- published: 25 Feb 2012
- views: 107642
Navarre, il lupo salvato con la respirazione bocca a bocca
Navarre, il lupo salvato con la respirazione bocca a bocca. Il video del Centro tutela e r...
published: 25 Feb 2012
Navarre, il lupo salvato con la respirazione bocca a bocca
Navarre, il lupo salvato con la respirazione bocca a bocca. Il video del Centro tutela e ricerca fauna esotica e selvatica Monte Adone
- published: 25 Feb 2012
- views: 107642
King Mackerel @ Navarre Beach Fishing Pier 7/1/11
An afternoon of King Mackerel fishing at Navarre Beach Fishing Pier on Friday, July 1, 201...
published: 02 Jul 2011
King Mackerel @ Navarre Beach Fishing Pier 7/1/11
An afternoon of King Mackerel fishing at Navarre Beach Fishing Pier on Friday, July 1, 2011. For the latest fishing reports and pictures please visit NavarrePier.com
- published: 02 Jul 2011
- views: 504075
Brittany Patrick catches Tiger Shark @ Navarre Beach Fishing Pier
Navarre Beach Fishing Pier on Wednesday, July 21, 2010. Brittany Patrick, hooked & landed ...
published: 22 Jul 2010
Brittany Patrick catches Tiger Shark @ Navarre Beach Fishing Pier
Navarre Beach Fishing Pier on Wednesday, July 21, 2010. Brittany Patrick, hooked & landed without any help, a 6 1/2 foot Tiger Shark estimated at 80 pounds on the pier this evening. It was the first Tiger Shark caught on the new pier. Could Brittany be the first female ever to land a Tiger Shark on any of the Navarre Piers?
- published: 22 Jul 2010
- views: 15586
Navarre Florida Stripper Strips at Walmart and Shoots at Ducks DANDEROUS DANCER
SANTA ROSA COUNTY - Now, a bizarre story out of Santa Rosa County involving a gas station,...
published: 22 Dec 2009
Navarre Florida Stripper Strips at Walmart and Shoots at Ducks DANDEROUS DANCER
SANTA ROSA COUNTY - Now, a bizarre story out of Santa Rosa County involving a gas station, a Wal-Mart, a duck and a stripper.
The adult dancer is now in jail after she was caught on tape baring it all at a gas station, firing gun shots into a parking lot and trying to steal a duck.
Mary Patterson is charged with four firearms violations and one count of public intoxication.
Channel Three's Jake Peterson has the story you'll .
Police say Patterson's night started here at Sammy's Gentlemen's Club in Pensacola. They say she was turned away to work here, because she didn't have a dancers license.
But they say the rules didn't stop her from putting on a show elsewhere.
This Navarre Wal-Mart gas station video shows Patterson topless on the store's counter around seven Tuesday morning.
She even posed, so her friend Jennifer Rowe could take a photo of her.
"People don't want to see that keep it at home."
Navarre Beach Resident Jimmie Jenkins wonders what would cause someone to act so blody.
But deputies say what happens next was even worse.
They say Patterson left the store and fired five shots out the window before pulling out of the Wal-Mart lot.
"It's kinda ridiculous for Navarre of all places for something like that going on."
Patterson wasn't done yet. Investigators say she came to the tourist area near Navarre Beach and shot towards some ducks.
A fisherman nearby called police, which ended Patterson's night out.
None of the shots hit buildings or people.
"I'm glad nobody was hurt during this they were out at Wal-Mart and Navarre park trying to get a duck, I'm glad nobody and no animals were hurt."
Patterson was arrested near Navarre Beach, but she tried grabbing a duck first but the duck safely got away.
Investigators found a bottle of vodka and a handgun in Patterson's car.
Her friend Jennifer Rowe was not arrested.
- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 23256
Henry of Navarre - Trailer
Frankrijk, 1563. Protestanten en katholieken zijn in een bittere strijd verwikkeld, elk me...
published: 23 Nov 2012
Henry of Navarre - Trailer
Frankrijk, 1563. Protestanten en katholieken zijn in een bittere strijd verwikkeld, elk met hun godsdienst als rechtvaardiging. De protestanten staan onder leiding van Henry of Navarre. Hij neemt hetmet zijn troepen op tegen Parijs, de katholieken en de Franse koningin Catherine De Medici, de machtige rivale van zijn moeder. In een poging het conflict te bezweren, biedt Catherine Henry de hand van haar dochter aan. Maar de bruiloft loopt uit op een afschuwelijk bloedbad dat bekend komt te staan als de Bartholomeusnacht. Henry laat dit gruwelijke verraad niet onbeantwoord en begint aan het grootste gevecht van zijn leven...
