The Wayback Machine -
Bye & Rønning - Ut og nave (Dansebandet Ronald & Terjes)
Nave' - Thinking Bout You (Ve' Mix) (Prod. Nave')
Ratones Paranoicos - La nave
The Curry Song - NAVE feat. Vini & John Bala
Giorgio Gaber - La Nave
Boy do Charmes - Nois de Nave part. Dj Marlboro
Bye og Rønning - Ut å nave
Nibiru Nave Madre Detectado  y El oro extraterrestre  Parte  1
ZE_ RAMALHO_ ( A Nave Interior )_ Part pitty
Genova - Nave contro torre del porto, morti e feriti -1- (08.05.13)
The Arranged Marriage Song - NAVE feat. John Bala (Prod. by Deyo)


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Tell Me Secrets
Tell Me Your Secret
Tell Me What It's All To Feel
Tell Me 'bout Reality
Tell Me Secrets
Tell Me Sweet Secrets
What Do You Know
What Do You Know
What Do You Know About Me
Take Me To The Other Side
Walk The Line
That's The Way Of The World
What U Waitin' 4
She Has To Be Loved
Everybody Needs Somebody
See My Face Just Once Again
Watch Me Fall 4 U
Once More Watch Me Feel Just Like Before
Runnin' 4 My Life
Why Not Runnin' Out
I Did Not Know
Why Call
Watch Me Fall

Make changes yourself !

Bye & Rønning - Ut og nave (Dansebandet Ronald & Terjes)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:40
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
Anders Bye og Jon Niklas Rønning gir oss en ekte dansebandhyllest til NAV og navere. Melodien er Rune Rudbergs velkjente Ut mot havet. Fra humorserien «Bye &...
  • published: 23 Nov 2012
  • views: 262422
  • author: nrk & Rønning - Ut og nave (Dansebandet Ronald & Terjes)
Nave' - Thinking Bout You (Ve' Mix) (Prod. Nave')
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:25
  • Updated: 27 May 2013
Frank Ocean - Thinking Bout You Remix @Navevaymakehitz Download Here - Enjoy! It's ve' h...' - Thinking Bout You (Ve' Mix) (Prod. Nave')
Ratones Paranoicos - La nave
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:44
  • Updated: 29 May 2013
Del disco Fieras Lunaticas (1991) Paranoicos - La nave
The Curry Song - NAVE feat. Vini & John Bala
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:37
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2013
Be sure to download this song and share it around - here's the link: I had a free night and John Bala was in town s...
  • published: 11 Jul 2011
  • views: 253469
  • author: Nave279 Curry Song - NAVE feat. Vini & John Bala
Giorgio Gaber - La Nave
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
Gaber! Gaber - La Nave
Boy do Charmes - Nois de Nave part. Dj Marlboro
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:44
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2013
CLIQUE E TWEET: Facebook: CONTATO PARA SH... do Charmes - Nois de Nave part. Dj Marlboro
Bye og Rønning - Ut å nave
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 23 May 2013
Bye og Rønning - parodi av "ut mot have" I do not own this video. all rights reserved to NRK og Rønning - Ut å nave
Nibiru Nave Madre Detectado  y El oro extraterrestre  Parte  1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:35
  • Updated: 28 May 2013
Desde hace ya 20 años se a incrementado la actividad tectonica en nuestro planeta , asi como los huracanes , tsunamis y la actividad ovni . El satelite espac... Nave Madre Detectado y El oro extraterrestre Parte 1
ZE_ RAMALHO_ ( A Nave Interior )_ Part pitty
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:42
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013
ZE_ RAMALHO_ ( A Nave Interior )_ Part pitty .....Não é de fora que a nave vem É de dentro do peito que a nave sai É de dentro da gente que a nau inaudita Ha...
  • published: 16 Jul 2011
  • views: 13365
  • author: JJJJJLUIZ RAMALHO_ ( A Nave Interior )_ Part pitty
Genova - Nave contro torre del porto, morti e feriti -1- (08.05.13)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:17
  • Updated: 21 May 2013 - Genova - Sale a sette morti, quattro feriti e due dispersi il bilancio del tragico incidente verificatosi intorno alle 23.30 di martedì...
  • published: 08 May 2013
  • views: 46784
  • author: Pupia Crime - Nave contro torre del porto, morti e feriti -1- (08.05.13)
The Arranged Marriage Song - NAVE feat. John Bala (Prod. by Deyo)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:14
  • Updated: 31 May 2013
Please show your support by sharing and purchasing this song on iTunes! :-)
  • published: 23 May 2011
  • views: 323701
  • author: jehanr Arranged Marriage Song - NAVE feat. John Bala (Prod. by Deyo)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:23
  • Updated: 09 May 2013
Sono tre al momento le vittime dell'incidente avvenuto nella notte a genova, quando una nave ha speronato una banchina del porto abbattendo una torre dei pil...
  • published: 08 May 2013
  • views: 3177
B & R - Jeg vil NAVE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 25 May 2013
Danseband på topplan.
  • published: 24 Nov 2012
  • views: 22872
  • author: Rirger Brud & R - Jeg vil NAVE
Nave Nodriza Cilíndrica de Luz entra al Crater del Volcan Popocatepetl 26-10-2012.mp4
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:48
  • Updated: 02 Jun 2013
Proyecto Avatar Mucho sea especulado de que el Volcan Popocatepeth "Montaña Humeante en nauatl" de México es una base Extraterrestre por los cientos de video... Nodriza Cilíndrica de Luz entra al Crater del Volcan Popocatepetl 26-10-2012.mp4

