- published: 28 Mar 2009
- views: 868301

LA CLEF - court métrage (short film)
"LA CLEF" est un court métrage réalisé en une après-midi, no script, no sous, no rien.
ce ...
published: 19 May 2010
LA CLEF - court métrage (short film)
"LA CLEF" est un court métrage réalisé en une après-midi, no script, no sous, no rien.
ce film est excuse pour essayer le 5D mark II.. il est normal qu'il ne soit pas très abouti!!
réa / cadre / montage / musique : Steven Elio van Weel
avec : Benoit Durrande, G. d'estrées
- published: 19 May 2010
- views: 36978

gérard lenorman - voici les clés
lenorman dans numéro à Thierry LE LURON. Cette chanson apparaitra sur le prochain album de...
published: 07 Mar 2009
gérard lenorman - voici les clés
lenorman dans numéro à Thierry LE LURON. Cette chanson apparaitra sur le prochain album de duos du chanteur prévu pour le 10 octobre prochain
- published: 07 Mar 2009
- views: 1003602

Blue D.I.A feat.LGYankees(HIRO) - Clef
Clefの1stアルバム『Cref』よりBlue D.I.A feat.LGYankees(HIRO)です♪
published: 26 Sep 2010
Blue D.I.A feat.LGYankees(HIRO) - Clef
Clefの1stアルバム『Cref』よりBlue D.I.A feat.LGYankees(HIRO)です♪
Eternal Love 今日からは
So, 例えキミの心 を
必 ず僕が君の肩を抱くから (抱くから)
HOOK 1(Clef)
不安で歪んでたEvery Day
溢れる感情 で視界は不安定
あの日から俺なりに考 えてきた Answer
逢えない分は君を浮かべ Song For You
聴いてくれよ俺だけの One Love
聴いてくれ君に歌う Number
早く届くといいな君の所 へ この声何処までも轟 け
Loving You Baby君の両手に
Uh Babyその 両目には...
HOOK 2(Clef)
Ringを枕元 に準備して
So, I Need You Because I Love You 永久に...
HOOK 2(Clef)
HOOK 1(Clef)
- published: 26 Sep 2010
- views: 522597

Love Story feat. 森摩耶 - Clef
コンピレーションアルバムの『NO DOUBT TRACKS』
よりLove Story feat. ...
published: 06 Sep 2010
Love Story feat. 森摩耶 - Clef
コンピレーションアルバムの『NO DOUBT TRACKS』
よりLove Story feat. 森摩耶です♪
Hook 1(森摩耶)
忘れられないあなたの胸の鼓動 ねぇ本当はね 寂しいんだよそばにいて
何度見てもLike A Beauty & Beast二人はPeaceこの捨てられない写真
引き出しに眠るSpareのKey 終わったって知ってるってそれなのに
君がいなくなって時が経って 出逢ったのはいつだっけなんて思い出しているよ
そのShort Hairそして黒いJacket First Impression『強い女』で
近寄りがたいって言えばそうだね けどそんな君に惹かれていった
GrayのSkinny首元のファー 振り向いてしまう今もまたほら
過ぎ去りし日々を悔やむ様な そんなよくありふれたLove Story
Hook 1(森摩耶)
忘れられないあなたの胸の鼓動 ねぇ本当はね 寂しいんだよそばにいて
ダメもとで誘ったWatching Movie待ち合わせ光差す街中に
一緒にいたいって本気で思った 大好きだって素直に思えた
気付けば君を抱き締めていた 過ぎ去っていった最終電車
不釣り合いなんて百も承知 男共が振り向くような君に
外身も中身も見ての通り そんな君の存在だけが俺の誇り
付き合ってから半年が経ち 夢進む君Hard Workをこなし
ずっと続くと思ってたのに やがて迎えた二人のLast Scene
Hook 2(森摩耶)
「あなたがいないのが悲しい訳じゃない」って 強がるしかないあなた想う夜なのに
「なんで分かってくれないの?」って独り言 ねぇ本当にね 寂しいんだよここにいて
(Clef & 森摩耶)
君を見つけたのに 一人じゃなかったのに
すぐそばにいれたのに 今では夢の様なのに
つまらない事でケンカして だんだん笑顔無くなって
意地張って擦れ違って 君を見失ったDay After Day
Hook 1(森摩耶)
忘れられないあなたの胸の鼓動 ねぇ本当はね 寂しいんだよそばにいて
忘れられないあなたの胸の鼓動 ねぇ本当はね 寂しいんだよそばにいて
- published: 06 Sep 2010
- views: 928688

