Nicholas Rescher (born July 15, 1928 in
Germany) is an
American philosopher, affiliated for many years with the
University of Pittsburgh, where he is currently Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy and Chairman of the Center for Philosophy of Science. He came to the United States at the age of nine. Rescher served in the U.S. Marine Corps during 1952-54. Having begun his teaching career with a preceptorship at Princeton in 1960, he continues to be active in this role. In response to his substantial gift to its philosophy archive, the University of Pittsburgh established in 2010 a biennial Nicholas Rescher Prize for Systematic Philosophy, to honor an internationally acknowledged contribution with a gold medal and an award of $25,000.
Rescher obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from
Princeton University in 1951, the youngest person—22 at the time—ever to do so in that department
He is among the most prolific of contemporary scholars, having written about 400 articles and 100 books, ranging over many areas of philosophy, over a dozen of which have been translated into other languages.
During his formative years, Rescher was a student of Carl Gustav Hempel in philosophy of science, of Alonzo Church in logic, Walter Terence Stace in metaphysics, and of Banesh Hoffmann in differential geometry.
In a productive research career extending over six decades, Rescher has
established himself as a systematic philosopher of the old style and
author of a system of pragmatic idealism which weaves together threads of
thought from continental idealism and American pragmatism. And apart
from this larger program Rescher’s many-sided work has made significant
contributions to logic (the conception autodescriptive systems of
many-sided logic), to the history of logic (the medieval Arabic theory of
modal syllogistic), to the theory of knowledge (epistemetrics as a
quantitative approach in theoretical epistemology), to the philosophy of
science (in particular it its economic aspects and as regards the
relation of science and religion). Rescher has also worked in the area of
futuristics, and along with Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalkey is
co-inaugurator of the so-called Delphi method of forecasting. The
Encyclopedia of Bioethics credits Rescher with writing one of the very
first articles in the field. Seventeen of Rescher’s books have been
translated into eight other languages.
One of the first among the increasing number of contemporary exponents of
philosophical idealism, Rescher has been active in the rehabilitation of
the coherence theory of truth and in the reconstruction of philosophical
pragmatism in line with the idealistic tradition. He has pioneered the
development of inconsistency-tolerant logics and, in the philosophy of
science, the logarithmic retardation theory of scientific progress based
on the epistemological principle that our knowledge in a field does not
increase in proportion with the volume of information but only with its
logarithm. Some dozen books about Rescher’s work have appeared in
English, German, and Italian and Arabic. His contributions to philosophy
have been recognized by honorary degrees awarded by eight universities on
three continents.
For over three decades Rescher has been editor of the American
Philosophical Quarterly. The author of more than seventy books in various
areas of philosophy, works by Mr. Rescher have been translated into
German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese. He has lectured at
universities in many countries, and has occupied visiting posts at
various universities in North America and Europe (including Oxford,
Konstanz, and Salamanca). He has held fellowships from the J. S.
Guggenheim Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the American
Philosophical Society. A former president of the American Philosophical
Association (Eastern Division), of the American Catholic Philosophical
Association, of the American Metaphysical Society, of the C. S. Peirce
Society, and of the G. W. Leibniz Society of America. Rescher has also
served as member of the Board of Directors of the International
Federation of Philosophical Societies, an organ of UNESCO.
He was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Humanistic Scholarship in 1984, the Cardinal Mercier Prize for International Philosophy in 2005, and the American Catholic Philosophical Society's Aquinas medal in 2007. He has served as a President of the American Philosophical Association, American Catholic Philosophy Association, American G. W. Leibniz Society, C. S. Peirce Society, and the American Metaphysical Society. He has held visiting lectureships at Oxford, Constance, Salamanca, Munich, and Marburg. Rescher serves on the editorial board of some dozen academic professional publications, including Process Studies, the principal academic journal for process philosophy and theology.
Rescher arrived at the University of Pittsburgh in 1961 where has been a faculty member ever since. He is a former chair of the University of Pittsburgh Department of Philosophy and currently co-chairs the Center for Philosophy of Science with the status of Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2009 and is also a member of the Academia Europaea and of the Royal Society of Canada.
In 1968 Rescher married Dorothy Henle and they have three children, Mark (b. 1969), Owen (b. 1970), and Catherine (b. 1975). By an earlier marriage he also has a daughter Elizabeth (b. 1960). His life is detailed in an Autobiography (Frankfurt: ONTOS, 2007). He is a cousin of the eminent orientalist Oskar Rescher.
Rescher has written on a wide range of topics, including
epistemology, the
philosophy of science,
metaphysics, and the
philosophy of value. He is best known as an advocate of
pragmatism and, more recently, of
process philosophy.