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 222
Brevissimo incontro tra Navarre e Isabeau,grazie ad una fossa scavata da Philippe e Imperi...
published: 26 May 2010
Brevissimo incontro tra Navarre e Isabeau,grazie ad una fossa scavata da Philippe e Imperius...
- published: 26 May 2010
- views: 3830
Why Navarre Beach Florida? Check Out These Pictures!!!
Jeff worked on these pictures last night. Navarre Su...
published: 27 Nov 2007
Why Navarre Beach Florida? Check Out These Pictures!!!
Jeff worked on these pictures last night. Navarre Sunsets, Navarre Beach Restoration Project Seashells, The Northwest Florida Zoo, Navarre Surf, The Flying Boat over the Navarre Beach Fishing pier, and Can you spot the shark on sound? the one with the Flying boat shadow.
Hope you enjoy!!!!!!
Hi, Welcome To Navarre Beach,Florida.
Florida's Best Kept Secret. One of the best places to live, surf, jet ski, snorkel, kite surf, boating, FISHING,
swimming, sailing, shelling, kite flying, bike riding, walking, jogging,
kayaking, fly fishing, GOLFING, Antique finds, Garage selling, filming, nature walks, bird watching, volleyball, clubbing, Blue Angels, NAS Museum, just to list a few things.
And don't forget the local attraction. Our favorite spot. Juana's Pagoda. And of course Cocodrie's and Sailor's Grill.
Our Emerald Coast boasts the "Best Fishing Village".
So if you want to come and live here or just vacation, We have the best Real Estate Company here in Navarre to suit your needs. We have a qualified team of specialists in all areas of the Real Estate business. With over 30+ years experience, WE CAN DO THE JOB!!!!!
Visit our website at http://wwwTheNavarreRealtor.com and search our MLS (multiple listings search) and check out what our area has to offer. We offer Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Rentals.
Great Schools A+++++
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So don't miss out on this opportunity on a great place to LIVE. Housing prices are reasonable and affordable.
So when you pay your next oil bill, think of Navarre "HOT" Florida to live.
It might be the best decision you've ever made.
Thanks and Come Again for more video.
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Fishing the Emerald Coast
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The Zoo of Northwest Florida
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- published: 27 Nov 2007
- views: 16963
Jean-Philippe Rameau La Princesse de Navarre
info and buy:
published: 27 Jul 2012
Jean-Philippe Rameau La Princesse de Navarre
info and buy:
- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 2321
Ciao Navarre...
Come ricorderete dall'ultimo aggiornamento, il 25 aprile scorso il lupo Navarre era stato ...
published: 11 May 2012
Ciao Navarre...
Come ricorderete dall'ultimo aggiornamento, il 25 aprile scorso il lupo Navarre era stato trasferito nel nuovo recinto di riabilitazione realizzato dal Centro appositamente per lui. Le sue condizioni erano in costante miglioramento tanto è vero che il progetto del suo rilascio era ormai sempre più il "sogno realizzabile"di tutti noi.
Purtroppo pochi giorni fa Navarre ha avuto un improvviso stato di malessere. Il suo costante monitoraggio ci ha permesso di riscontrare immediatamente quanto stava accadendo, pertanto Navarre è stato subito ricoverato in una struttura del Centro dove due veterinari dello staff lo hanno tempestivamente soccorso. Nonostante l'assistenza e i trattamenti, in pochissime ore le condizioni di Navarre si sono ulteriormente e rapidamente aggravate: a nulla sono valse le terapie intensive e la lunga rianimazione cardio-polmonare; purtroppo Navarre non ce l'ha fatta. Sono ancora in corso le indagini necroscopiche che ci auspichiamo chiariscano la causa del decesso.
