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Parque da Pena - Documentário RTP2
Biosfera - Obsolescência Programada (2011) - RTP2
Doc: 2050 - O Clima do Futuro (Completo e Dublado) // RTP2
RTP2 - Quem Vê, Quer Ver
Martin Manhã - Abertura RTP2
Comentário no 24 horas RTP2 - polémica lei das sementes
Fim de Emissão + Programação + O Tempo RTP2 18.05.2000
Hugo RTP2 1999 [1.º jogo]
Hugo RTP2 1999 [abertura]
RTP2 -
Quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro na RTP2 (trailer)
Consigo RTP2 - Veterano Manuel Reis acompanha marcha final dos fuzileiros


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Parque da Pena - Documentário RTP2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 52:25
  • Updated: 06 Jul 2013

Parque da Pena - Documentário RTP2

Parque da Pena - Documentário emitido pela RTP2 em 26-12-2012 22:45.
  • published: 29 Dec 2012
  • views: 1706
  • author: reidojazz da Pena - Documentário RTP2
Biosfera - Obsolescência Programada (2011) - RTP2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:10
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Biosfera - Obsolescência Programada (2011) - RTP2

Biosfera - Obsolescência Programada (2011) - RTP2. - Obsolescência Programada (2011) - RTP2
Doc: 2050 - O Clima do Futuro (Completo e Dublado) // RTP2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 52:40
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Doc: 2050 - O Clima do Futuro (Completo e Dublado) // RTP2

Sinopse: "2050 -- O Clima do Futuro". Baseado no relatório do Pentágono de 2004 e no 3º relatório do IPCC das Nações Unidas, de 2007, e com testemunhos de mu... 2050 - O Clima do Futuro (Completo e Dublado) // RTP2
RTP2 - Quem Vê, Quer Ver
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:25
  • Updated: 06 May 2013

RTP2 - Quem Vê, Quer Ver

  • published: 14 Feb 2013
  • views: 2277
  • author: rtp - Quem Vê, Quer Ver
Martin Manhã - Abertura RTP2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:50
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Martin Manhã - Abertura RTP2

Abertura da série Martin Manhã transmitida na RTP2. Manhã - Abertura RTP2
Comentário no 24 horas RTP2 - polémica lei das sementes
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:37
  • Updated: 17 Jun 2013

Comentário no 24 horas RTP2 - polémica lei das sementes

Escrevo este texto hoje no papel de guardião de sementes, de agricultor que pratica modo de produção biológico, preocupado com o futuro do Planeta, com o fut...
  • published: 07 May 2013
  • views: 14454
  • author: Luís Alvesário no 24 horas RTP2 - polémica lei das sementes
Fim de Emissão + Programação + O Tempo RTP2 18.05.2000
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:41
  • Updated: 04 May 2013

Fim de Emissão + Programação + O Tempo RTP2 18.05.2000

  • published: 26 Mar 2012
  • views: 1291
  • author: LUSITANIATV de Emissão + Programação + O Tempo RTP2 18.05.2000
Hugo RTP2 1999 [1.º jogo]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:47
  • Updated: 04 Feb 2014

Hugo RTP2 1999 [1.º jogo]

Excerto do programa "Hugo" emitido em 23 de Março de 1999 em directo na RTP2. Conseguirá Andreia salvar o Hugo e a sua família?
  • published: 04 Feb 2014
  • views: 175 RTP2 1999 [1.º jogo]
Hugo RTP2 1999 [abertura]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:10
  • Updated: 15 Jan 2014

Hugo RTP2 1999 [abertura]

Excerto do programa "Hugo" emitido em 23 de Março de 1999 em directo na RTP2. Inclui o indicativo e as boas-vindas do apresentador ao Hugo.
  • published: 15 Jan 2014
  • views: 207 RTP2 1999 [abertura]
RTP2 -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:59
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2013

RTP2 - "Café Central" - Especial IPCA

PT: O meu contributo para esta série da RTP2 consta em animação e acabamentos. Programa diário, com várias personagens que falam sobre a actualidade. ENG: My... - "Café Central" - Especial IPCA
Quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro na RTP2 (trailer)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014

Quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro na RTP2 (trailer)

