
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
The Vacuum Expectancy Value of the Higgs Boson
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 29
- author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Boson - ATLAS A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 25 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Boson - ATLAS A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 40
- author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Bosons Bring Out Scariest From Science Fiction Fans
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 29 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Bosons Bring Out Scariest From Science Fiction Fans
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question. sites.google.com bishabal.newsvine.com
- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 32
- author: higgsbosonlab
Hallan Posible Partícula de Dios que abre la puerta a un nuevo Universo Científico | 04.07.2012
La Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN) anunció este miércoles el des...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: 73Noticias1
Hallan Posible Partícula de Dios que abre la puerta a un nuevo Universo Científico | 04.07.2012
La Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN) anunció este miércoles el descubrimiento de una nueva partícula que podría ser el bosón de Higgs, aunque todavía es demasiado pronto para saber si se trata de la "partícula de Dios" que los investigadores llevan décadas buscando. Los físicos consideran al bosón de Higgs como la clave para entender la estructura fundamental de la materia, la partícula que atribuye la masa a todas las demás, según la teoría llamada del "modelo estándar". A pesar de las dudas de si esta nueva partícula es el bosón de Higgs u otro tipo de partícula, los aplausos y las caras de los físicos reunidos en Ginebra este miércoles reflejaban la alegría y el alivio del mundo científico. "Nunca pensé que asistiría a algo así en vida y voy a pedir a mi familia que ponga el champán en la nevera", dijo Peter Higgs, el científico de 83 años que en 1964, junto a sus sus colegas Robert Brout (fallecido en 2011) y François Englert, postuló por deducción la existencia del bosón que lleva su nombre. La emoción fue palpable y Englert, sentado junto a Higgs, no pudo retener las lágrimas."Hemos superado una nueva etapa en nuestra comprensión de la naturaleza", dijo el director general del CERN, Rolf Heuer en un comunicado, satisfecho con el trabajo cumplido hasta ahora. La materia del principio del Universo Las investigaciones se llevan a cabo en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC), el acelerador de partículas más grande del mundo, situado bajo la ...
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 39488
- author: 73Noticias1
Higgs Boson Make Inter Galactic Travel Possible
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 29 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Boson Make Inter Galactic Travel Possible
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question. open.salon.com tuhindadu222.webs.com
- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 57
- author: higgsbosonlab
Youtube results:
¿Hallaron el Bosón de Higgs? (La Partícula de Dios)
Descubren una partícula que podría ser el bosón de Higgs La Organización Europea para la I...
published: 05 Jul 2012
¿Hallaron el Bosón de Higgs? (La Partícula de Dios)
Descubren una partícula que podría ser el bosón de Higgs La Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN) anunció este miércoles el descubrimiento de una nueva partícula que podría ser el bosón de Higgs, aunque todavía es demasiado pronto para saber si se trata de la "partícula de Dios" que los investigadores llevan décadas buscando. Los físicos consideran al bosón de Higgs como la clave para entender la estructura fundamental de la materia, la partícula que atribuye la masa a todas las demás, según la teoría llamada del "modelo estándar". A pesar de las dudas de si esta nueva partícula es el bosón de Higgs o otro tipo de partícula, los aplausos y las caras de los físicos reunidos en Ginebra este miércoles reflejaban la alegría y el alivio del mundo científico. "Nunca pensé que asistiría a algo así en vida y voy a pedir a mi familia que ponga el champán en la nevera", dijo Peter Higgs, el científico de 83 años que en 1964, junto a sus sus colegas Robert Brout (fallecido en 2011) y François Englert, postuló por deducción la existencia del bosón que lleva su nombre. La emoción fue palpable y Englert, sentado junto a Higgs, no pudo retener las lágrimas. "Hemos superado una nueva etapa en nuestra comprensión de la naturaleza", dijo el director general del CERN, Rolf Heuer en un comunicado, satisfecho con el trabajo cumplido hasta ahora. La materia del principio del UniversoLas investigaciones se llevan a cabo en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC), el ...
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 2580
Higgs Particle - Testing the Standard Model
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 24 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Higgs Particle - Testing the Standard Model
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 23
- author: higgsbosonlab
Laboratório americano avança na busca pela 'Partícula de Deus' Embora a partícula leve o n...
published: 10 May 2012
author: Alberto Ricardo Präss
Laboratório americano avança na busca pela 'Partícula de Deus' Embora a partícula leve o nome de Higgs, importantes trabalhos teóricos também foram desenvolvidos pelos físicos belgas Robert Brout e François Englert. O bóson de Higgs ficou conhecido como "partícula de Deus", porque, assim como Deus, estaria em todas as partes, mas é difícil de definir. Mas a eral origem é bem menos poética. A expressão vem de um livro do físico ganhador do prêmio Nobel Leon Lederman, cujo esboço de título era "A Partícula Maldita" ("The Goddamn Particle", no original), em alusão às frustrações de tentar encontrá-la. O título foi, depois, cortado para "A Partícula de Deus" por seu editor, aparentemente temeroso de que a palavra "maldita" fosse ofensiva.
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 482
- author: Alberto Ricardo Präss
Photons and Gluons Travel at The Speed of Light
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle expla...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: higgsbosonlab
Photons and Gluons Travel at The Speed of Light
higgsbosonlab.com Will the discovery of the Higgs Boson popularized as Gods particle explain the Universe? Will the standard model be validated or shattered by the discovery of the Higgs Particle? None of quantum physic's latest revelations have disproved neither Einstein's theories nor Professor Stephen Hawkings.... These facts have not stopped crazy scientist from that the finding of Higgs Boson will destroy both theories. What gives us mass? Scientists at the European CERN seems to have beaten their Illinois based American counterparts at Fermilab to be punch. On July 4th, 2012 European scientist announced with much media hype and buzz that they had finally identified the Higgs particle. As predicated by the 1967-8 electroweak theory, the particle identified at CERN is electrically neutral and unstable..... As encouraging as these characteristics might be, they are by no mean conclusive. For example, it still has to be ascertained whether these particles have no spin. Have the billions poured into the Large Hadron Collider paid off? Only the future holds an answer to this question.
- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 28
- author: higgsbosonlab