
2007 MLK Day Parade - UUCP
2007 MLK Day Parade - UUCP
2007 MLK Day Parade in Pensacola Florida by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola

Re: Your Brains at UUCP
Re: Your Brains at UUCP
This is Jonathan Coulton's classic comedy song Re: Your Brains sung by Chris, Kyle and DD Snyder and Kat Crabtree with Zombie Sign Language performed by Kahlan Snyder at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix on Halloween.

Let There be Peace on Earth at UUCP
Let There be Peace on Earth at UUCP
Chris and Kyle Snyder sing Let There be Peace on Earth at the Christmas Eve service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix.

UUCP Maasin Covenant Choir-THE FIRST NOEL(Geth on the Flute)
UUCP Maasin Covenant Choir-THE FIRST NOEL(Geth on the Flute)
UUCP Maasin Covenant Choir-THE FIRST NOEL(Geth on the Flute)

What Do You Love @ UUCP?
What Do You Love @ UUCP?
During our Stewardship Campaign, we encourage you to reflect on all that you love about and hope for UUCP.

Grown-up Christmas list at UUCP
Grown-up Christmas list at UUCP
Chris Snyder sings Grown-up Christmas list at UUCP.

CHRIS AND KYLE SNYDER SINGING Let There Be Peace On Earth at the Christmas Eve service at UUCP IN PARADISE VALLEY

Ini merupakan penjelasan mengenai UUCP oleh Mahasiswa Gunadarma Jurusan Teknik Informatika Kelas 3ia01 yang terdiri dari : Adytya Hermawan ( 50408040) Barep Wicaksono (50408183) Kartika Kurniarin (50408489) Shinta Vazriana (50408787).

YouTube Community IN THE DARK
YouTube Community IN THE DARK
UPDATED: 6:07 AM EST March 18 / 2012 YouTube suspended Russia Today on 3/17/12. Here is a Link so you can read the crazy reason why they did. I guess the Purge has started! Daniel. www.infowars.com www.youtube.com YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 USA Phone: +1 650-253-0000 Fax: +1 650-253-0001 The Arpa Net: en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.zakon.org Alogorithm: en.wikipedia.org TCP/IP goes global (1989--2000) CERN, the European Internet, the link to the Pacific and beyond Between 1984 and 1988 CERN began installation and operation of TCP/IP to interconnect its major internal computer systems, workstations, PCs and an accelerator control system. CERN continued to operate a limited self-developed system CERNET internally and several incompatible (typically proprietary) network protocols externally. There was considerable resistance in Europe towards more widespread use of TCP/IP and the CERN TCP/IP intranets remained isolated from the Internet until 1989. In 1988 Daniel Karrenberg, from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, visited Ben Segal, CERN's TCP/IP Coordinator, looking for advice about the transition of the European side of the UUCP Usenet network (much of which ran over X.25 links) over to TCP/IP. In 1987, Ben Segal had met with Len Bosack from the then still small company Cisco about purchasing some TCP/IP routers for CERN, and was able to give Karrenberg advice and forward him on to Cisco for the appropriate hardware. This <b>...</b>

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix Founders Faith
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix Founders Faith
Enjoy a glimpse of our congregations history. --Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix

Nobody's bow Wow
Nobody's bow Wow
DD sings Nobody's bow Wow at UUCP at the blessing of the animals.

Sellafield nuclear reprocessing loses hundreds of jobs (03Aug11)
Sellafield nuclear reprocessing loses hundreds of jobs (03Aug11)
Part of Sellafield reprocessing plant is to lose hundreds of jobs, it never produced the output in reprocessed fuel they claimed it could do, as former environmental minister in Labour government Michael Meacher explains. Recorded from Channel 4 News, 03 August 2011.

Chamber Music Monterey Bay - Kalichstein, Laredo, Robinson Trio
Chamber Music Monterey Bay - Kalichstein, Laredo, Robinson Trio
Chamber Music Monterey Bay presents Kalichstein, Laredo, Robinson Trio at the Sunset Center March 27th, 2009 Carmel, California

giants were a fact the bible is true
giants were a fact the bible is true
giants and the bible are true: (Jesus) or in the hebrew Yahuwshua(YHWH) forfilled 365 prophecies on his first coming. There are giant structures all around the world we cannot build today.

