Linux and Open Source Blog

June 30, 2008

BLOG NOTICE: Kindly Update Your Links

Filed under: NEWS — E@zyVG @ 6:04 pm

The Blog Has Been Moved To:


You will find all the articles and posts on a v.2 of this blog.

September 26, 2005

Welcome To Linux and Open Source Blog

Filed under: NEWS — E@zyVG @ 12:55 pm

Soon I’ll start populating the blog.

It will primarily focus on Linux, especially the Novell’s SuSE Distro, which I use as my primary OS on my desktop. Also will have quite a lot on Open Source Software (OSS) related news, reviews, trends and what’s up with it today.

If you are interested in cooperating with me on this blog, please do contact me via or through Jabber Messenger, using the same address.

Stay tuned …

Theme: Shocking Blue Green. Blog at


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