EDGE LOVE -Clef Starring Lie & makimu- - Clef
Clefの2ndアルバム『Men's Clef』より EDGE LOVE -Clef Starring Lie & makimu- です♪
published: 22 Jan 2011
EDGE LOVE -Clef Starring Lie & makimu- - Clef
Clefの2ndアルバム『Men's Clef』より EDGE LOVE -Clef Starring Lie & makimu- です♪
迎えに来てよ 今すぐに
ちょっとだけだよ あなたのそばにいたいなんて
追われると逃げたくなるの 私の事ねぇ...
分かってる 遊びなんでしょ?
からかってる どうせあなたは
ねぇ冗談でしょ? くれた言葉も
見た目とは違うような 意外にまじめな君を
意地張ったってそれもまぁいい Call Me anytime
You Know What I am Saying?
You Know What I am Saying?
迎えに来てよ 今すぐに
ちょっとだけだよ あなたのそばにいたいなんて
追われると逃げたくなるの 私の事ねぇ...
巻いてる 髪を解けば
飾ってる メイク落とせば
気付くかな 私の事に
引くのかな 君は?
You Know What I am Saying?
You Know What I am Saying?
迎えに来てよ 今すぐに
ちょっとだけだよ あなたのそばにいたいなんて
追われると逃げたくなるの 私の事ねぇ...
遊んでるようで遊んでない 男ウケ外したWear Saturday Night
臆病な恋愛 本物探す中出会い oh この愛ならデカイ
もういいよ 止めようよ強いフリ CoffeeとCigarette 多めのCreep
君を知れば知る程に 愛しさが重なり合うMelody
私の全てを見て欲しい ずっと24/7,4Season
いつの時でもLike A See-through もう少しのLieじゃ終わらない
Love You So
迎えに来てよ 今すぐに
ちょっとだけだよ あなたのそばにいたいなんて
追われると逃げたくなるの 私の事ねぇ...
ずっと君のそばにいていいなら 1Clap
ずっと私だけ見ててくれるなら 2Claps Oh, Oh
わがままでも一人にしないでよ 3Claps
今ここで君の笑顔に誓うから 4Claps Oh, Oh
- published: 22 Jan 2011
- views: 186777

Music Theory - Bass Clef (Understanding & Identifying Notes)
This video is suitable for:
- Beginners - those who have no experience of the bass clef a...
published: 20 Aug 2010
Music Theory - Bass Clef (Understanding & Identifying Notes)
This video is suitable for:
- Beginners - those who have no experience of the bass clef and wish to be able to identify notes.
- Those who wish to refresh their knowledge of the bass clef.
The video provides a clear description of notes names including the use of ledger lines for notes above and below the stave.
- published: 20 Aug 2010
- views: 88572

Music Theory - Treble Clef (Understanding & Identifying Notes)
This video is suitable for:
- Beginners - those who have no experience of the treble clef...
published: 20 Aug 2010
Music Theory - Treble Clef (Understanding & Identifying Notes)
This video is suitable for:
- Beginners - those who have no experience of the treble clef and wish to be able to identify notes.
- Those who wish to refresh their knowledge of the treble clef.
The video provides a clear description of notes names including the use of ledger lines for notes above and below the stave.
- published: 20 Aug 2010
- views: 31157

Ode To The Treble Clef - MusicK8.com
Bill Belongia has animated this fun '50s rock ballad by Karl Hitzemann, the lyrics of whic...
published: 06 Jul 2011
Ode To The Treble Clef - MusicK8.com
Bill Belongia has animated this fun '50s rock ballad by Karl Hitzemann, the lyrics of which tell your singers that the treble clef is an old-fashioned "G" and that it curls around the "G" line on the music staff. It also states the names for the line notes and the space notes when the treble clef is in its "cozy spot." (Music K-8, Vol, 18, No. 3)
- published: 06 Jul 2011
- views: 46177

UNC Clef Hangers - Madness
The UNC Clef Hangers are pleased to introduce "Madness", originally produced by Muse. "Mad...
published: 24 Mar 2013
UNC Clef Hangers - Madness
The UNC Clef Hangers are pleased to introduce "Madness", originally produced by Muse. "Madness" is featured on the Clef Hangers' newest album, "The Mallard" which will be released on April 13th at their 35th anniversary spring concert in Carmichael Arena! Get your tickets through the UNC Student Union Box Office starting Tuesday, March 26th! Visit www.clefhangers.com for more information
Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! GO HEELS!!!!
Original Artist: Muse
Soloists: Phillip Bouche, CJ David, Jason Perfetto
Arranger: Jason Perfetto
"Guitar" solo: Cole Boyer
- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 2735

