| Welcome to the British Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) The aim of ARRSE (in so far that it has one) is to provide a useful(ish), informative and amusing site for people with an interest in the British Army. Contrary to duty rumour we are not promoting the overthrow of HMG, nor do we exist to toe the party line. Users can expect to find both reasoned argument and complete ARRSE within our pages. It exists for all. |
The heart of the Army Rumour Service is the forum area. Every military and most civil issues are discussed here, from serious political discussion through to pure army and military bullshit and banter. The other main features of the site are the ARRSEPedia, a military version of wikipedia, and our reviews area. Full navigation is in the header menu, but these are some highlights to get you started. You might also want Help!!.
The ARRSEPedia is a wiki, just like wikipedia, but for the British Army / ARRSE and not quite 100% serious. The ARRSEPedia is a mass of articles that anyone can create or edit. The idea is that if everyone contributes a little of his knowledge, opinions, sense of humour and experience then something really impressive... the ARRSEPedia.. is created.
And just to whet your appetite:
Our reviews contain uncensored, honest opinions on military equipment from serving and former soldiers Our forum area has lively discussion of procurement, equipment, uniform, weapons and logistics ThisTribe.com online clothing and equipment shop This Tribe supplies the highest quality clothing and equipment to professional soldiers. Offering excellent service,free postage, next-day delivery and exceptional security and privacy, This Tribe is part owned by ARRSE. Have a look if you're interested in buying an MTP Military Daysack, MTP Webbing, Snupak Softie Military Sleeping Bag or Molle Battle Belt |
Stories From The Streets by Mac Mallory