- published: 19 Sep 2011
- author: Howcast
Personal Finance Terms 101: Bonds
Watch more Personal Finance Terms 101 videos: http://www.howcast.com/guides/633-Personal-F...
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: Howcast
Personal Finance Terms 101: Bonds
Watch more Personal Finance Terms 101 videos: http://www.howcast.com/guides/633-Personal-Finance-Terms-101 Subscribe to Howcast's YouTube Channel - http://ho...
- published: 19 Sep 2011
- author: Howcast
Personal Finance & Investing : How Do Bonds Work?
Bonds are investment tools that companies use for loan purposes to break up debt into smal...
published: 30 Oct 2008
author: eHow
Personal Finance & Investing : How Do Bonds Work?
Bonds are investment tools that companies use for loan purposes to break up debt into smaller monetary increments. Invest in bonds, which can come in 10 or 1...
- published: 30 Oct 2008
- views: 8921
- author: eHow
Bond Pricing (present value) - Finance - How to calculate (formula) - Finance Dictionary
Bond Pricing - Bonds have coupon payments and principal repayments that all occur in the f...
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: Subjectmoney
Bond Pricing (present value) - Finance - How to calculate (formula) - Finance Dictionary
Bond Pricing - Bonds have coupon payments and principal repayments that all occur in the future. Therefore the way to find the present value of a bond is to ...
- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 11882
- author: Subjectmoney
VV 28 - English Vocabulary for Finance: Bonds 1
Bonds have been a hot topic in the news recently. But what exactly are bonds and how do th...
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: bizpod
VV 28 - English Vocabulary for Finance: Bonds 1
Bonds have been a hot topic in the news recently. But what exactly are bonds and how do they work? In this English vocabulary lesson, we'll explain some of t...
- published: 26 Mar 2012
- author: bizpod
Personal Finance : How to Understand Bonds
A bond is essentially a debt that funds a company, and that will be paid back with interes...
published: 30 Oct 2008
author: eHow
Personal Finance : How to Understand Bonds
A bond is essentially a debt that funds a company, and that will be paid back with interest. Understand bonds and how it's different than equities with tips ...
- published: 30 Oct 2008
- views: 3493
- author: eHow
Bond (finance)- defined
In finance, a bond is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holders. It ...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: B2Bwhiteboard
Bond (finance)- defined
In finance, a bond is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holders. It is a debt security, under which the issuer, owes the holders a debt...
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 33
- author: B2Bwhiteboard
How to calculate Value of Bond, Finance
How to calculate the value of bond, finance For more notes and lectures please visit: http...
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: eacademy4uVideo
How to calculate Value of Bond, Finance
How to calculate the value of bond, finance For more notes and lectures please visit: http://www.eacademy4u.com http://www.findinguniversity.com/list-of-univ...
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 573
- author: eacademy4uVideo
What Is an Offset Bond? : Finance FAQs
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published: 19 Aug 2012
What Is an Offset Bond? : Finance FAQs
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Offset bond is something that you would put up to cover something else you're doing. Learn about the ins and outs of offset bonds with help from a certified financial planner in this free video clip.
Expert: Wayne Blanchard
Contact: www.moneyprofessionals.com
Bio: Wayne Blanchard became a Certified Financial Planner in 1986. He has taught money management seminars in college throughout the Florida panhandle.
Filmmaker: Wayne Blanchard
Series Description: The world of finance is a complicated one, so you should always be aware of all of your options before entering into any type of transaction or investment. Get tips on finance with help from a certified financial planner in this free video series.
- published: 19 Aug 2012
- views: 63
Housing Finance bond issue oversubcribed
http://www.ntv.co.ke It was a busy Tuesday and here's a look at what else was happening in...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: NTVKenya
Housing Finance bond issue oversubcribed
http://www.ntv.co.ke It was a busy Tuesday and here's a look at what else was happening in the business world.
- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 803
- author: NTVKenya
Debenture (unsecured bond) - Finance - What is the definition? - Finance Dictionary
Debenture - A debenture is an unsecured bond that is not backed by any specified form of c...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: Subjectmoney
Debenture (unsecured bond) - Finance - What is the definition? - Finance Dictionary
Debenture - A debenture is an unsecured bond that is not backed by any specified form of collateral. If the underlying company goes bankrupt then the bondhol...