ESECTV na RTP2 | 10ª temporada Emissão: 19 de fevereiro de 2014 na RTP2 (trailer) ▪ "Tributo a Nina Simone": Selma Uamusse apresentou o projecto em Coimbra e convidou os músicos Toni Fortuna, Raquel Ralha e Marta Ren. ▪ "Filhos do Tédio" em DVD: o documentário de Rita Alcaire e Rodrigo Lacerda sobre a banda de Coimbra Tedio Boys, está disponível em DVD, com alguns extras. ▪ "Love Is Not Enough": o mais recente disco dos Birds Are Indie é apresentado em Coimbra no dia 21, no Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente.
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 532, 19 de fevereiro na RTP2 (trailer)
Consigo RTP2 - Veterano Manuel Reis acompanha marcha final dos fuzileiros
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:20
  • Updated: 10 Feb 2014

Consigo RTP2 - Veterano Manuel Reis acompanha marcha final dos fuzileiros

Reportagem: Dora Alexandre Imagem: Luís Graciano Afonso Edição: César Ganso Produção: Videomedia
  • published: 10 Feb 2014
  • views: 443 RTP2 - Veterano Manuel Reis acompanha marcha final dos fuzileiros
RTP2, Fenómeno, Espiritismo e Mediunidade
  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:31
  • Updated: 17 Jun 2013

RTP2, Fenómeno, Espiritismo e Mediunidade

ADEP, Espiritismo e Mediunidade.
  • published: 08 Nov 2011
  • views: 1588
  • author: adeportugal, Fenómeno, Espiritismo e Mediunidade
Doc: Nós Somos os Extraterrestres (Completo e Legendado) // RTP2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 49:00
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013

Doc: Nós Somos os Extraterrestres (Completo e Legendado) // RTP2

Sinopse: Neste documentário acompanham uma equipe de cientistas que está a tentar ir até ao início do aparecimento de vida na terra. Desde a equipe no Texas ... Nós Somos os Extraterrestres (Completo e Legendado) // RTP2

Parque da Pena - Documentário RTP2

Parque da Pena - Documentário emitido pela RTP2 em 26-12-2012 22:45.
  • published: 29 Dec 2012
  • views: 1706
  • author: reidojazz