Anders Bye og Jon Niklas Rønning gir oss en ekte dansebandhyllest til NAV og navere. Melodien er Rune Rudbergs velkjente Ut mot havet. Fra humorserien «Bye &...
  • published: 23 Nov 2012
  • views: 262422
  • author: nrk

Bye & Rønning - Ut og nave (Danse­ban­det Ronald & Ter­jes)
An­ders Bye og Jon Niklas Rønning gir oss en ekte danse­band­hyllest til NAV og na­vere. Melod...
pub­lished: 23 Nov 2012
au­thor: nrk
Nave' - Think­ing Bout You (Ve' Mix) (Prod. Nave')
Frank Ocean - Think­ing Bout You Remix @Nave­vay­make­hitz Down­load Here - Enjoy! It's ve' htt...
pub­lished: 07 Jul 2012
Ra­tones Para­noicos - La nave
Del disco Fieras Lu­nati­cas (1991)...
pub­lished: 06 Mar 2012
au­thor: rafaen­moldes
The Curry Song - NAVE feat. Vini & John Bala
Be sure to down­load this song and share it around - here's the link: http://​www.​mediafire....
pub­lished: 11 Jul 2011
au­thor: Nave279
Gior­gio Gaber - La Nave
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2006
Boy do Charmes - Nois de Nave part. Dj Marl­boro
CLIQUE E TWEET: http://​clicktotweet.​com/​be18p Face­book: http://​on.​fb.​me/​NosdeNave http://c...
pub­lished: 28 Jul 2012
Bye og Rønning - Ut å nave
Bye og Rønning - par­o­di av "ut mot have" I do not own this video. all rights re­served to N...
pub­lished: 24 Nov 2012
au­thor: ear­aser170993
Nibiru Nave Madre De­tec­ta­do y El oro ex­trater­restre Parte 1
Desde hace ya 20 años se a in­cre­men­ta­do la ac­tivi­dad tec­ton­i­ca en nue­stro plan­e­ta , asi co...
pub­lished: 22 Apr 2012
ZE_ RA­MAL­HO_ ( A Nave In­te­ri­or )_ Part pitty
ZE_ RA­MAL­HO_ ( A Nave In­te­ri­or )_ Part pitty .....Não é de fora que a nave vem É de den­tro...
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2011
au­thor: JJJJJLUIZ
Gen­o­va - Nave con­tro torre del porto, morti e fer­i­ti -1- (08.05.13)
http://​www.​pupia.​tv - Gen­o­va - Sale a sette morti, quat­tro fer­i­ti e due dis­per­si il bi­lanc...
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
au­thor: Pupia Crime
The Ar­ranged Mar­riage Song - NAVE feat. John Bala (Prod. by Deyo)
Please show your sup­port by shar­ing and pur­chas­ing this song on iTunes! :-) http://itunes....
pub­lished: 23 May 2011
au­thor: je­hanr
Sono tre al mo­men­to le vit­time dell'in­ci­dente avvenu­to nella notte a gen­o­va, quan­do una na...
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
au­thor: tgla7
B & R - Jeg vil NAVE
Danse­band på top­plan....
pub­lished: 24 Nov 2012
au­thor: Rirg­er Brud
Nave Nodriza Cilíndri­ca de Luz entra al Crater del Vol­can Popocate­petl 26-10-2012.​mp4
Proyec­to Avatar Mucho sea es­pec­u­la­do de que el Vol­can Popocate­peth "Montaña Humeante en na...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2012
au­thor: Pedro Ar­turo
Vimeo results:
I Need Noth­ing - a near­ly use­less odyssey
Repos­i­to­ries of sto­ries and its en­rich­ing emo­tions, the cov­ers, that ac­co­mo­date the ex­isti...
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2011
au­thor: Cãoceito
We Are Fam­i­ly Films: Episode 1 ft An­dreu La­con­deguy
ONEAL pre­sents the Episode 1. After the suc­cess of the first “we are fam­i­ly” ses­sion, the...
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2011