- published: 10 Jan 2012
- views: 1689
- author: Subjectmoney
What Is a Callable Bond in Finance? : Business & Personal Finance
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehowfinance Watch More:...
published: 08 Nov 2012
author: ehowfinance
What Is a Callable Bond in Finance? : Business & Personal Finance
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehowfinance Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehowfinance When it comes to finance, a "ca...
- published: 08 Nov 2012
- author: ehowfinance
Definition of Carrying Value in Bonds : Business & Personal Finance
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehowfinance Watch More:...
published: 29 Oct 2012
author: ehowfinance
Definition of Carrying Value in Bonds : Business & Personal Finance
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehowfinance Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehowfinance When a bond carries value, this...
- published: 29 Oct 2012
- author: ehowfinance
Excel Finance Class 54: Bonds & Interest Rate Risk
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn Interest R...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 54: Bonds & Interest Rate Risk
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn Interest Rate Risk: 1. The Longer The Maturity, The More YTM Affects Bond Pri...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 4533
- author: ExcelIsFun
What Is a Secured Funding & Offset Bond? : Business & Personal Finance
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published: 14 Oct 2012
What Is a Secured Funding & Offset Bond? : Business & Personal Finance
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A secured funding and offset bond is a very specific type of bond. Learn about a secured funding and offset bond with help from a certified financial planner in this free video clip.
Expert: Wayne Blanchard
Contact: www.moneyprofessionals.com
Bio: Wayne Blanchard became a Certified Financial Planner in 1986. He has taught money management seminars in college throughout the Florida panhandle.
Filmmaker: Wayne Blanchard
Series Description: The world of business and personal finance may seem like a complicated and confusing one, but you'll soon find out that everything has a purpose. Learn about business and personal finance and find out a few tricks that you may not know with help from a certified financial planner in this free video series.
- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 146
Vimeo results:
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance de...
published: 14 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance des corps dans une orgie, dépasse la sensualité dans le sexe crade...
J'ai de suite pensé en me réveillant que cette nouvelle journée serait extraordinaire.
Cette splendide érection matinale était le meilleur des présages.
En m'étirant et grognant d'aise, je me suis demandé si mon chat, habitué aux massages ciblés (visant à me réveiller efficacement... et, en dernière analyse, à obtenir sa gamelle), en était responsable, mais non ; quelque chose de tiède et d'humide, indéniablement, venait d'ensérer mon sexe : le corps encore chaud de Sabrina en voulait encore.
Sabrina n'a jamais été du matin... et encore moins du soir.
De toute façon, je ne peux pas affirmer avec certitude que Sabrina eut été... à un quelconque moment de la journée..., mais a-t-elle vraiment été un jour ?
Cette fois, je n'aurais pas à aller me soulager sous la douche.
Depuis que cinq sages indiens avaient envahi ma salle de bain et m'avaient fait découvrir les "mystères profonds du corps", j'essaie, dans la mesure du possible, d'éviter la pièce, histoire de laisser mon fondement cicatriser entre chaque initiation.
Prenant mon prépuce entre le pouce et l'index, Sabrina tire un grand coup dessus, puis y clampe une pince à linge pour gagner encore quelques centimètres de peau, son but secret étant de m'offrir le prépuce le plus long du monde pour l'utiliser comme un pull pour mes coucougnettes quand l'hiver rude finira par arriver sur mon sexe.
Je décide alors que ça suffit de jouer avec mes couilles... et je me rhabille, pour vite aller profiter du beau temps.
C'est dimanche, il fait magnifique, et il me semble entendre le doux murmure du vent apaiser mon gland endolori...
Les arbres, les fleurs et la nature entière m'appellent à la l'harmonie, je me laisse porter par mon inspiration et je note sur un mur blanc : "Vergers au matin, humides comme un baiser"...
Puis, comme à mon habitude, après avoir pissé sur le même arbre que la veille et la veille de la veille et ainsi de suite jusqu'à plus foif... je rentre chez moi faire chauffer deux toasts 44 secondes sur la position 2 de mon grille-pain style années '60 et m'installe à ma modeste table Knoll en marbre blanc plaçée au centre de ma cuisine rouge, dotée d'une bonne vue sur le parc ce qui en l'occurence n'a pas d'importance puisque je me mets généralement à lire le journal de la veille, comme à mon habitude...
