- published: 03 Jun 2010
- views: 2184

Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications (UNESCO/NHK)
Founded in the 16th century by the Portuguese, Galle reached the height of its development...
published: 03 Jun 2010
Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications (UNESCO/NHK)
Founded in the 16th century by the Portuguese, Galle reached the height of its development in the 18th century, before the arrival of the British. It is the best example of a fortified city built by Europeans in South and South-East Asia, showing the interaction between European architectural styles and South Asian traditions.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/451/
- published: 03 Jun 2010
- views: 2184

Murder of an individual in Galle
A special police unit has been deployed to conduct investigations into the incident where ...
published: 26 Oct 2012
Murder of an individual in Galle
A special police unit has been deployed to conduct investigations into the incident where an individual was hacked to death near the Dixon Junction in Galle.
Senior police officer of the area said that the special team had been deployed by the Galle Police.
The incident took place at around 1 p.m. Thursday near the Dixon Junction in Galle.
The deceased is 48-year-old Kumara Seneviratne, who is a father of four.
Police stated that the victim had been attacked by an unidentified group while he was travelling on his motorcycle.
Kumara who was a resident of the Pitadeniya area was a businessman.
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 15696

Tsunami Galle Mahamodara
The famous tsunami video from Galle Bus Station and Mahamodara Village a few kilometres no...
published: 18 Nov 2008
Tsunami Galle Mahamodara
The famous tsunami video from Galle Bus Station and Mahamodara Village a few kilometres north of Galle.
- published: 18 Nov 2008
- views: 49515

Sri Lanka Unplugged #4 Galle
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ In this episode David starts off at the Mask museum at the vill...
published: 03 Oct 2011
Sri Lanka Unplugged #4 Galle
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ In this episode David starts off at the Mask museum at the village of Ambalangoda where he sees various masks and even buys one to take back home. Later he finally arrives at the dutch colonial city of Galle where he sees some of the remaining damage from the 2004 tsunami. Here in Galle David also takes an opportunity to visit some of the city's historical structures such as the old port, the Portuguese fort, and a historic lighthouse. Along the way he even meets some local high divers, before arriving at the beautiful Aditiya resort for some rest. Remember to check out the guides for Sri Lanka so you can explore some of the country's most beautiful sites! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTwz3bzjJ2U
Travel with me at http://blog.davidsbeenhere.com/
- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 13433

43 Medizin Video die Galle - Gallensteine + Operation.
-1- im Büro arbeiten ohne Ausbildung.
- 2 Ihre Firma im Internet wir sind die günstigsten...
published: 31 Dec 2011
43 Medizin Video die Galle - Gallensteine + Operation.
-1- im Büro arbeiten ohne Ausbildung.
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- published: 31 Dec 2011
- views: 4386

Crash-Kurs Medizin: Leber-Galle-Pankreas.mp4
Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathologie Leber, Galle und Pankreas. Die komplette DVD hat eine...
published: 13 Jun 2010
Crash-Kurs Medizin: Leber-Galle-Pankreas.mp4
Anatomie, Physiologie und Pathologie Leber, Galle und Pankreas. Die komplette DVD hat eine Spieldauer von über 2 Stunden. Sehen Sie hier einen kurzen 4-minütigen Ausschnitt. Unser Gesamtprogramm können Sie unter
JETZT NEU: Filme downloaden unter www.loadmedicalapp.com
- published: 13 Jun 2010
- views: 29074

Inside the Dutch Fort in Galle Sri Lanka
Inside the Dutch Ford in Galle, Sri Lanka, we visited the Dutch Church with all it graves ...
published: 07 May 2011
Inside the Dutch Fort in Galle Sri Lanka
Inside the Dutch Ford in Galle, Sri Lanka, we visited the Dutch Church with all it graves of early colonists. We bezoeken de Nederlands Hervormede Kerk met al de graven van de Nederlanders die het eiland koloniseerden. Er is nog steeds een groot aantal "Burgers"met echte Nederlandse namen die na 300 jaar precies weten waar ze vandaan komen. March 2011
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 621

Day Trip to Galle, Sri Lanka
Visit http://migrationology.com/ for more travel and food!
After Colombo, Galle is one of...
published: 27 Jun 2012
Day Trip to Galle, Sri Lanka
Visit http://migrationology.com/ for more travel and food!
After Colombo, Galle is one of the most visited destinations in Sri Lanka. It's an ancient city with quite a lot to see, do and eat.
The first part of my day trip to Galle included eating some delicious roasted peanuts and walking around the famous Galle Fortress. I also walked past the lighthouse.
For a view of the city of Galle I climbed up a building and onto the top roof area to get a nice panoramic view.
Stopping at the bus station, I sampled a few Sri Lankan speciality snacks known as short eats. Fish and spices are combined then deep friend and called cutlets. They are absolutely wonderful.
In the later afternoon I took a short ten minute bus ride to Unawatuna, a beautiful beach just south of Galle. The sunset was stunning as was all the scenery.
After a lovely day trip to Galle and the surrounding area, we headed back to Colombo!
This video contains royalty free music by Junior Finau.
The track used in this video is called "Euphoric Melody." Here is a direct download to the song: http://soundcloud.com/junior-finau/rockin-2da-ryddumm-widd-me
All license information can be found here: http://soundcloud.com/terms-of-use and here http://soundcloud.com/101/creative-commons
I used this song royalty free under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. The video includes attribution to the producer of the music.
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 7254

Galle Fort, Sri Lanka
Galle Dutch Fort is the largest living Dutch fort in Asia. Located facing the Indian Ocean...
published: 01 Jun 2008
Galle Fort, Sri Lanka
Galle Dutch Fort is the largest living Dutch fort in Asia. Located facing the Indian Ocean in the town of Galle, on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, Galle Fort is one of the best preserved examples of 17th century colonial fortifications in the world.
- published: 01 Jun 2008
- views: 505989