Recorded at Hot Traxx (Garland, Texas) in 1993. Yes, I brought everything into a heavy metal recording studio in the back of an El Camino (thanks to Brian Rogers). Here is the equipment list: - Roland SVC-350 Vocoder - Roland Alpha Juno (bass line) - Sequential Circuits Prophet T-8 (additional bass and solo) - Sequential Circuits Six-Trak (lead) - Sequential Circuits Prophet-600 (lead) - Ensoniq Performance Sampler (ERROR 144 - REBOOT?) - SDF-3 running BSDI BSD/386 - Telebit Trailblazer TB+ plus (calling 'adaptex' over UUCP) - Pascal Blin (Official French Guy) - Drums sampled from Kraftwerk's Computer World record - Vietnamese vocal by Hoang Oanh from Hon Vong Phu The Telebit was sampled live in the studio because I did not have a SCSI interface on the EPS. The song was supposed to be released on an 'Analogue Heaven' compilation that never materialized and sat on DAT until 2004 when I remastered it and added Pascal Blin's vocal to fill in what I felt were empty spots. Pascal did not know what the words meant but was very concerned about pronouncing them correctly.

4. Teil FaxServer mit Ubuntu (Teil A) Achtung Kommentag lesen!
4. Teil FaxServer mit Ubuntu (Teil A) Achtung Kommentag lesen!
Mehrteilige Dokumentation: Installation eines FaxServers mit Ubuntu in Verbindung mit einer AVM PCI 2.0 ISDN Karte. Verwendet wird Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS in der 32-Bit Version. Im 4. Teil A (Achtung 2 Teile A und B) wird Hylafax konfiguriert. Der Austausch bei 08:20 wo "FaxRcvdCmd: /var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd" gegen "FaxRcvdCmd: /usr/bin/c2faxrecv" ausgetauscht wird ist Fehlerhaft! Dort einfach "FaxRcvdCmd: /var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd" stehen lassen!! Sonst geht später die E-Mailweiterleitung nicht! Auch ob: sudo gedit /etc/init/hylafax.conf T5:23:respawn:/usr/bin/c2faxrecv noch nötig ist muss ich noch mal testen. Da bei mir "faxrcvd" die Faxe weiter leitet muss "c2faxrecv" vielleicht nicht einmal aktiv sein. Das Video und die Dokumentation wird noch mal überarbeitet. Fax empfang/senden und weiterleitung an E-Mail geht aber so. Hier die Befehle aus dem Video zum Nacharbeiten: # Notwendigen Pakete installieren: sudo apt-get install dialog # CAPI4HylaFax installieren sudo apt-get install capi4hylafax # Hier das log verfolgen. # Wichtig ist zB: # Lege neue Gruppe »faxmaster« (GID 125) an ... # Lege neuen Benutzer »faxmaster« (UID 116) mit Gruppe »faxmaster« an ... # # Es wird also unter anderem ein neuer Benutzer und eine neue Gruppe erstellt. # Das ist wichtig da dieser in Postfix konfiguriert werden muss! # Einen Link "faxCAPI" auf "/dev/capi20" erstellen. # Und der Gruppe dialout die Rechte auf: /dev/capi gewähren. # User uucp in diese Gruppe mit aufnehmen. # Da diese <b>...</b>

MMA Seminar with Kyle Kingsbury @ Tiger Muay Thai
MMA Seminar with Kyle Kingsbury @ Tiger Muay Thai
Ultimate Fighter 8 star and UFC vet Kyle Kingsbury held a MMA seminar at Tiger Muay Thai & MMA training Camp, Phuket, Thailand on January 30, 2010. Kyle goes over a wide verity of MMA wrestling moves, cage take downs, take down defence and more. for more info visit www.tigermuaythai.com http www.kylekingsbury.com

Love Card from Bank of Georgia
Love Card from Bank of Georgia
დაუვიწყარი პრიზები love card--ის ყველაზე ლოალური მომხმარებლებისთვის. მათ, ვისაც ჯერ გაქვთ საკუთარი love card, ეწვიეთ lovecard.ge