- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 614252
In particle physics, the strong interaction is the mechanism responsible for the strong nuclear force (also called the strong force, nuclear strong force), one of the four known fundamental interactions of nature, the others being electromagnetism, the weak interaction and gravitation. Despite only operating at a distance of a femtometer, it is the strongest force, being approximately 100 times stronger than electromagnetism, a million times stronger than weak interaction and 1038 times stronger than gravitation at that range. It ensures the stability of ordinary matter, confining quarks into hadron particles, such as the proton and neutron, the largest components of the mass of ordinary matter. Furthermore, most of the mass-energy of a common proton or neutron is in the form of the strong force field energy; the individual quarks provide only about 1% of the mass-energy of a proton.
The strong interaction is observable in two areas: on a larger scale (about 1 to 3 femtometers (fm)), it is the force that binds protons and neutrons (nucleons) together to form the nucleus of an atom. On the smaller scale (less than about 0.8 fm, the radius of a nucleon), it is the force (carried by gluons) that holds quarks together to form protons, neutrons, and other hadron particles. In the latter context, it is often known as the color force. The strong force inherently has such a high strength that hadrons bound by the strong force can produce new massive particles. Thus, if hadrons are struck by high-energy particles, they give rise to new hadrons instead of emitting freely moving radiation (gluons). This property of the strong force is called color confinement, and it prevents the free "emission" of the strong force: instead, in practice, jets of massive particles are observed.
Michio Kaku (/ˈmiːtʃioʊ ˈkɑːkuː/; born January 24, 1947) is a Japanese-American futurist, theoretical physicist and popularizer of science. Kaku is a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York. He has written several books about physics and related topics, has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film, and writes online blogs and articles. He has written three New York Times Best Sellers: Physics of the Impossible (2008), Physics of the Future (2011), and The Future of the Mind (2014). Kaku has hosted several TV specials for the BBC, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Science Channel.
Kaku was born in San Jose, California, to Japanese American parents. His father, born in California and educated in both Japan and the United States, was fluent in Japanese and English. Both his parents were interned in the Tule Lake War Relocation Center during World War II, where they met and where his older brother was born.
Part one of a four part series on the fundamental forces (or interactions) of physics begins with the strong force or strong interaction - which on the small scale holds quarks together to form protons, neutrons and other hadron particles. Like SciShow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Follow SciShow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow
Scientists are aware of four fundamental forces- gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Most people have at least some familiarity with gravity and electromagnetism, but not the other two. How is it that scientists are so certain that two additional forces exist? In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln explains why scientists are so certain that the strong force exists.
057 - Strong Nuclear Force In this video Paul Andersen explains how the strong nuclear force holds the nucleus together in spite of repulsive electrostatic charges acting on the nucleons. Mesons exchanged between nucleons keep the nucleus intact and gluons exchanged between the quarks achieve the same goal within the nucleons. The strong nuclear force accounts for the nuclear binding force in all atoms. Do you speak another language? Help me translate my videos: http://www.bozemanscience.com/translations/ Music Attribution Title: String Theory Artist: Herman Jolly http://sunsetvalley.bandcamp.com/track/string-theory All of the images are licensed under creative commons and public domain licensing: “Atomic Nucleus.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, September 18, 2014. http://en.wik...