Spy Glass: In die Galle geschaut
http://www.youtube.com/hnaonline - Schwalmstadt: Die Diagnose mit dem Spy Glass (auf Deuts...
published: 27 Feb 2012
Spy Glass: In die Galle geschaut
http://www.youtube.com/hnaonline - Schwalmstadt: Die Diagnose mit dem Spy Glass (auf Deutsch: Fernglas) bietet Ärzten eine ganz neue Möglichkeit, Patienten mit Gallenproblemen ohne chirurgischen Eingriff zu untersuchen. Wir waren mit der Kamera dabei.
- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 284

Unawatuna Beach, feel the excitement!
Unawatuna Beach is located just south of Galle, 125km from Colombo, the capital of Sri Lan...
published: 19 Feb 2010
Unawatuna Beach, feel the excitement!
Unawatuna Beach is located just south of Galle, 125km from Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. It is perfectly situated, small and highly sought-after bay on Sri Lanka's less-developed South coast. This beautiful stretch of beach lies 4 km to the south of Galle. Unawatuna, located 4kms southward around the coast of Galle, is a beach resort waiting to happen. This 4km expanse of palm-fringed sand is said by some to rank amongst the twelve best beaches in the world. Unawatuna, is still far from being over-developed. But this beach is a paradise for all those who yearn to listen to the silence of the sea and dive deep into the blue waters of the ocean. There is a reef protecting the beach, which makes it perfectly safe for bathing. Other major attractions of this south coast beach include providing shallow waters for swimming, and diving. Within its reach it has an accessible, reasonably well-preserved coral reef that serves as the base for snorkeling. For all those who fancy scuba diving, this tropical bay at the south of the coast of Galle will definitely catch your fancy since for the scuba divers, there are several wreck dives only 20-30 minutes away from the beach by boat .Thus it is the most favored beach for all those looking for some exciting water sport activity like swimming, scuba diving or snorkeling.
The beautiful wide curving Golden Unawatuna beach mesmerizes you to take a deep plunge into the blue waters, offering you an exhilarating experience that would last for a lifetime. The beach has been acclaimed amongst 12 best beaches in the world. The legend of Ramayana has also been attached to Rumasssala, a rocky outcrop jutting into the sea at Unawatuna. This rocky outcrop is believed to be a piece of mountain that was fallen when Lord Hanuman brought the mountain to Sri Lanka in search of a medicinal herb to treat Laxamana - Rama's brother wounded in battle.
Unawatuna Beach Resort lies sheltered at the end of the bay underneath the shade of tropical palm trees. Unawatuna Beach Resort is a sunny, modestly-sized hotel of enduring popularity. It is a haven for those who crave to revel in a beautiful beach and indulge in entertaining evenings. This small bay is graced with golden sands and a calm turquoise sea .The serene surroundings and the Dutch architecture also add its own charm to the place. The enchanting Unawatuna Beach calls all the travelers to revel in the sandy, pristine beaches and get a feel of the Sri Lankan southern coast.
- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 6717

France Gall - Ella, Elle L'a
France Gall - Ella, Elle L'a
From album Babacar, 1987.
This song was made as a homag...
published: 22 Mar 2007
France Gall - Ella, Elle L'a
France Gall - Ella, Elle L'a
From album Babacar, 1987.
This song was made as a homage to Ella Fitzgerald. By France Gall's husband Michel Berger.
C'est comme une gaiet
Comme un sourire
Quelque chose dans la voix
Qui parat nous dire "viens"
Qui nous fait sentir trangement bien
C'est comme toute l'histoire
Du peuple noir
Qui se balance
Entre l'amour et l'dsespoir
Quelque chose qui danse en toi
Si tu l'as, tu l'as
Ella, elle l'a
Ce je n'sais quoi
Que d'autres n'ont pas
Qui nous met dans un drole d'tat
Ella, elle l'a Ella, elle l'a Ou ou ou ou ou ou ou
Elle a, ou ou ou ou ou ou ou, cette drole de voix
Elle a, ou ou ou ou ou ou ou, cette drole de joie
Ce donne du ciel qui la rend belle
Ella, elle l'a Ella, elle l'a
Elle a, ou ou ou ou ou ou ou
Ella, elle l'a Elle a, ou ou ou ou ou ou ou
Elle a ce tout petit supplment d'me
Cet indfinissable charme
Cette petite flamme
Tape sur des tonneaux
Sur des pianos
Sur tout ce que dieu peut te mettre entre les mains
Montre ton rire ou ton chagrin
Mais que tu n'aies rien, que tu sois roi
Que tu cherches encore les pouvoirs qui dorment en toi
Tu vois ca ne s'achte pas
Quand tu l'as tu l'as
Ella, elle l'a
Ce je n'sais quoi
Que d'autres n'ont pas
Qui nous met dans un drole d'tat
Ella, elle l'a Ella, elle l'a ...
- published: 22 Mar 2007
- views: 7052166

senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Interprétation de Diarra et Saliou
senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Interprétation de Diarra et Saliou...
published: 26 Dec 2012
senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Interprétation de Diarra et Saliou
senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Interprétation de Diarra et Saliou
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 14467

senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Diarra et Saliou interpréte Sous le Vent
senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Diarra et Saliou interpréte Sous le Vent...
published: 26 Dec 2012
senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Diarra et Saliou interpréte Sous le Vent
senreplay.com Final Sen P'tit Galle - Diarra et Saliou interpréte Sous le Vent
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 14721
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