Puis, je décide d'appeler mon cher ami Patrick Henderikx sans avoir d'idée précise en tête... et lorsque le répondeur me répond (c'est la fonction d'un répondeur)..., je repose mollement le combiné et lève les yeux vers l'horloge de la cuisine, réalisant qu'avec toutes ces conneries je me suis à nouveau f... en retard... et j'ai toujours eu une sainte horreur d'être en retard, la ponctualité étant une question d'éducation.
Mon éducation avait, en effet, été sans faille, grâce à ma Sainte Maman qui m'avait appris à moucher son nez, dire bonjour et merci, arriver à l'heure et être propre sur moi.
La journée s'annonce chargée !
J'allume l'ordinateur par habitude et poursuit mon quotidien sans trop réfléchir aux prochains évènements qui allaient survenir...
Des piles de bouquins pas terminés d'auteurs en vogue du XXIème siècle, sont dans un coin, le dernier Houellebeck, (qui est une belle merde au passage) dans l'autre..., entre deux sachets de beuh thaïlandaise modifiée et coupée de divers neuro-stimulants... et quelques bouteilles de rhum, de degrés conséquent, elles mêmes en équilibre sur des amas de notes aléatoires écrites alors que je me shootais aux champis à l'insuline..., et que je fourmillais de phrases chocs et éparses, mais fortes à mon esprit.
Je me considérais alors, bien que ce soit encore le cas par moment actuellement, comme un mec qui gagne à être connu pour mes texticules... : amas de phrases s'entassant sur des post-it, eux mêmes perdus au milieu d'un tas de feuilles à moitiés blanches, sur lesquelles sont disséminés, çà et là, des textes avortés et des dessins incolores que je ne finirai sans doute jamais.
Voilà ce qu'est ma vie dans mes moments de perdition morale complète.
L'état de salubrité de mon appartement ressemble à l'intérieur de ma tête, un état proche de la psychologie Zen...
Lorsque je suis désespéré, anéanti par le poids des conséquences de mes actes... et par mes responsabilités, c'est tout un microcosme informe et bordélique qui prend le pas sur le vide des cinq cent quarante cinq mètres carrés de mon loft (le garage est en dessous, le tout étant une vieille usine années '30 relookée en style Bauhaus Zen avec quelques touches lascives des années '50 et énormément d'ultra-modernisme des années 2000.
Vivre seul me permet à peu près deux semaines sur deux si ce n'est plus de me laisser aller et de m'enfonce
Bloomberg FXGO
How do you take the actual Bloomberg platform screens, dense with financial tools, data an...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: Aggressive
Bloomberg FXGO
How do you take the actual Bloomberg platform screens, dense with financial tools, data and analytics and bring them to life in a slick 2 minute video?
I think we can be proud - this is finance made cool.
Tip: Set to the James Bond theme track, it reads like a 007 movie-opener.
project name: Bloomberg "FXGO"
client: Bloomberg
production company: Aggressive
director: Alex Topaller, Dan Shapiro
art direction: Alex Topaller, Dan Shapiro, Alex Mikhaylov
designer: Andrei Robu, Alex Mikhaylov, Maxim Chelyadnikov
3d animation lead: Alexander Sokolov
2d animation: Santi Agustí, Alex Topaller
render: Maxim Chelyadnikov
compositing: Maxim Chelyadnikov, Alex Topaller
Joshua God Wars Pt 10: Beating the Great Con with Wood and Water
We’ve all heard the word “con”. There are many synonyms: bamboozle, bilk, bluff, bunco, ca...
published: 29 Jun 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Joshua God Wars Pt 10: Beating the Great Con with Wood and Water
We’ve all heard the word “con”. There are many synonyms: bamboozle, bilk, bluff, bunco, cajole, cheat, chicane, coax, crime, deception, double-cross, dupe, flimflam, fool, fraud, gold brick, graft, gyp, hoax, hoodwink, hornswoggle, humbug, mislead, mockery, rip off, rook, sweet-talk, swindle, take in, trick, wheedle. Today we will look at the great Gibeonite Con and how Joshua overcame it with wood and water. The Leagues we make can be dangerous. They can be destructive. Perhaps you have heard the term “In League With the Devil?” Just so you will be relieved, here is a headline straight from the news:
Procter & Gamble Not In League With The Devil
March 21, 2007: Procter and Gamble does not worship Satan, according to a court ruling that revolves around a decades-old urban myth targeting the world's biggest consumer goods company. P&G; said March 19 it had won $19.25 million in a civil suit brought against four former distributors of direct-selling company Amway who were accused of spreading false rumors.