UNC Clef Hangers - Wagon Wheel (Fall Concert 2011)
UNC Clef Hangers
Wagon Wheel
Fall Concert 2011
Cole Hammack
Charlie Harris
Taylor Pa...
published: 26 Nov 2011
UNC Clef Hangers - Wagon Wheel (Fall Concert 2011)
UNC Clef Hangers
Wagon Wheel
Fall Concert 2011
Cole Hammack
Charlie Harris
Taylor Pardue
- published: 26 Nov 2011
- views: 40336
Youtube results:

How to Read Music - Bass Clef (with free download)
Download a free bass clef poster at: http://bit.ly/hUUDBU
Leon's Free ebook "how to Read ...
published: 25 Jun 2009
How to Read Music - Bass Clef (with free download)
Download a free bass clef poster at: http://bit.ly/hUUDBU
Leon's Free ebook "how to Read Music" is available at http://www.OneMinuteMusicLesson.com
One Minute Music Lesson with Leon Harrell presents ...
How to Read Music - Lesson 3 - Bass Clef
In this series Leon Harrell teaches how to read music starting from the very beginning.
This lesson focuses on the reading notes from the bass clef.
For more info on One Minute Music Lesson's "How to Read Music" series visit www.LeonHarrell.com
If you have any questions send them to Leon at leonharrell@gmail.com
Don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe.
- published: 25 Jun 2009
- views: 47686

The Clef Truants - Don't Want U No More (NET VIDEO)
The Clef Truants - Don't Want U No More (NET VIDEO)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pa...
published: 17 Dec 2012
The Clef Truants - Don't Want U No More (NET VIDEO)
The Clef Truants - Don't Want U No More (NET VIDEO)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Clef-Truants/153290491395868
Twitter: @TheClefTruants
Intro Rap
I paid for her cab, and Doner Kebab
Winked at another bird to get her mad
'Cos she thinks she's the best, the best I've ever had
Demanding my jacket, she's scantily clad
"Babes I'm freezing, I think I'm getting a cold, I'm sneezing"
Gave her a tissue,
"Babes, its season, I brought my jacket for the very same reason"
Verse 1
You always wanna make it seem like I'm this real bad guy
But tell me baby who's the one that's spreading all the lies
You only know to criticise you never sympathise
I need somebody who can make a difference in my life
See I don't want you no more, don't come to my door
Be begging for more, like some groupie yo
Who needs desperate dough, and won't let me go
Cos I and I know, she's digging for gold
Don't want you no more, don't come to my door
Be begging for more, like some groupie yo
Who needs desperate dough, and won't let me go
Cos I and I know, she's digging for gold
Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh), Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh), Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh), Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh), Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh),
Verse 2
When we first started dating she was special in my life
She always knew just what to say when things weren't going right
I always loved those Friday nights when we would play those games
But now it seems like money, is her one and only aim
See I don't want you no more, don't come to my door
Be begging for more, like some groupie yo
Who needs desperate dough, and won't let me go
Cos I and I know, she's digging for gold
Don't want you no more, don't come to my door
Be begging for more, like some groupie yo
Who needs desperate dough, and won't let me go
Cos I and I know, she's digging for gold
Abrupt change like metamorphosis
Remained courtly, courtliest of the heartiest
Changed gears in the fast lane
Mirrored T-Pain, sprung, sang for love in vain
The bane of my existence, held your glock to my love
We grew distant
This was meant to be far more than the praise of material things
Babylonian girls, ain't fit for kings
Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh), Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh), Uh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh),
Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh, (Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh),
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
Ooh, ooh, ooh,
See I don't want you no more, don't come to my door
Be begging for more, like some groupie yo
Who needs desperate dough, and won't let me go
Cos I and I know, she's digging for gold
Don't want you no more, don't come to my door
Be begging for more, like some groupie yo
Who needs desperate dough, and won't let me go
Cos I and I know, she's digging for gold
See I don't want you no more, no more, no more,
You better walk out the door, walk out the door,
Cos I can't take this no more, no more, no more,
Our time has gone, must move on, we must move on,
© 2012 The Clef Truants - Don't Want You No More, All Rights Reserved.
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 2719

Farmer Fred and the Bass Clef
Learn all about the bass clef! The Barnyard Friend characters represent the landmark notes...
published: 08 Oct 2009
Farmer Fred and the Bass Clef
Learn all about the bass clef! The Barnyard Friend characters represent the landmark notes on the grand staff. Visit www.pianodiscoveries.ca for more free piano teaching resources by Anne Crosby.
- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 22440

Music Theory 101 -- The Treble Clef -- from ilearnmusic.com
This video will show you the basics of reading music using the treble clef. It is the fir...
published: 28 May 2006
Music Theory 101 -- The Treble Clef -- from ilearnmusic.com
This video will show you the basics of reading music using the treble clef. It is the first in a series of videos giving basic info about music theory -- including practice quizzes and more. Check out the YouTube channel for more.
- published: 28 May 2006
- views: 96320