Youtube results:
Gen­o­va - Nave con­tro torre del porto, morti e fer­i­ti -2- (08.05.13)
http://​www.​pupia.​tv - Gen­o­va - Sale a sette morti, quat­tro fer­i­ti e due dis­per­si il bi­lanc...
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
au­thor: pu­pi­avideo
Jose Jose - La Nave del Olvi­do
Jose Jose - La Nave del Olvi­do....
pub­lished: 13 Jan 2009
au­thor: jose­josetv
pub­lished: 06 May 2011
au­thor: lofecha
MC Dede - Pani na Nave - Música nova 2013 (Fer­rugem DJ e DJ Puffe) Lançamen­to 2013
Todos os di­re­itos reser­va­dos a Fer­rugem DJ e DJ Puffe. https://​www.​facebook.​com/​detonafunk...​
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2013
photo: AP / dpa,Peter Kneffel
An aerial view of the flooding in Passau, Germany, photographed Monday June 3, 2013.
Edit Jamaica Observer
04 Jun 2013
Water levels on the Rhine, Danube and Neckar rivers have risen steadily, with many smaller streams also threatening to break their banks ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
photo: AP
File - In this Thursday, June 28, 2012 photo, embers of the Free Syrian Army are seen in a neighborhood of Damascus, Syria. Much of the violence that has gripped Syria has been sanctioned by the government to crush dissent.
Edit Al Jazeera
04 Jun 2013
The Syrian regime and rebel fighters are committing war crimes as the conflict reaches "new levels of brutality", a report of the United Nations says. The UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria said on Tuesday that military and government leaders must be held accountable for implementing a "concerted policy" of human rights violations ... It called on Damascus to allow a team of experts into the country ... 186 Source.. Agencies ... Hungary ... News ... " /> ... ....(size: 5.8Kb)
photo: Flickr / AFP / PIUS UTOMI EKPEI
A poster displayed along the road shows photograph of Imam Abubakar Shekau, leader of the militant Islamist group Boko Haram, declared wanted by the Nigerian military with $320,471 reward for information that could lead to his capture in northeastern Nigeria town of Maiduguri May 1, 2013. Abubakar Shekau, leader of Islamist sect that has killed about 4,000 people since 2009 when it began its campaign of terror is Nigeria's most wanted man, who has been designated a terrorist by the US government.
Edit Independent online (SA)
04 Jun 2013
Washington - The US State Department on Monday offered rewards of between $3-million and $7-million for information leading to the location of “leaders of terrorist organisations” in West Africa, the first time it has used the rewards programme in the region ... The State Department blamed the group for the August 2011 vehicle-bomb attack on a UN facility in Abuja, Nigeria, which killed at least 23 people and wounded 80 ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)

