- published: 01 Jul 2011
- views: 415487
- author: Patricio Martinez

Buy the original video. Compra tu video original....
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: Patricio Martinez
Buy the original video. Compra tu video original.
- published: 01 Jul 2011
- views: 415487
- author: Patricio Martinez

Kamikochi - Jewel of the Japan Alps
A three day sojourn deep into the heart of the Japan Alps National Park, to the Jewel of t...
published: 28 May 2013
author: KoruImages
Kamikochi - Jewel of the Japan Alps
A three day sojourn deep into the heart of the Japan Alps National Park, to the Jewel of the Japan Alps - Kamikochi. I've linked together my photos from this...
- published: 28 May 2013
- author: KoruImages

Gimmelwald, Switzerland: Best of the Alps
Unlike neighboring resort towns, Switzerland's Gimmelwald remains a vital community of fam...
published: 23 Dec 2009
author: Rick Steves Europe
Gimmelwald, Switzerland: Best of the Alps
Unlike neighboring resort towns, Switzerland's Gimmelwald remains a vital community of families — locally owned and proud of it. Subscribe to http://www.yout...
- published: 23 Dec 2009
- views: 261614
- author: Rick Steves Europe

The North Face: Hardest of the Alps- Featuring the Pou Brothers
In the summer of 2010, Iker and Eneko Pou decided to visit legends. Travelling the Alps in...
published: 18 May 2011
author: The North Face
The North Face: Hardest of the Alps- Featuring the Pou Brothers
In the summer of 2010, Iker and Eneko Pou decided to visit legends. Travelling the Alps in their camper van, they met the godfathers that changed climbing fo...
- published: 18 May 2011
- views: 125906
- author: The North Face

The Alps from above - The swiss Alps with music by Thomas Bergersen from the Album Illusions
Die Alpen sind das höchste Gebirge im Inneren Europas. Es erstreckt sich in einem 1.200 Ki...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: ♫♪ Music for the soul ♫♪
The Alps from above - The swiss Alps with music by Thomas Bergersen from the Album Illusions
Die Alpen sind das höchste Gebirge im Inneren Europas. Es erstreckt sich in einem 1.200 Kilometer langen und zwischen 150 und 250 Kilometer breiten Bogen vom...
- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 7835
- author: ♫♪ Music for the soul ♫♪

Sic Alps "She's On Top"
Song from "She's On Top" 12"EP available from Drag City.
Directed by William Francis-Basho...
published: 23 May 2013
Sic Alps "She's On Top"
Song from "She's On Top" 12"EP available from Drag City.
Directed by William Francis-Bashore Keihn.
- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 1314

My Day in the Swiss Alps
Recorded August 13, 2011: My small group tour into the Swiss Alps includes: 00:00 Lungerer...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: hoosiertim
My Day in the Swiss Alps
Recorded August 13, 2011: My small group tour into the Swiss Alps includes: 00:00 Lungerersee Lake 01:34 Aare Gorge 12:47 Grimsel Pass 21:27 Rhone Glacier 34...
- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 170252
- author: hoosiertim

motorama - alps
look for all motorama videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/motoramaofficial directed a...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: nonopl
motorama - alps
look for all motorama videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/motoramaofficial directed and shot by motorama, 2010.
- published: 24 Jun 2010
- author: nonopl

World's Toughest Adventure Race - Red Bull X-Alps 2013 - TEASER
The 2013 Red Bull X-Alps will be the sixth edition of the world's toughest adventure race....
published: 16 Mar 2013
author: Red Bull
World's Toughest Adventure Race - Red Bull X-Alps 2013 - TEASER
The 2013 Red Bull X-Alps will be the sixth edition of the world's toughest adventure race. Athletes must either hike or fly over 100km across the Alps from S...
- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 57610
- author: Red Bull

Alps - Tráiler español
Todo el cine en http://www.cinemaadhoc.info Idioma del tráiler: v.o. griego con subtítulos...
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: cherrytrailers
Alps - Tráiler español
Todo el cine en http://www.cinemaadhoc.info Idioma del tráiler: v.o. griego con subtítulos en castellano Director: Giorgos Lanthimos Intérpretes: Aris Servet...
- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 12154
- author: cherrytrailers

Hugging the Alps
Recap of last summer's trips on the most beautiful roads the Alps have to offer. Weapons o...
published: 28 May 2013
Hugging the Alps
Recap of last summer's trips on the most beautiful roads the Alps have to offer. Weapons of choice are a Lotus Elise S2 111S and a GoPro camera.
- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 13

Boomerang X-alps
published: 24 May 2013
author: kaoru ogisawa
Boomerang X-alps
- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 290
- author: kaoru ogisawa