Hank continues his primer on the strongest of the four fundamental interactions of physics, the strong interaction. Today he talks about the nuclear force and a force carrier called a pion. Like SciShow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/scishow Follow SciShow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow References: http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/earth/geophysics/fundamental-forces-of-nature2.htm http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/particles/expar.html#c1 http://cronodon.com/Atomic/Quark.html
David Gross, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Physics and the director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara, talks with veteran journalist Jerry Roberts about why scientists love KITP. [7/2009] [Science] [Show ID: 16805]
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the nuclear strong force. Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at: https://youtu.be/FeieAJZPR3Q
Episode 9 of In Search of Giants: Dr Brian Cox takes us on a journey through the history of particle physics. In this episode we learn how the string and weak nuclear forces were discovered. This film is part of a series originally broadcast on Teachers' TV (http://www.teachers.tv/video/23645). The series was made with the support of The Science and Technology Facilities Council (www.scitech.ac.uk). www.lhc.ac.uk - Official UK LHC website for public and schools. www.particledetectives.net - School resources on the LHC, how science works and particle physics. Films produced and directed by Alom Shaha (www.labreporter.com). Join the conversation: Twitter: https://twitter.com/STFC_Matters Facebook: https://facebook.com/SciTechFacCouncil LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/stfc
Table of Contents: 00:09 Lecture 15.2: The Strong Force 00:52 Binding energy per nucleon - the deuteron 03:34 Empirical study of binding energy (B.E.) vs. mass number (A) 06:21 Coulomb Repulsive Force is Large 08:30 Nuclear Binding – The strong force 11:27 Nuclear force between protons 15:49 Force Reinterpreted 18:59 Examples 21:00 What is the nature of the nucleon-nucleon interaction? 22:41 Range (R) of Nuclear Force? 25:51 From scattering data infer a nuclear potential well U(r) 29:58 Up Next This video is part of the nanoHUB hosted course "Modern Physics" (http://nanohub.org/courses/phys342) Purdue PHYS 342 provides an introduction to the physical principles underlying topics in Modern Physics. This course is intended to provide engineering undergraduate students with a firm base from...
Michio Kaku explains about the four fundamental forcers of nature supplimenting with some witty and great stories. Fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces, are the interactions in physical systems that do not appear to be reducible to further basic interactions. There are four conventionally accepted fundamental interactions—gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear. Each one is understood as the dynamics of a field. The gravitational force is modelled as a continuous classical field. The other three are each modelled as discrete quantum fields, and exhibit a measurable unit or elementary particle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_interaction Some other resources - https://www.khanacademy.org/science/cosmology-and-astronomy/universe-s...
What is the strong nuclear force? http://chemin10.com The strong nuclear force is a fundamental force that holds the nucleons inside the nucleus keeping it stable The strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental forces in nature; the other three being, in order of strength, electromagnetism, the weak force and gravity. As its name implies, the strong force is the strongest force of the four. It is responsible for binding together the fundamental particles of matter inside the nucleus. Topics discussed in this video are: - How does the strong force make an atom stable? - The Strong Force definition - What is the role of the strong force within an atom? - How the strong nuclear force acts across long distances - The relationship between the strong nuclear force and radioactivity -...
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My whole family and I take an annual trip to Disneyland Resort and spend the entire day cruising around the parks. This year, we got matching shirts, "The Force is Strong in Our Family". It was a big hit! I love my family! Enjoy! ***All music belongs to the copyrighter and John Williams. No intentions of selling, just made for fun***
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Visit http://PastorMikeOnline.com - In today's show, Pastor Mike Hoggard discusses topics that include: What "The Strong Force" is; Scientists create -- "from scratch" -- completely synthetic DNA; Jesus declared to be "transgender" by The Huffington Post; and The translation process of the King James Bible in 1604 compared to the Scriptures and modern translations. Prophetic Research Ministry App for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prophecy.prm King James Pure Bible Search Software: http://purebiblesearch.com/ Two hour LIVE webcast comparing current events to Bible Prophecy where Pastor Mike responds to viewer questions and comments. Join Pastor Mike Hoggard every Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm to 2pm CT on http://PastorMikeOnline.com -- Send in your questions...
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Seba (Teacher) Amari M. Sneferu on African Spirituality from the Kemetic tradition. Auset is the strong Mother Force or that gluon that holds the nuclear black family together. Evoke her spirit and we will learn to venerate those forces that give us power.
Text at http://howfarawayisit.com/documents/ In our final segment, we cover the Higgs Boson starting with force fields and their particles. First we cover Quantum Electrodynamics - QED. We note that a disturbance in the field can create a particle – the photon. We show how the virtual photon mediates the electromagnetic force with virtual photons that are actually not particles. We also introduce coupling constants and Feynman Diagrams. We then extend this ‘force particle from a force field’ concept to include a matter particle from a matter field. In electromagnetic quantum field theory, this is the electron. Next we cover Quantum Chromodynamics – QCD. We show how the electromagnetic force is used as the model for the strong nuclear force that holds quarks together in protons and ne...
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