Edit Newstrack India
05 Jun 2013
Tweet. Lahore, June 5 (ANI) ... In addition to that, over 300 complaints have been submitted against policemen at various city stations ... They tortured her and brought her to police station CIA Model Town and on reaching there, they presented her to DSP CIA Model Town Daud Khan and he asked her to call her husband and ask him bring three million rupees cheque in the name of Naveed Dialke, otherwise she would be raped by police ... (ANI). null ... ....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit The Press Democrat
04 Jun 2013
The Petaluma City Council voted ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit New York Daily News
04 Jun 2013
A pregnant mom accidentally killed her two-year-old son by running him over as she backed out of her driveway, police said ... Saturday ... RELATED ... I just want my baby. PLEASE." ... "It was one of those tragic things," Tacoma police officer Naveed Benjamin said....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Deccan Chronicle
04 Jun 2013
Karachi ... "Players have been told to sign the last page of the contracts by the manager of the team, Naved Akram Cheema who is handling things on behalf of the board causing some discern among the players who want to know details about the other clauses in their contracts," the report said ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit The Daily Telegraph
04 Jun 2013
The young woman in a white embroidered silk dress, who 60 years ago walked nervously along the length of the nave and choir of the abbey to “the Theatre” where she was to be crowned — “still a young girl with a demeanour of simplicity and humility”, as Cecil Beaton described her — has gone....(size: 12.6Kb)
Edit The Guardian
04 Jun 2013
Order of service at Westminster Abbey that includes the reading of a new poem by the poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy. Westminster Abbey, where the Queen's coronation 60th anniversary service will take place. Photograph. David Levene ... A Detachment of The Queen's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard and of Her Majesty's Body Guard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms enters the Abbey and moves to positions in the Nave and Quire ... by....(size: 26.0Kb)
Edit The Times of India
03 Jun 2013
For a good cause ... Kahaan tum chale gaye ... Politicos Naved Siddiqui and Zishan Haidar also made an appearance at the event and sat till the evening ended ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit The Times of India
03 Jun 2013
On screen, they have entertained us and kept us happily engaged. But in real life, a few Kollywood stars have displayed their unsavoury side ... SRINIVASAN ... This April, the cops came knocking ... LEENA MARIA PAUL ... SINGAMUTHU ... SANA KHAN ... It was reported that the actress tried to kidnap the girl who had rebuffed her cousin Naved Khan's advances. Later, denying the ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit Knox News
03 Jun 2013
D.D. Nave, Elizabethton, Tenn. The Boy Scouts of America passed a resolution that for the first time in its 103-year history allows openly homosexual boys to participate in Scouting. John Stemberger said this change makes Scouting an unprincipled and risky proposition for parents. Stemberger added, “The BSA is teaching kids when your values become unpopular, just change them.” ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Times of India
03 Jun 2013
It's been 40 years since Amitabh Bachchan married his 'Zanjeer' co-star Jaya. The megastar looks back at the "lifetime" and says god has been kind to give him the family that he has. Amitabh and Jaya are celebrating their anniversary on Monday ... The duo has worked together in movies like Abhimaan, Chupke Chupke, Sholay and Zanjeer ... They have two children - Agastya and Navya Naveli ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit Independent online (SA)
03 Jun 2013
INTATHELI YESOLEZWE. UTSHENGISILE ukuthi useyinkunzi yomculi we-hip hop kuleli uKhuli Chana osanda kuhlonishwa ngendondo yokuba ngumculi we-hip hop ovelele kumaSouth African Music Awards nonyaka ... Izithombe. MBALI KHANYILE. MBALI KHANYILE ... Phakathi kwabanye abashukumise inkundla kubalwa iBig NUZ, DJ Fresh obehambisana no-Euphonik esiteji, DJ Sphe, Naves noNtsika ... Isithombe. PATRICK MTOLO ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit Reuters
03 Jun 2013
By Alistair Scrutton and Patrick Lannin ... It still hangs in his office ... Three years later, engulfed in the worst riots in decades, that optimism is questioned ... Sweden is eyeing more cuts to pensions and sickness benefits, but it is not alone in the region ... Norwegians have even added a new word to their vocabulary - "to nave", or to get benefits from NAV, the labour and welfare agency ... "I am going to 'nave' this year rather than work." ... ....(size: 7.8Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
03 Jun 2013
Once logged onto CitiManager Mobile, cardholders can easily select which Citi account to view before navigating to their account, statement and new transaction details. “The launch of CitiManager Mobile is a significant milestone for us, exemplifying our dedication and commitment to delight our clients through innovation and digitization,” said Naveed Sultan, Citi’s Global Head of Treasury and Trade Solutions....(size: 3.2Kb)
Schematical illustration of a plan view of a cathedral, with the colored area showing the nave
Romanesque nave of the abbey church of Saint-Georges-de-Boscherville, Normandy, France has a triforium passage above the aisle vaulting
Late Gothic Fan vaulting (1608, restored 1860s) over the nave at Bath Abbey, Bath, England Suppression of the triforium offers a great expanse of clerestory windows.