ALPS - Bande annonce
ALPS, de Yorgos Lanthimos Sortie en salles : 27 mars 2013 Prix Un Certain Regard en 2009 p...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: FondationGroupamaGan
ALPS - Bande annonce
ALPS, de Yorgos Lanthimos Sortie en salles : 27 mars 2013 Prix Un Certain Regard en 2009 pour son film CANINE A3 Distribution Synopsis : ALPS est le nom d'un...
- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 177
- author: FondationGroupamaGan
Vimeo results:

Summer feelings
A celebration of the beauty of our french and italian Alps. I filmed and edited what I per...
published: 04 Jul 2011
author: sebastien montaz-rosset
Summer feelings
A celebration of the beauty of our french and italian Alps. I filmed and edited what I personnaly like in the mountain culture: sports, life style, art of living, culture and people.
More on my blog: www.sebmontaz.com
Video tutorials and shooting tips from the film maker: www.facebook.com/pages/Seb-Montaz-Video-blog/149892381710213
I hope you will enjoy watching it as much as i did filming it !
Tech spec:
editing: FCP7
lenses: Canon 45 TSE 2.8, 50 1.2, 14 2.8.
cameras: canon 7D & 5Dm2
color grading Magic bullet looks
Music by young talented composer Michael Denny. www.michaeldennymusic.com
Editor, DP, grading: Sebastien Montaz-Rosset.
More on my blog: www.sebmontaz.com

Helvetia's Dream
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nigh...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Helvetia's Dream
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nighttime journey to some of the most beautiful spots in the Swiss Alps – from Arosa to Zermatt, including the world famous mountains Matterhorn and Eiger.
Please pay special attention to the following scenes:
@0:46 watch the persistent train of a bright meteor above Tijerflue Mountain in Arosa, December 2010, which was visible for about 20 minutes. A slow motion effect is applied for better visibility of the shooting star and its trail of ‘smoke’, which consists of ionized gas left behind as the meteor burns up in the atmosphere.
@1:14 clouds above Lake Geneva steam up the lens.
@1:36 on the very left: Climbers step into the unpredictable Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 the Milky Way rises above the ‘Donkey’ rock on Pilatus.
@1:58 snowcats nearby cause the lighting of the summit cross on Fronalpstock Mountain. (Snowcat lights usually spoil time-lapse)
@2:21 the wind changes the reflection of Säntis Mountain in the Seealpsee.
@2:35 three settings showing orbits of stars. This is an alternative technique to display the movement of stars by sequentially adding the luminosity of each exposure. The result is basically a long exposure with a large aperture.
@2:49 the waxing new moon, not full moon, setting over Pilatus.
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
‘Helvetias Traum’ ist ein nächtlicher Streifzug durch die Schweizer Alpen – von Arosa bis Zermatt. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören die weltbekannten Berge Matterhorn und Eiger.
Schenken Sie folgenden Szenen besondere Aufmerksamkeit:
@0:46 Eine Feuerkugel (Meteor) über der Tijerflue in Arosa hinterlässt eine 20 Minuten andauernde Nachleuchtspur. Dabei erzeugt eine durch das Verglühen entstandene katalytische chemische Reaktion Licht. Damit man die Sternschnuppe besser sieht, wurde ein Zeitlupen-Effekt angewendet.
@1:14 Wolken über dem Genfersee beschlagen das Objektiv.
@1:36 Ganz links: Bergsteiger auf dem Weg in die unberechenbare Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 Die Milchstrasse steigt über dem ‘Esel’ (Pilatus) auf.
@1:58 Pistenfahrzeuge beleuchten das Gipfelkreuz auf dem Fronalpstock.
@2:21 Wind verändert die Spiegelung des Säntis im Seealpsee.
@2:35 Drei Einstellungen mit Sternenbahnen: Diese Darstellung zeigt die scheinbare Bewegung der Sterne, indem die Helligkeit jedes Bildes fortlaufend addiert wird. Das Resultat entspricht im Prinzip einer Langzeitbelichtung mit weit offener Blende.
@2:49 Der zunehmende Neumond (nicht Vollmond) geht über dem Pilatus unter.
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Einige Worte zu meiner Person:
Ich bin in Arosa aufgewachsen, einem kleinen Paradies in der Bündner Bergwelt auf 1800 Metern über Meer. Inspiriert durch die beeindruckende Berglandschaft habe ich schon früh die Fotografie als meine Passion entdeckt. Seit 2005 arbeite ich als Pressefotograf bei der Schweizer Bildagentur KEYSTONE in Zürich. Die Time-Lapse Fotografie ist seit 2011 mein Lieblingshobby. Weitere private Arbeiten gibt es auf www.dellabella.ch
Viel Vergnügen beim Schauen der Time-Lapse Filme!
Alessandro Della Bella

