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- A nuclear power plant is a place where people make electricity using heat from nuclear reactions. A nuclear power plant has a place where ...3 KB (486 words) - 00:16, 4 April 2012
- In the Soviet Union there was no public outcry against nuclear power, attributed to the communist government prohibiting public statements ...17 KB (2,531 words) - 02:14, 1 July 2011
- Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station is a nuclear power plant with a single pressurized water reactor , also referred to as a light water ...17 KB (2,445 words) - 22:28, 14 February 2012
- The largest sect of the movement opposes nuclear power, but some ... Common political targets are new List of nuclear reactors | nuclear ...32 KB (4,722 words) - 15:41, 14 July 2012
- Many anti-nuclear campaigns captured national public attention in the 1970s and 1980s, including those at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power ...32 KB (4,774 words) - 15:41, 14 July 2012
- Laurent Nuclear Power Plant (France, 1980, INES level 4); and Chernobyl ... ensuring the independence of the nuclear industry's oversight while ...229 KB (21,360 words) - 13:54, 8 September 2013
- Full title: Fukushima Aftermath: Diablo Nuclear Renaissance or Industry Meltdown? ... Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Diablo Canyon Power ...14 KB (1,228 words) - 08:28, 20 August 2013
- The nihongo | Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant | 福島第二原子力発電所 | Fukushima Dai-Ni Genshiryoku Hatsudensho | extra Fukushima II NPP, 2F, or ...13 KB (1,956 words) - 05:35, 4 April 2012
- The public health effects of a nuclear power plant are far less than that of coal, lignite, oil, gas and even photovoltaic Only wind power ...1 KB (194 words) - 22:26, 14 February 2012
- Passive nuclear safety is a safety feature of a nuclear reactor that does not ... can be found in almost all nuclear power stations: the ...22 KB (3,422 words) - 00:05, 4 April 2012
- png | Example of the core of a nuclear power plant, a VVER design. A nuclear reactor core is the portion of a nuclear reactor containing the ...2 KB (366 words) - 00:05, 4 April 2012
- The 1970s proved to be the pivotal period for the anti-nuclear movement in ... The climate between nuclear power advocates and ... be a nuclear free ...10 KB (1,543 words) - 14:48, 25 March 2013
- An assessment of California’s nuclear power plants : AB 1632 committee report : draft committee report / California Energy 2008 Book ...5 KB (679 words) - 00:13, 4 April 2012
- By now, the most serious nuclear accident has been the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. accidents include Fukushima I Nuclear Power Station | ...11 KB (1,701 words) - 00:01, 4 April 2012
- activism and public participation with regard to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, which some people also call the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. ...2 KB (342 words) - 00:20, 4 April 2012
- For example, over the past three decades, France has built 58 nuclear power plants and now gets more than 78 percent of its electricity ...4 KB (627 words) - 00:20, 4 April 2012
- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Feinstein: Review of Nuclear ... Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear power plants, calls for ...7 KB (1,086 words) - 00:16, 4 April 2012
- Diablo Canyon Power Plant is an electricity-generating nuclear power plant at Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo County, California. ...15 KB (2,170 words) - 05:34, 4 April 2012
- serious was an ongoing International Nuclear Event Scale | level 7 event and km evacuation zone around the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. ...104 KB (15,560 words) - 00:06, 4 April 2012
- This textbook in particular is of course focused on the Diablo Canyon (Nuclear) Power Plant, which is officially termed the Diablo Canyon ...8 KB (1,268 words) - 00:14, 4 April 2012