Speriamo che gli esiti degli esami in corso ci diano quelle risposte che ora non abbiamo, ma al di là di questo tutti noi del Centro che lo abbiamo soccorso, curato, amato, rispettato, tutti noi che gli abbiamo preparato a tempo di record il nuovo recinto, tutti noi che abbiamo "spiato" con orgoglio attraverso le telecamere i suoi miglioramenti, il suo ritrovato comportamento schivo ed elusivo... siamo proprio noi che non riusciamo a capacitarci per questo evento tanto amaro quanto inatteso che ha spezzato il sogno, ormai condiviso da migliaia di persone, di vederlo di nuovo libero.
Ora non ci resta che trarre da questa incredibile esperienza gli insegnamenti che questo stupendo animale ci ha dato, a noi e a tutti coloro che con la sua storia si sono emozionati.
Continueremo a portare avanti il "Progetto Lupo" certi più che mai che questa specie meriti di essere tutelata, conosciuta e rispettata, forti di quanto abbiamo avuto il privilegio di imparare fino ad oggi e consapevoli di quanto ancora abbiamo da imparare su questi splendidi animali... e anche per questo grati a Navarre.
Come sempre, quando qualcuno dei nostri "ospiti" ci lascia, le cose che vorremmo dire sono molte più di quante l'emozione ci consenta di fare. Attraverso un video abbiamo condiviso la gioia del suo recupero e attraverso un video crediamo sia giusto ricordare Navarre nel momento più bello di questo difficile percorso insieme, condividendo gioia e dolore della sua storia con tutti coloro che lo hanno, con noi, sognato libero per sempre.
Dal 1989 il Centro Tutela e Ricerca Fauna Esotica e Selvatica - Monte Adone (Associazione di volontariato ONLUS) soccorre, cura e riabilita la fauna selvatica autoctona ritrovata ferita sul territorio di Bologna e provincia con lo scopo di reintrodurla in natura; accoglie inoltre la fauna esotica sequestrata per commercio/detenzione illegale e maltrattamento (www.centrotutelafauna.org)
Per chi fosse interessato alla versione integrale della sua storia: http://www.centrotutelafauna.org/storia-navarre.html
Le immagini sono tratte dalla serie documentaria Cronache Animali di Andrea Dalpian prodotta da POPCult.
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 6425
John Navarre tribute
I'm giving Navarre a little love. He took so much criticism yet he always handled it with...
published: 08 Jun 2012
John Navarre tribute
I'm giving Navarre a little love. He took so much criticism yet he always handled it with class and he could not have come across nicer in every interview he did. Plus, throwing for over 9,000 yards was kind of cool too.
- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 4779
Youtube results:
Andrew Golota vs Quinn Navarre (Full Fight)
Full fight between Andrew Golota and Quinn Navar...
published: 27 Oct 2012
Andrew Golota vs Quinn Navarre (Full Fight)
Full fight between Andrew Golota and Quinn Navarre.
- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 2819
Instantané #22 | Chiens de Navarre
Instantané réalisé avec Jean-Christophe Meurisse, Anne-Elodie Sorlin, Thomas Scimeca, Maxe...
published: 20 Nov 2012
Instantané #22 | Chiens de Navarre
Instantané réalisé avec Jean-Christophe Meurisse, Anne-Elodie Sorlin, Thomas Scimeca, Maxence Tual sur With or whithout you de U2.
Trois jours que l'équipe iconoclaste des Chiens de Navarre est parmi nous. Entre un atelier avec des lycéens, un autre avec des étudiants et la première représentation de leur spectacle Une raclette, trois comédiens du collectif, sous la houlette de Jean-Christophe Meurisse, acceptent le chalenge de l'instantané. Il faut dire que pour ces artistes qui revendiquent une exigeante désinvolture et un art de l'inachevé, les expressions « improvisation », « trame de l'instant » sonnent comme des leitmotiv de leur travail. Un autre terme revient également, « le quotidien », ils choisissent donc d'investir un des bureaux du TAP. Anne-Elodie Sorlin, Thomas Scimeca, Maxence Tual accompagné de Jean-Christophe Meurisse débarquent alors avec leurs masques et With or whithout you de U2, pour un très vilain clip.
Portrait express
Jean-Christophe Meurisse crée les Chiens de Navarre en 2005 et dirige depuis ses débuts les créations collectives du groupe.