GoPro HD: Avalanche Cliff Jump with Matthias Giraud
Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from GoPro®.http://GoPro.com
Matthias Giraud and Stefan...
published: 20 Apr 2011
author: GoPro
GoPro HD: Avalanche Cliff Jump with Matthias Giraud
Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from GoPro®.http://GoPro.com
Matthias Giraud and Stefan Laude capture some of the most incredible content seen by GoPro as they hit the Alps like true heroes skiing the French backcountry while escaping a large avalanche on their tails!

BIRDMEN: The Original Dream of Flight TRAILER
Download Birdmen today! • Full 52 minute version is now available:
US iTunes: http://itune...
published: 03 Mar 2012
author: Team Thirteen
BIRDMEN: The Original Dream of Flight TRAILER
Download Birdmen today! • Full 52 minute version is now available:
US iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/birdmen-original-dream-flight/id560707293
US, Canada, UK, Japan, Australia (Streaming): http://www.youtube.com/movie/birdmen-the-original-dream-of-flight
Anywhere Else In The World: (Download): http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=63218
Anywhere Else In The World: (Streaming): http://vod.journeyman.tv/store?p=4807
Birdmen is a documentary film about the dream of human flight becoming reality. For millennia, humans have looked to the sky and dreamed of arcing through the air, like birds. And now, after hundreds of thousands of years, humans can fly. It is dangerous, deadly, and requires years of training, but a select few have committed their lives to the pursuit of the purest form of human flight: Wingsuit BASE Jumping.
'Birdmen' follows the dream of human flight, from its inception in ancient times to the modern world. What started with stuntmen hurling themselves to their death from objects such as the Eiffel Tower has become a respected extreme sport in which athletes zoom through the mountains at 150mph, just inches from trees and cliff faces.
During the film, professional wingsuit pilots Ellen Brennan, Mike Steen, and Matt Gerdes escort you through the inspiring yet tragic history of their ancestral birdmen and then show you the cutting edge of human flight in the year 2012. Matt, Mike, and Ellen are some of the most talented wingsuit pilots in the world – during the film, they pioneer new wingsuit flights in the European Alps and experience the highs and lows of a flying life. Finally, the future of the sport is envisioned, where scientists in Switzerland explain how pilots can soon achieve perfectly balanced and relatively safe flight paths using cruise-control autonomous systems and small engines.
'BIRDMEN' is the first documentary ever made that covers the past, present, and possible future of the sport.
FEATURING: Matt Gerdes, Mike Steen, Ellen Brennan, Patrick De Gayardon, Loic Jean-Albert, Jeb Corliss, Yvess Rossy
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Proximity Productions
PRODUCER: Team Thirteen
CAMERAWORK: Kevin Steen, John James, Vinnie Urgo, Matt Sheridan
EDITING: Matt Sheridan and Shane McFalls
MUSIC: Milton Menasco
Youtube results:

Driving the Alps - BMW 335is European Delivery Trip
The goal was simple: an Ultimate driving experience. 1000 miles of twisty and windy drivin...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: Janitha Karunaratne
Driving the Alps - BMW 335is European Delivery Trip
The goal was simple: an Ultimate driving experience. 1000 miles of twisty and windy driving nirvana, the scenic Alps across Germany, Italy, Austria, and Swit...
- published: 07 Nov 2010
- views: 68155
- author: Janitha Karunaratne

Spectacular Avalanche in French Alps, St Christophe en Oisans via Ferrata
Spectacular Avalanche at St Christophe en Oisans, French Alps. Posted for information purp...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: davidzof's channel
Spectacular Avalanche in French Alps, St Christophe en Oisans via Ferrata
Spectacular Avalanche at St Christophe en Oisans, French Alps. Posted for information purposes only.
- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 23587
- author: davidzof's channel

Sic Alps "Biz Bag"
from the She's on Top 12"; out 05/21/13 via Drag City]...
published: 08 May 2013
author: THEHYPE00000
Sic Alps "Biz Bag"
from the She's on Top 12"; out 05/21/13 via Drag City]
- published: 08 May 2013
- author: THEHYPE00000

PAGINA WEB http://www.gabehash.com/ YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/Gabehash (Canal Español...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: GabeHashTV
PAGINA WEB http://www.gabehash.com/ YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/Gabehash (Canal Español) http://www.youtube.com/GabehashTV (English Channel) TWITTER https...
- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 6931
- author: GabeHashTV