Over the course of his six decade research career, Rescher has established himself as a systematic philosopher of the old style, and the author of a system of pragmatic idealism that combines elements of continental idealism with American pragmatism. To this end, he:
Has developed a system of pragmatic idealism, in which the activity of the human mind makes a positive and constitutive contribution to knowledge, and "valid" knowledge contributes to practical success;
Defends a coherence theory of truth in a manner differing somewhat from that of classical idealism; see e.g. his exchange in The Philosophy of Brand Blanshard (in the Library of Living Philosophers series);
Advocates an "
erotetic propagation" of science, asserting that scientific inquiry will continue without end because each newly answered question adds a presupposition for at least one more open question to the current body of scientific knowledge.
Propounds an epistemic law of diminishing returns which holds that actual knowledge merely stands as the logarithm of the available information. This has the corollary that the comparative growth of knowledge is inversely propositional to the volume of information already at hand, so that when information grows exponentially, knowledge will grow at a merely linear rate.
Articulates a theory of axiogenesis which addresses some of the fundamental questions of philosophical metaphysics on the basis of value-eared considerations.
Apart from this larger program, Rescher has made significant contributions to:
* Historical studies on Leibniz, Kant, Charles Peirce, and on the medieval Arabic theory of modal syllogistic and logic.
The study of rational dialectic as a rhetorical and linguistic process.
The theory of knowledge (epistemetrics as a quantitative approach in theoretical epistemology).
The philosophy of science (the theory of a logarithmic returns in scientific effort).
One central theme of his thought is the role of unknowing, uncertainty, risk, and luck in human affairs. The resultant need for orientation and support amidst the challenges of life in conditions so largely beyond our control as a prime pillar of religion.
During the 1960s and 70s Rescher worked extensively in symbolic and philosophical logic, contributing various innovations in many-sided logic and temporal logic, including the conception of autodescriptive systems of many-valued logic. He has also contributed to futuristics, and with Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalkey, invented the Delphi method of forecasting.
Eponymous concepts
Logic: Rescher quantifier
Non-classical logic: Dienes-Rescher inference engine (also Rescher-Dienes implication); Rescher-Manor consequence relation
Paraconsistent logic: Rescher-Brandom semantics
Temporal logic: Rescher operator
Scientometrics: Rescher's Law of logarithmic returns
Distributive justice: Rescher's effective average measure
Dialectics: Rescher's theory of formal disputation
OUP = Oxford University Press. PUP = Princeton University Press. SUNY Press = State University of New York Press. UPA = University Press of America. UPP = University of Pittsburgh Press.
*1964. The Development of Arabic Logic. UPP.
1966. Galen and the Syllogism. UPP.
1968. Studies in Arabic Philosophy. UPP.
1977. Methodological Pragmatism: A Systems-Theoretic Approach to the Theory of Knowledge. Basil Blackwell; New York University Press.
1978. Scientific Progress: A Philosophical Essay on the Economics of Research in Natural Science. UPP
1982 (1973). The Coherence Theory of Truth. UPA.
1982 (1969). Introduction to Value Theory. UPA.
1983. Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management. UPA.
1985. The Strife of Systems: An Essay on the Grounds and Implications of Philosophical Diversity. UPP.
1988. Rationality. OUP.
1989. Cognitive Economy: Economic Perspectives in the Theory of Knowledge. UPP.
1989. A Useful Inheritance: Evolutionary Epistemology in Philosophical Perspective. Rowman & Littlefield.
1990. Human Interests: Reflections on Philosophical Anthropology. Stanford University Press.
1993. Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus. OUP.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism
*1991. Volume I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic Perspective. PUP.
*1992. Volume II: The Validity of Values: Human Values in Pragmatic Perspective. PUP.
*1994. Volume III: Metaphilosophical Inquiries. PUP.
1995. Luck. Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
1995. Essays in the History of Philosophy. UK: Aldershot.
1995. Process Metaphysics. SUNY Press.
1996. Instructive Journey: An Autobiographical Essay. UPA.
1998. Complexity: A Philosophical Overview. Transaction Publishers.
1998. Predicting The Future: An Introduction To The Theory Of Forecasting. SUNY Press
1999. Kant and the Reach of Reason. Cambridge University Press.
1999. Realistic Pragmatism: An Introduction to Pragmatic Philosophy. SUNY Press.
1999 (1984). The Limits of Science. UPP.
2000. Nature and Understanding: A Study of the Metaphysics of Science. OUP.
2001. Paradoxes: Their Roots, Range, and Resolution. Open Court Publishing.
2001. Process Philosophy: A Survey of Basic Issues. UPP.
2003. Epistemology: On the Scope and Limits of Knowledge. SUNY Press.
2003. On Leibniz. UPP.
2004. Epistemic Logic. UPP.
2005. Metaphysics: The Key Issues from a Realist Perspective. Prometheus Books.
2005. Reason and Reality: Realism and Idealism in Pragmatic Perspective. Rowman & Littlefield.
2005-2006. Collected Papers in 14 vols. Ontos Verlag.