Les Chiens de Navarre sont repérés en 2009 grâce au spectacle Une raclette présenté au festival (tjcc) du Théâtre de Gennevilliers. Le spectacle est repris dans plusieurs théâtres de l'hexagone la saison qui suit et connaît un tel succès qu'il tournera encore la saison suivante. En 2009, les Chiens de Navarre créent également L'autruche peut mourir d'une crise cardiaque en entendant le bruit d'une tondeuse à gazon qui se met en marche, au Centre Pompidou -- Paris. Le spectacle « célèbre comme il se doit, l'amitié entre les peuples autour d'un verre de vin rouge » ; il est encore sur les routes pour la saison 11-12.
Fin janvier 2012, les Chiens de Navarre créeront Nous avons les machines à la Maison des Arts de Créteil, au Centre Pompidou -- Paris, au Théâtre de Vanves et au Théâtre de Gennevilliers.
Les Chiens de Navarre présentent aussi des performances, comme Pousse ton coude dans l'axe, au Centre Pompidou en 2010 et bientôt au festival Les Urbaines à Lausanne.
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 278
12.07.12 - Gainesville at Navarre - Football
December 7th, 8:00pm EST (7:00 CST) - 6A State Semifinal Gainesville (13-0) at Navarre (12...
published: 08 Dec 2012
12.07.12 - Gainesville at Navarre - Football
December 7th, 8:00pm EST (7:00 CST) - 6A State Semifinal Gainesville (13-0) at Navarre (12-1). Join Mike Ridaught (Play-by-play).
Final: Gainesville 62, Navarre 26
Radio: FM-104.9 Gainesville/High Springs/Lake City
Class 6A Semifinals (Previews)
By Mike Ridaught
The top two teams in Class 6A remain on a collision course for the state championship game in Orlando, putting their unbeaten records on the line in the state semifinals.
Top-ranked Gainesville handed Seffner Armwood its worst playoff loss in school history with a 42-10 win in last week's regional finals.
The Hurricanes (13-0), who are seeking their first state championship game appearance since defeating Titusville for the 3A state title in 1980, are led by running backs Ralph Webb and Tony James.
Last week, Webb, a senior, rushed for a season-high 213 yards and three touchdowns, while junior Tony James had 128 yards on the ground. The pair, known as 'lightning and thunder,' has combined for 2,678 yards and 30 TDs this season.
Plus, senior quarterback Mark Cato (1,907 yards, 26 TDs) has kept defenses honest with his ability to spread the ball around to UF commit Chris Thompson (18.9 yards per reception, 6 TDs), Kenric Young (29 catches, 487 yards, 7 TDs) and leading receiver Case Harrison (46 catches, 742 yards, 7 TDs).
But now GHS must go on the road for the first time in the postseason to face a Navarre team that upset Lake City Columbia, 28-21, to advance to their first state semifinal in the school's brief history.
Only a one-point loss at Pensacola in Week #2 separates Navarre and first-year coach Jay Walls from an unbeaten season.
Last week, the Raiders (12-1) jumped out to a 21-0 lead and kept the Tigers out of the end zone following Columbia's lone touchdown on the first play of the second half.
The bend-but-don't-break defense, which intercepted a pass with 26 seconds to play to preserve the victory, has helped Navarre get to this point, but there are players to watch on offense too.
Senior wide receiver Jordan Leggett has 53 catches for 904 yards and seven touchdowns, while running back Jay Warren has rushed for 1,636 yards and 16 TDs.
In the other semifinal, second-ranked Naples hosts 6A state runners-up, Miami Central.
In order for the visitors to come away with a victory, they must stop a high octane offense.
Naples, which won the 3A state title in 2007, is averaging 50.3 points per game. In fact, the Golden Eagles (12-0) scored a season-low in points last Friday in a 41-13 win over Daytona Beach Mainland.
The key might be slowing down running back Manny Morgan, a candidate for the 7A Player-of-the-Year, who has rushed for 1,739 yards and 24 touchdowns.
Junior quarterback Kilton Anderson has been just as effective with 1,177 yards passing, 16 TDs and only four interceptions.
Miami Central counters with junior running back Joseph Yearby, who is averaging seven yards per carry and has scored 14 TDs for the Rockets (10-2).
But, the defense might give them their best chance of pulling the upset.
The Rockets, who have won nine in a row since a 44-34 loss at nationally-ranked #1 Bradenton Manatee, are playing their best defense of the season and have only allowed 16 points total in their three playoff wins.
The Class 6A state title game is scheduled for Saturday, December 15, at 1:07 p.m. in the Citrus Bowl in Orlando.
- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 1470