- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 1243
Rui Tavares (born 29 July 1972 in Lisbon) is a Portuguese politician and Member of the European Parliament. He was elected in 2009 for the Left Bloc. In June 2011, Tavares became an independent within The Greens–European Free Alliance group. In 2013 he founded the new party LIVRE.
In June 2013, he was commissioned by the European Parliament to submit a report on Hungarian constitutional concerns. The report urged the Hungarian authorities "to implement as swiftly as possible all the measures the European Commission as the guardian of the treaties deems necessary in order to fully comply with EU law… [and with] the decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court and... the recommendations of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe and other international bodies…".
Rui Tavares at TEDxO'Porto 2013
Rui Tavares - Estado da União - PE Estrasburgo
Rui Tavares e Rúbia Frutuoso - Zouk Day 2013
Maria Lydia entrevista Rui Tavares Maluf, cientista político
Rui Tavares anuncia que vai ser deputado pelo Livre, só que não.
Rui Tavares e Tâmini Friguetto, improviso de Zouk na Santa Dança
Baila Mundo - Rui Tavares e Tâmini Frigueto (Campinas Dança Zouk 2014)
Baila Mundo - Rui Tavares e Alanna Caroline (Campinas Dança Zouk 2015)
Zouk Day 2013 - Rui Tavares e Rúbia Frutuoso - Fluidez, Controle em Giros e Finalizações
Zouk Rui Tavares e Tâmini Friguetto
Painel 1 - Disrupção - Rui Tavares In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Rui Tavares e Rúbia Frutuoso em Improviso ao final da aula no Zouk day, realizado na Solum escola de dança. Com direito a Bônus do funk lek lek, imitação garça e siri.
Lançar foguetes antes de saber se há festa. Um caso para recordar.
Rui Tavares e Tâmini Frigueto improviso no Studio Santa Dança
Demo de aula de zouk de Rui Tavares e Tâmini Friguetto no Campinas Dança Zouk 2014. (23/11/2014)
Confira demo da aula de zouk de Rui Tavares e Alanna Caroline no Campinas Dança Zouk 2015. (20/11/2015) Clique em HD para assistir em uma melhor qualidade! ;-)
Demostração após aula de Fluidez, Controle em Giros e Finalizações. Música: Whitney Houston-Salute" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGsifSsHoc ) Outros vídeos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5YNygCMqNjApBoa-mYvxxxE-kPTqnvjU
The Troika has managed hundreds of billions of euros for bailing out crisis hit countries in Europe the last couple of years. But lately the members of the Troika, the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been heavily criticized for lack of transparency, for making poor economic analyses and demanding too tough reforms and thus crippling member states affected by the crisis. The European Parliament recently decided to start an inquiry on the work of the Troika and Portuguese parliamentarian, Rui Tavares argues that the Troika might in fact be illegal
This interview with Rui Tavares (MEP) was recorded the 27th of March 2013 at the European Parliament (Brussels). It took place during an event the Oecumene team organised in Brussels on 'Enacting Europe in time of crisis'.
The Parliament is preparing its second report on the situation in Hungary. We interviewed Hungarian MEP Kinga Gál and the Portuguese rapporteur Rui Tavares. Comment on European Parliament Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/europeanparliament EuroparlTV video ID: 4fde526f-f791-4bd6-8fb2-a1a3012caf8a
Intervenção de Rui Tavares, membro da Assembleia do LIVRE, no lançamento do movimento DiEM25 em Berlim. Legendado em Português e Inglês
Mensagens de apoio ao Rui Tavares e ao LIVRE por parte de José Bové, Ska Keller, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Kinga Goncz, Amelia Andersdotter, Antonio Masip-Hidalgo e Raül Romeva i Rueda, eurodeputados progressistas.
No passado dia 28 de novembro, Rui Tavares apresentou o LIVRE no espaço Maus Hábitos, no Porto. O PERFIL esteve à conversa com o historiador e euro-deputado para descobrir o homem por trás do político. Esta entrevista e os restantes conteúdos do jornal PERFIL para ler em: http://issuu.com/jornalperfilonline/docs/jornal_perfil
Ban on the elections for the Tibetan Government in exile in Nepal mini plenary, Brussels http://beinternacional.eu