2006. Epistemetrics. Cambridge University Press.
2006. Conditionals. MIT Press.
2007. Error: On Our Predicament When Things Go Wrong. UPP.
2008. Aporetics. UPP.
2009. Unknowable Facts. Lexington Books.
2009. Free Will. Transaction Books.
2009. Ignorance: On the Wider Implications of Deficient Knowledge. UPP.
2009. Ideas in Process: A Study of the development of Philosophical Concepts. Ontos Verlag.
2010. Studies in Quantitative Philosophy. Ontos Verlag.
2010. Reality and Its Appearance. Continuum.
See also
American philosophy
List of American philosophers
Delphi method
Vagrant predicate
Robert Almeder ed., 1982. Praxis and Reason: Studies in the Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America) A collection of critical and expanding essays with brief replies by Rescher. The contributors include: Timo Airaksinen, Robert Almeder, Antonio Cua, John E. Hare, Risto Hilpinen, John Kekes, Gerald J. Massey, Jack W. Meiland, Mark Pastin, Friedrick Rapp, James Sterba, and Dennis Temple.
Bottani, Andrea, 1989. Verità e Coerenza: Suggio su’ll epistemologia coerentista di Nicholas Rescher (Milano: Franco Angeli Liberi). A systematic study of Rescher’s coherence theory of truth.
Carrier, Martin et al., eds., 2000. Science at the Century’s End: Philosophical Questions on the Progress and Limits of Science (Pittsburgh and Konstanz: University of Pittsburgh Press and University of Konstanz Press). Pp. 40-134 contains a symposium devoted to NR’s work on the Limits of Science with contributions by Robert Almeder, Laura Ruetsche, Juergen Mittelstrass, and Martin Carrier.
Coomann, Heinrich, 1983. Die Kohaerenztheorie der Wahrheit: Eine kritische Darstellung der Theorie Reschers von Ihrem historischen Hintergrund (Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Peter Lang).
Marsonet, Michele, 1995. The Primacy of Practical Reason: An Essay on Nicholas Rescher’s Philosophy (Lanham, MD: University Press of America).
Moutafakis, Nicholas J., 2007. Rescher on Rationality, Values, and Social Responsibility (Frankfurt: ONTOS Verlag).
Murray, Paul D., 2004. Reason, Truth and Theology in Pragmatist Perspective (Leuven: Peeters). A theological study largely devoted to NR’s ideas.
Nabavi, Lotfallah, 2003. Avicennan Logic Based on Nicholas Rescher’s Point of View (Tehran: Scientific and Cultural Publication Co.).
Ernest Sosa ed., 1979. The Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher (Dordrecht: D. Reidel). A collection of critical essays with brief replies by Rescher. The contributors include: Annette Baier, Stephen Barker, Nuel D. Belnap, Jr., Laurence BonJour, Robert E. Butts, Roderick M. Chisholm, L. Jonathan Cohen, Jude J. Dougherty, Brian Ellis, R.M. Hare, Hide Ishiguro, Georg H. von Wright, and John W. Yolton.
Roland Wagner-Döbler, "Rescher's Principle of Diminishing Marginal Returns in Scientific Research, Scientometrics, vol. 50 (2001), pp. 41-46.
Weber, Michel, ed., 2004. After Whitehead: Rescher and Process Philosophy (Frankfurt: ONTOS Verlag).
Wüstehube, Axel, and Michael Quante, eds., 1998. Pragmatic Idealism: Critical Essays on Nicholas Rescher’s System of Pragmatic Idealism (Amsterdam: Rodopi). Critical essays on NR’s “Pragmatic Idealism” trilogy by eighteen contemporary philosophers in Europe and the USA.
Almeder, Robert (ed.), Rescher Studies: A Collection of Essays on the Philosophical Work of Nicholas Rescher (Frankfurt: ONTOS, 2008).
Jacquette, Dale (ed.), Reason Method and Value: A Reader on the Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher (Frankfurt: ONTOS, 2009).
External links
Rescher's web page, with complete bibliography.
University of Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science
Category:1928 births
Category:Living people
Category:20th-century philosophers
Category:21st-century philosophers
Category:American philosophers
Category:Analytic philosophers
Category:Christian philosophers
Category:Roman Catholic philosophers
Category:Converts to Roman Catholicism
Category:German Roman Catholics
Category:German immigrants to the United States
Category:People from the Province of Westphalia
Category:University of Pittsburgh faculty