In Romanesque and Gothic Christian abbey, cathedral basilica and church architecture, the nave is the central approach to the high altar, the main body of the church. "Nave" (Medieval Latin navis, "ship") was probably suggested by the keel shape of its vaulting.[1] The nave of a church, whether Romanesque, Gothic or Classical, extends from the entry — which may have a separate vestibule, the narthex — to the chancel and is flanked by lower aisles[2] separated from the nave by an arcade. If the aisles are high and of a width comparable to the central nave, the structure is sometimes said to have three naves.


See also[link]


  1. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica, s.v. "nave".
  2. ^ Nave (definition from Accessed 2010-01.20.)

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Giorgio Gaber
Birth name Giorgio Gaberscik
Born (1939-01-25)25 January 1939
Milan, Italy
Died 1 January 2003(2003-01-01) (aged 63)
Camaiore, Italy
Genres Teatro canzone
Years active 1958–2003
Associated acts Mina

Giorgio Gaber, byname of Giorgio Gaberscik (25 January 1939 - 1 January 2003), was an Italian singer-songwriter, actor and playwright. He was also an accomplished guitar player and author of one of the first rock songs in Italian ("Ciao ti dirò", 1958). Together with Sandro Luporini, he pioneered the musical genre known as teatro canzone ("song theatre").

The new underground auditorium of the Pirelli Tower in Milan is dedicated to him.




He was born in Milan into a lower middle-class family. His father, Guido Gaberscik, was born in Trieste, when the city was still part of Austria-Hungary,[1] most probably to Italianized Slovene immigrants from the Gorizia region.[2][3] The surname Gaberscik is in fact of Slovene origin (Gaberščik).[4] His mother was from the Veneto region. The two met and married in Veneto and later moved to Milan, where Giorgio was born.

Gaber began to play as rehabilitation for an injury to his hand which required constant but not strenuous activity to recover his motor skill. Since his health as a child was not the best and his older brother Marcello played guitar, he was encouraged to play as well. The outcome was good both in terms of his health and artistically, and at only fourteen years of age he was engaged to play at a New Eve's party and earned his first paycheck of 1,000 lire.

Subsequently he began to frequent the Santa Tecla, a venue in Milan where he had the chance to meet musicians of the time, including Luigi Tenco, Gianfranco Reverberi, Adriano Celentano, Ricky Gianco, and Mogol, who obtained a contract for Gaber with Dischi Ricordi. He then played with the Rocky Mountains Old Time Stompers (replacing Tony Dallara who had left to pursue a solo career) and with Rolling Crew.

Because neither Tenco nor Gaber were yet members of the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers they could not trademark the song "Ciao ti dirò" ("I'll Say Hi to You", inspired by Elvis Presley's "Jailhouse Rock"), which was signed off by Giorgio Calabrese and Giampiero Reverberi despite being composed by Tenco and Gaber.

The two went on to continue writing music together, developing at the same time a close friendship. In 1958 they toured Germany together with Adriano Celentano, Enzo Jannacci, Paolo Tomelleri e Gianfranco Reverberi.

Gaber paired up with Enzo Jannacci as I Due Corsari ("The Two Privateers"), who made their debut at the end of 1958 with two vinyl singles - "Come Facette Mammeta", a classic song of Neapolitan humour, and "Non occupatemi il telefono" ("Don't Hog the Telephone"). They continued to release singles with Dischi Ricordi throughout the following year, and in 1960 released their first album, Giorgio Gaber - Enzo Jannacci.

After a sentimental-artistic companionship with singer and actress Maria Monti, he married Ombretta Colli in 1965, then a student of languages (Chinese and Russian) at the University of Milan.

He took part to Festival di Sanremo four times, with the songs "Benzina e cerini" ("Petrol and Matches") in 1961, "Così felice" ("So Happy") in 1964, "Mai, Mai, Mai Valentina" ("Never, Never, Never Valentina") in 1966 and "...E allora dai" ("...Well Come On Then!") in 1967.

[edit] Il signor G

In 1969 he set one of his best known successes, "Com'è bella la città" ("How Beautiful the City Is"), an example of the introduction of social matters in a song. The following year, he showed at Piccolo teatro his first ediction of Il Signor G ("Mister G"), a recital he repeated in many Italian squares.

In 1974 he was given the Premio Tenco in the first edition of that musical award. Later Gaber also received the Targa Tenco in 2001 for his song "La razza in estinzione" ("The Dying Race") and in 2003 for the album Io non mi sento italiano ("I Don't Feel Italian"). After the Tenco award Gaber abandoned television and began to tour only in theatres, as one of the founders of the teatro canzone genre. He would appear again in TV, although sporadically, only in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Giorgio Gaber died, after a long illness, on 1 January 2003 in his country house in Montemagno near Camaiore (Lucca, Tuscany). He is buried in the Cimitero Monumentale in Milan.