Par­que da Pena - Doc­u­mentário RTP2
Par­que da Pena - Doc­u­mentário emi­ti­do pela RTP2 em 26-12-2012 22:45....
pub­lished: 29 Dec 2012
au­thor: rei­do­jazz
Bios­fera - Ob­so­lescência Pro­gra­ma­da (2011) - RTP2
Bios­fera - Ob­so­lescência Pro­gra­ma­da (2011) - RTP2....
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2013
Doc: 2050 - O Clima do Fu­turo (Com­ple­to e Dubla­do) // RTP2
Sinopse: "2050 -- O Clima do Fu­turo". Basea­do no relatório do Pentágono de 2004 e no 3º re...
pub­lished: 27 Dec 2012
RTP2 - Quem Vê, Quer Ver
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2013
au­thor: rtp
Mar­tin Manhã - Aber­tu­ra RTP2
Aber­tu­ra da série Mar­tin Manhã trans­mi­ti­da na RTP2....
pub­lished: 27 Mar 2010
Co­mentário no 24 horas RTP2 - polémica lei das se­mentes
Es­cre­vo este texto hoje no papel de guar­dião de se­mentes, de agricul­tor que prat­i­ca modo d...
pub­lished: 07 May 2013
au­thor: Luís Alves
Fim de Emissão + Pro­gra­mação + O Tempo RTP2 18.05.2000
pub­lished: 26 Mar 2012
Hugo RTP2 1999 [1.º jogo]
Ex­cer­to do pro­gra­ma "Hugo" emi­ti­do em 23 de Março de 1999 em di­rec­to na RTP2. Con­seguirá A...
pub­lished: 04 Feb 2014
Hugo RTP2 1999 [aber­tu­ra]
Ex­cer­to do pro­gra­ma "Hugo" emi­ti­do em 23 de Março de 1999 em di­rec­to na RTP2. In­clui o ind...
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2014
RTP2 - "Café Cen­tral" - Es­pe­cial IPCA
PT: O meu con­trib­u­to para esta série da RTP2 con­s­ta em animação e acaba­men­tos. Pro­gra­ma di...
pub­lished: 18 Mar 2012
Quar­ta-feira, 19 de fevereiro na RTP2 (trail­er)
ES­ECTV na RTP2 | 10ª tem­po­ra­da Emissão: 19 de fevereiro de 2014 na RTP2 (trail­er) ▪ "Tri...
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
Con­si­go RTP2 - Vet­er­a­no Manuel Reis acom­pan­ha mar­cha final dos fuzileiros
Re­portagem: Dora Alexan­dre Im­agem: Luís Gra­ciano Afon­so Edição: César Ganso Produção: Vide...
pub­lished: 10 Feb 2014
RTP2, Fenómeno, Es­piritismo e Medi­u­nidade
ADEP, Es­piritismo e Medi­u­nidade....
pub­lished: 08 Nov 2011
Doc: Nós Somos os Ex­trater­restres (Com­ple­to e Leg­en­da­do) // RTP2
Sinopse: Neste doc­u­mentário acom­pan­ham uma equipe de ci­en­tis­tas que está a ten­tar ir até a...
pub­lished: 13 Jan 2013
Vimeo results:
Mag­a­zine so­brevoar emi­ti­do pela RTP2
Mag­a­zine so­brevoar emi­ti­do pela RTP2...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2010
http://​www.​imdb.​com/​title/​tt1654725/​ WIN­NER OF 15 AWARDS WORLD­WIDE Grande prémio ZON (po...
pub­lished: 25 Sep 2009
au­thor: Nuno Rocha
Pro­gra­ma So­brevoar RTP2
Pro­gra­ma So­brevoar RTP2 que fala sobre a copa do mundo em lin­hares...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2010
au­thor: Sofia Vaz
Birds are Indie on TV
RTP2 :: ES­EC-TV :: 20 Oct 2010...
pub­lished: 20 Oct 2010
au­thor: Birds Are Indie

Youtube results:
Bonar Aber­tu­ra RTP2
Aber­tu­ra da série Bonar trans­mi­ti­da na RTP2 no pro­gra­ma Zig Zag....
pub­lished: 27 Mar 2010
Pro­gra­ma AGORA | Episódio 9 - Quin­ta da Re­galeira | RTP2 - 2013
No pro­gra­ma Agora desta se­m­ana desta­camos: o palácio de sonho do Mon­teiro dos Milhões e os...
pub­lished: 22 Jul 2013
Quar­ta-feira, 26 de fevereiro na RTP2 (trail­er)
ES­ECTV na RTP2 | 10ª tem­po­ra­da Emissão: 26 de fevereiro de 2014 na RTP2 (trail­er) ▪ Club...
pub­lished: 24 Feb 2014
Me­te­o­rolo­gia RTP2 2005
pub­lished: 31 Jul 2012
photo: AP / Andy Wong
A woman writes a message on a board dedicated to the passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 as they wait for a news briefing organized by the airlines' officials at a hotel ballroom in Beijing, Thursday, March 20, 2014.
Edit BBC News
20 Mar 2014
20 March 2014 Last updated at 04.17 GMT. Two objects have been seen that could possibly relate to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, Australian PM Tony Abbott has announced. Australian vessels have been searching in the southern Indian Ocean for the aircraft, which disappeared on 8 March with 239 people on board ... Read more ... Email Facebook Twitter ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
photo: AP / Saeed KHAN, Pool
Australian Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott meets with Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson, in Sydney Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013. A new government prepared to take control of Australia on Sunday, with policies to cut pledges in foreign aid and to wind back greenhouse gas reduction measures in an effort to balance the nation's books. Abbott's conservative Liberal party-led coalition won a crushing victory at elections Saturday against the center-left Labor Party, which had ruled for six years.
Edit Canberra Times
20 Mar 2014
Click to play video. Return to video Video settings. Please Log in to update your video settings. Video will begin in 5 seconds. Don't play Play now. More video Recommended. Click to play video. Abbott. 'The people finally get their say' Click to play video. Surplus projection like 'winning the lottery' Click to play video. 'Labor will never deliver a surplus' Click to play video. Unemployment to rise with new deficit Click to play video ... MH370....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP / Maxin Vetrov
A resident cycles past soldiers in unmarked uniforms standing guard outside the Ukrainian Military Prosecutor's Office in Simferopol, Crimea, Thursday, March 20, 2014.
21 Mar 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling ... genocide. Later, the United Nations broadened the definition. "...whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law...with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group."(3). Thanks to the Crimean Referendum and Russia's intervention, another term should be added to genocide's lexicon. de- and un-genocide ... 10 ... 8....(size: 7.0Kb)
photo: AP / Lai Seng Sin
A man walks past a message board for passengers aboard a missing Malaysia Airlines plane, at a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya, near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Friday, March 21, 2014.
Edit Yahoo Daily News
21 Mar 2014
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Search planes flying deep into the southern Indian Ocean have found nothing so far that could be from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, Australia's acting prime minister said Friday. The planes are part of an international effort to solve the nearly 2-week-old mystery of what happened to Flight 370 with 239 people aboard ... Australia Checking 2 Objects in Search for Plane Play video ... View gallery ... ___....(size: 3.6Kb)
photo: AP / Rajanish Kakade
One of four men convicted of gang raping a photojournalist in India's financial capital of Mumbai last year exits a police van as he is brought to prison, in Mumbai, India, Thursday, March 20, 2013.
Edit Philadelphia Daily News
20 Mar 2014
Gallery. Indian court convicts 5 men in Mumbai gang rapes. Travel Deals. $949 & up -- Vallarta. 6-Nt. All-Incl. Riu Vacation from Philly.  . See all travel deals ». ASHOK SHARMA, The Associated Press. Posted. Thursday, March 20, 2014, 5.36 AM ... The rapes happened about a month apart in the same abandoned mill in the Lower Parel section of Mumbai, where luxury malls and condominiums stand alongside sprawling slums ... R ... Advertise Here ... FOOD.....(size: 5.4Kb)