On March 16 the Salt Lake City jury award represents the latest in a long line of court battles between P&G; and Amway over the devil-worshipping claim, which has taken on new currency in the Internet era. "This is about protecting our reputation," said Jim Johnson, P&G; chief legal officer.
The former distributors were accused of rehashing a rumor that dates from at least 1981, to the effect that P&G; is in league with the Devil. According to the false urban legend, the global company's logo contains a "666" symbol, its bosses have appeared on television talk shows to declare their love of Beelzebub, and part of its profits go to the Church of Satan.
Amway has itself been forced to debunk accusations that its business model amounts to little more than a "get rich quick" pyramid-selling scheme. Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2007
League: To join in a league; to cause to combine for a joint purpose; to combine; to unite; as, common interests will league (Bowling League, Baseball League)
I know that none of you has knowingly and willingly made a league with the devil. But I would venture that you entered into a contract, a friendship, perhaps a marriage, that turned out to be destructive and detrimental, or at best that you regretted. Hopefully you have healed and come to see how God worked the character of Christ through your mistake. If not, then listen carefully toward the end of this message.
The truth is that a dentist's mistake is pulled out, a lawyer's mistake is imprisoned, a teacher's mistake is failed, a printer's mistake is corrected, a pharmacist's mistake is buried, a postman's mistake is forwarded, and an electrician's mistake can be shocking. The novelist Joseph Conrad wrote, "It's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes."
If you are going to do anything in this life, you will make mistakes. This is exactly what happened to Joshua and the leaders of Israel. They made a serious mistake that threatened their inheritance. But they overcame it, and we will learn how.
If thou hast never been a fool, be sure thou wilt never be a wise man. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray (English novelist)
"Our wisdom comes from our experience, and our experience comes from our foolishness." ~ Sacha Guitry
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, English preacher
"There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man." Aristotle
Have you ever signed a contract and then regretted it later?
Contracts come in different forms. There is the obvious contract such as a real estate or auto purchase contract. There is the financing note contract. There are also less obvious contracts. A Wedding license is a contract that both bride and groom must sign to give them legal standing in the state in which they live. A credit card receipt is a contract stating you will pay for the items you received. A sales receipt is a contract that states you received these items for such and such an amount. Behind all purchases is a warranty contract unless you buy something “as is”. There is not much that you bring into your home that does not have some sort of contract attached to it.
Groceries, Furniture, Electronics, Toys, Cable Service, Phone Service, Utility Service, all come with agreements or contracts, whether implied or written. In the Old Testament, when you invited someone into your home to dine with you, it implied a contract or agreement that meant you were providing hospitality to them. That agreement of hospitality meant that what is yours is theirs.
Marriage was never entered into lightly, because it involved the uniting of two families. That meant that the cultures, practices, religious observances were being united. It was a serious thing to marry someone of a differ
School Bond Finance Options
Inside CDA Schools - Details about financing the School Bond,
Photographed and edited by S...
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: Coeur d'Alene Schools
School Bond Finance Options
Inside CDA Schools - Details about financing the School Bond,
Photographed and edited by Scott Nelson
Youtube results:
Excel Finance Class 52: Bond Discount Or Premium Amortization Table.
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn how to cre...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 52: Bond Discount Or Premium Amortization Table.
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn how to create a Bond Discount or Premium Amortization Table. See how a Discou...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 5751
- author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 47: Selling Bond When Coupon Rate Is Different Than Discount Rate (YTM Rate)
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn about what...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 47: Selling Bond When Coupon Rate Is Different Than Discount Rate (YTM Rate)
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn about what happens to price of a bond when you sell it market rate is differe...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 3703
- author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 50: Bond Rates Are Inversely Related To Bond Price (Scatter Diagram Excel Chart)
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn about how ...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 50: Bond Rates Are Inversely Related To Bond Price (Scatter Diagram Excel Chart)
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn about how Bond Rates Are Inversely Related To Bond Price. See how to create a...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 51: Par - Discount - Premium Bonds
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn about how ...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Finance Class 51: Par - Discount - Premium Bonds
Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn about how Bonds can be sold at Par, Discount or Premium. See how to Create an...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 3440
- author: ExcelIsFun