Giorgio Gaber live in concert
  • Il signor G (1970)
  • I borghesi (1971)
  • Dialogo tra un impegnato e un non so (1972)
  • Far finta di essere sani (1973, studio)
  • Far finta di essere sani (theatre recording, 1973–74)
  • Anche per oggi non si vola (1974)
  • Libertà obbligatoria (1976)
  • Polli di allevamento (1978)
  • Pressione bassa (1980)
  • Io se fossi Dio (1980)
  • Anni affollati (1981)
  • Il teatro di Giorgio Gaber (1982)
  • Gaber (1984)
  • Io se fossi Gaber (1985)
  • Piccoli spostamenti del cuore (1987)
  • Parlami d'amore Mariù (1987)
  • Il Grigio (1989)
  • Storie del signor G (1991, VHS)
  • Il teatro canzone (1992)
  • Ma per fortuna che c'è... Giorgio Gaber (1994)
  • Io come persona (1994)
  • E pensare che c'era il pensiero (1994)
  • E pensare che c'era il pensiero (1995)
  • Gaber 96/97 (1996)
  • Un'idiozia conquistata a fatica (1997)
  • Un'idiozia conquistata a fatica" (1998, 2nd version)
  • Gaber 1999/2000 (1999)
  • La mia generazione ha perso (2001)
  • Io non mi sento italiano (2003)

There is also a large discography of LPs and 45s related to his production of pop music songs and ballads. Ja-Ga brothers (1983) with Enzo Jannacci, is the reprinting of the 1960 recordings of the two singers.

See also[link]

External links[link]


This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Fernando Luiz Mattos da Matta, better known as DJ Marlboro, is a Brazilian DJ.

DJ Marlboro is one of the originators of the Brazilian "funk" music, which is how a crossover between freestyle and rap music genres is known in Brazil. His first LP, Funk Brasil (1989), marks the beginning of the Brazilian "funk" movement, initially with versions of rap and freestyle hits from American artists, especially the Two Live Crew ("Do Wah Diddy" became "Melô da Mulher Feia" and "One and One" became "Melô dos Números"), sung in Portuguese.

He got the idea of making Portuguese versions of American songs by paying attention to how people at parties that played freestyle music in Rio de Janeiro, known as "baile funk," would create and sing their own versions of the songs, in Portuguese, as they couldn't understand English, and how they would nickname the songs as "melô do..." ("the ... song"), since the original name of the songs, in English, was too difficult for them to pronounce and memorize. The best example is his first song, "Melô da Mulher Feia" ("song of the ugly woman"), which was how patrons of the "baile funk" would call the Two Live Crew's version of "Do Wah Diddy," as they would sing along "mulher feia chupa o ... e dá o ..." ("ugly woman sucks ... and gives ...") to the Two Live Crew's tune. He then made a PG version of the song and recorded it, and was a smash hit on the radio, prompting him to create more songs and record his first album. Later on, Marlboro and others started writing their own songs, and he released several albums.

He used to live in a district of the Rio de Janeiro city that was very distant, nicknamed "Marlboro Country" by his peers, who started calling him "Marlboro," and the nickname stuck.

DJ Marlboro is the host and producer of the radio show "Big Mix in Rio". DJ Marlboro was introduced to a worldwide audience In 2004 when German journalist, record label owner and fellow DJ, Daniel Haaksman formed Man Recordings and recruited both DJ Marlboro and Edu-K and DJ Marlboro - creating a link between South American and European artists.[1]

DJ Marlboro credits the resurgence of funk fever in Brazil to the cyclical nature of musical fads, saying in his 23 years as a DJ, he's witnessed the funk explosion several times.[2] Brazilian bailes, well attended dance parties that played American soul, disco, and funk music, featured heavy bass sounds and light systems. DJ Marlboro’s Portuguese rapping in his 1989 LP “Funk Brazil” helped introduce Portuguese music into these bailes, where the heavy bass sounds became a platform for this new sound.[3] As a result, by the mid-1990s most of the music played by funk DJs was produced in Brazil.[4] Currently, DJ Marlboro is the resident DJ at São Paulo's Lov.e Club.[5]