Edit Al Jazeera
19 Feb 2013
The booming economic juggernaut in Brazil has transformed lives ...  . has studied Social Communications and Social Sciences ... She has worked for some of the major production companies in Brazil such as O2 Films and Bossa Nova Films and has directed films for TV Futura in Brazil and RTP2 in Portugal ... Juliana co-directed Triangle , a documentary for Portuguese Television RTP2 on the relations between Luanda, Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro ... ....(size: 4.6Kb)
Edit Business Wire
23 Jul 2012
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (http.// has announced the addition of the "Imported Feature Films on European TV" report to their offering. In 2011, imported feature films created a value of $4,318 million for European broadcasters ... The total number of imported feature film hours in Europe hovers just below 100,000 each year ... ... ... ... Portugal RTP1, RTP2, SIC, TVI ... ....(size: 6.8Kb)
Edit Business Wire
14 Feb 2012
DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (http.// has announced the addition of the "Digital TV Western Europe Report" report to their offering. Pay TV revenues in Western Europe will stagnate between 2011 and 2016 ($36 billion) ... The UK will contribute $9.5 billion of the 2016 total, followed by Germany with $5.4 billion ... Key Topics Covered. ... RTP1, RTP2, SIC, TVI Romania....(size: 6.0Kb)

RTP2 is the second television channel of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, the Portuguese public broadcasting corporation. Commonly referred as the "Second Channel", or simply "Dois" (Portuguese for two), this historically state-run television channel started its regular broadcasting on December 25, 1968. Nowadays, RTP2 is a public service, advertising-free channel that serves as an alternative to the mainstream channel of RTP, RTP1.

Similar to BBC Two, RTP2 aims at less mainstream and more intellectual content. RTP2 is presently the only of several Portuguese and European national/international channels that has a strict cultural and educational programming (comparable to Arte). RTP2 is the only broadcaster from Portugal that broadcasts programming without interruptions, ad breaks or in line messaging. Together with sister channel RTP1, it became a 24-hours service in 2002.

RTP2's line-up is devoted to worldwide recognized quality television content, institutional EU/national programming or advertising, television series, cinematography, documentary films, theatre and classical music. This channel gathers 5%-7% share of the national audience (2007).

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