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Most recently annotated Diary Entries

Wednesday 23 May 1660 by Bill

If some equated "Democracy with Anarchy" don't forget that we have four states…

Tuesday 22 May 1660 by Chris Squire UK

The famous literary round-house: 10. The Siege of The Round-House…

Thursday 24 May 1660 by Bill

The right of purveyance was an antient prerogative, by which the officers of…

Friday 25 May 1660 by Bill

Bunch of suck-ups, these "Lords".

Monday 21 May 1660 by Weavethe hawk

The "regicides" are now in for a very rough ride, starting with Maj-General…

Saturday 19 May 1660 by Chris Squire UK

'crambo, n. Etym:  apparently a popular variation of crambe n.*  1. a. A game…

Sunday 20 May 1660 by Bill

Most of us know how multiple bells are used to mark the half-hours of a marine…

Friday 18 May 1660 by Mary K

"wherein are gallant nuts, better than ever I saw" These 'nuts' are 'knots' …

Tuesday 15 May 1660 by Tonyel

Thanks William. One less thing to worry about.

Wednesday 16 May 1660 by Dick Wilson

Let us hope that King Charles makes a better entrance than poor Mr. North. One…

Most recently annotated Letters

Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn by Terry Foreman

Dr. Parry-Jones, In the article on Elizabeth in the L&M; Companion (Vol. X), the…

Balthazar St Michel to Samuel Pepys by Terry Foreman

"You daily and hourly so comble me" comble : French, "fill"

Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn by Terry Foreman

"It is implicit, though, from the content of this letter that P had some…

Most recently annotated Encyclopedia Topics

Royal Charles (was Naseby) by Bill

If you want to see what the Royal Charles/Naseby looked like:…

Marmaduke Darcy by Bill

Marmaduke Darcy, born 1615, a gallant gentleman, as my Lord Clarendon writes,…

Thomas Killigrew by Bill

Sometimes like Will Sommers before Henry VIII., Killigrew would appear in the…

Thomas Lucy by Bill

Malone has successfully proved that Charlecote the park of Sir Thomas Lucy…

John Pickering by Bill

John Pickering's mother Lady Elizabeth…

Most recently commented-on In-Depth Articles

The Bagwells by Gillian Bagwell

At home with Mr and Mrs Pepys by Mary K

No, the house was 'company' accommodation that went with the job. Building…

John Evelyn's Fire of London by Terry Foreman

"And, yes, truly amazing that Evelyn had plans for re-building the city SO…

The Next Chapter of Samuel Pepys by Pedro

As ever a marvellous contribution, Jeannine. Many thanks! Pedro (and Catarina)

The Bedchamber by Dom

Thanks for this complete material. I'm going to dig a little bit about subject,…

Most recently commented-on Site News Posts

Anti-spam measures by Richard Birdsall

Thanks for bearing such a burden. I run a small college blog for students and…

Annotations can be posted again by Dick Wilson

It is good to be back. I "lurked" through the first reading of the diary, and…

Keith Wright / Bradford by Mary Williams

"And as I watch the drops of rain Weave their weary paths and die I know that I…

Family Tree v3 by ticea

My goodness, I had no idea that Sam's mom was so fecund! She was pregnant…

A new Pepys walk: Greenwich by Paul Chapin

Thank you, Glyn. Now I have yet another reason to go back to London. Your…