DJ Marlboro maintains that “funk is a way of expression that was born from the common people”.[2] To him, funk is at its best when most people are unaware of it, preventing the exploitation of artists. DJ Marlboro expresses the importance of its underlying culture by asserting that the movement need not be glorified or globally successful. He insists that funk will always continue to be played, whether the world can hear it or not. 5 He urges listeners to understand that it is a musical movement that has sprung from culture and a passion to tell the truth; not from the need to accept and nationalize music from other parts of the world, particularly the United States. He acknowledges that recordings are not a priority for funk artists, because the point is to go the bailes and dance.[6]

DJ Marlboro embraces and supports the "undergroundness" of the Baile Funk scene, particularly the music played at the Bailes in Brazil. In an interview, DJ Marlboro says, "The bailes in Rio have survived such a long time because we do the bailes to please the public. We work with music that doesn't need to recognised or be successful in the rest of the world. We play tracks that are popular in the bailes full stop. We don't need media and marketing." He embraces the aspect of funk and certain artists being unknown because that keeps this genre alive in the streets, despite the resistance from the media and upperclass culture. The resistance from the upperclass and police stems from the upper class considering this music to be strictly pornographic, offensive, and sexually explicit. DJ Marlboro is a main public face trying to reverse that opinion and have the people look deeper into the true origins and messages of the music.[7] As stated in an interview with DJ Marlboro in 2003, "Chuck D refers to rap as the black CNN. In many respects Rio or baile funk could be referred to as favela CNN. That is, it's used as a medium to convey how the people who live in the Brazilian favelas really feel using their own language, idioms and slang."[7] This helps empower these artists, and while they may not gain national acclaim, they get the respect of their fans for delivering both a real sound and message. This is also seen through the lack of major record deals in the world of funk music.[8]

He knows first hand the hardships of being a funk artist, in a separate interview he says, "We suffer a lot of persecution. At one recent baile, the police came in and shut it down... My sound systems have bullet holes in them from police attacks.”[8] DJ Marlboro has transcended this situation, however, as he has now become international and has teamed up with recognized artists such as M.I.A..[9] Through these various collaborations, DJ Marlboro has played a significant role in increasing the popularity of funk carioca not only within Brazil, but at the global level as well. In fact, he has been one of the main players in taking funk abroad, playing shows throughout Europe (Britain, Germany, France), The United States, and even China.[10] Marlboro's sets have been in demand in some of the major electronic festivals in the world, festivals such as Sonar in Spain, Brasil 40 Degrees in London, Summer Stage Central Park in New York, Tim Festival in Rio, Sonarsound in São Paulo and Elektronika in Belo Horizonte.[11]

According to an interview with DJ Marlboro in 2003, "DJ Marlboro believes in which keeping funk discreet to the public, may reduce the amount of exploitation within the genre. "The best time for funk is when people don't know about it, for those of us who are funkateers that is".[7] In relation to the exploitation of Funk, he mentioned that people view funk as "an image of women with big butts, you never see the many sides to funk, so people look and they think that funk is pornographic, funk is violent... but funk is all of this, it's violent, romantic, and playful."[7] He embraces the baile funk scene in Rio, because he enjoys pleasing the public. It is assumed that individuals that are new to Funk genre just assume that Baile Funk is just associated with pornographic notions. According to an article on Rio Baile Funk: Favela Booty beats, "Baile funk is nothing like that. This is raw, bare-bones, hooky but proudly unmelodic stuff, recorded on the cheap with 808 drum machines, early samplers, and dusty computers. Rio Baile Funk sounds--and feels, really--like a revelation".[12]

Accusation of Pedophilia[link]

In 2009 DJ Marlboro was under investigation on account of pedophilia. There was a criminal investigation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in which DJ Marlboro was suspected of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. After the investigation he was not charged with any crimes.[13]


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Carlos Nunes
Personal information
Full name Carlos Ferreira da Silva Nunes
Date of birth 20 December 1914
Place of birth Portugal
Date of death Unknown
Playing position Midfielder
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
FC Porto
National team
1935-1936 Portugal 3 (1)
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only. † Appearances (Goals).

Carlos Ferreira da Silva Nunes (born 20 December 1914), former Portuguese footballer who played for FC Porto and the Portugal national team, as midfielder. Nunes made his international debut in a 3-3 draw against Spain 5 May 1935 in Lisbon and gained 3 caps and scored 1 goal for the national team.

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.