- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 1089
- author: lam1315

2011年11月2日09:30 - 17:30 1823, 2679 2812(北區食環)由朝到晚都打唔通. 水貨佬正在走私龍蝦, 垃圾掉滿地(臭氣薰天) 上水彩園路天橋底,彩園路...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: lam1315
2011年11月2日09:30 - 17:30 1823, 2679 2812(北區食環)由朝到晚都打唔通. 水貨佬正在走私龍蝦, 垃圾掉滿地(臭氣薰天) 上水彩園路天橋底,彩園路上水港鐵站一帶每天聚集過百水貨客, 堆積卡板貨物,隨地亂丟垃圾,食物殘渣,傳播細菌. 上水彩園路彩玉樓對開行人路,行人路慘遭水貨佬佔...- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 1089
- author: lam1315

Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (iPhone version) - Tell me@1823 (iPhone版本)示範短片
Tell me@1823 By Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong SAR Governme...
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: GovHKvideochannel
Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (iPhone version) - Tell me@1823 (iPhone版本)示範短片
Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (iPhone version) - Tell me@1823 (iPhone版本)示範短片
Tell me@1823 By Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong SAR Government http://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/tell-me-1823/id426069047?mt=8.- published: 30 Jun 2011
- views: 3518
- author: GovHKvideochannel

叉燒米線加蜈蚣 送俾1823員工
蘋果動新聞: http://hk.dv.nextmedia.com/actionnews/local/20130515/18260686/20015020 【油麻地】 【本報訊】任...
published: 15 May 2013
author: appleactionews
叉燒米線加蜈蚣 送俾1823員工
叉燒米線加蜈蚣 送俾1823員工
蘋果動新聞: http://hk.dv.nextmedia.com/actionnews/local/20130515/18260686/20015020 【油麻地】 【本報訊】任職政府熱線1823男職員,前日凌晨2時許,與同事在油麻地九龍政府合署的辦公室內,致電上海街一食店叫外賣,以182元點了6樣食物,惟其中...- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 39334
- author: appleactionews

1823. 1823. Venezuela: Batalla del Lago de Maracaibo
En 1823, se libra en el Lago de Maracaibo la batalla que verdaderamente selló la Independe...
published: 24 Jul 2009
author: puebloalzao3
1823. 1823. Venezuela: Batalla del Lago de Maracaibo
1823. 1823. Venezuela: Batalla del Lago de Maracaibo
En 1823, se libra en el Lago de Maracaibo la batalla que verdaderamente selló la Independencia de Venezuela. Luego de esta batalla naval, Morales tuvo que ca...- published: 24 Jul 2009
- views: 2480
- author: puebloalzao3

Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (Mobile Site Version) - Tell me@1823 (流動網站版本)示範短片
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: GovHKvideochannel
Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (Mobile Site Version) - Tell me@1823 (流動網站版本)示範短片
Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (Mobile Site Version) - Tell me@1823 (流動網站版本)示範短片
http://mf.one.gov.hk/info/1823/launch_eform.html.- published: 30 Jun 2011
- views: 911
- author: GovHKvideochannel

1823 Unha década ominosa (doc)
A invasión dos 100 000 filos de San Luis co reaccionario Duque de Angouleme ao fronte, de ...
published: 13 May 2011
author: Cliphistoria
1823 Unha década ominosa (doc)
1823 Unha década ominosa (doc)
A invasión dos 100 000 filos de San Luis co reaccionario Duque de Angouleme ao fronte, de seguro aportou unha enorme felicidade e tranquilidade ao felón Fern...- published: 13 May 2011
- views: 1714
- author: Cliphistoria

Qik - Mobile video by Rugby 1823
Streamed by Rugby 1823 in Bormio, Italy. More at http://qik.com/rugby1823 Qik is the faste...
published: 22 May 2013
Qik - Mobile video by Rugby 1823
Qik - Mobile video by Rugby 1823
Streamed by Rugby 1823 in Bormio, Italy. More at http://qik.com/rugby1823 Qik is the fastest way to upload videos to YouTube from your mobile phone. Find out more at http://qik.com.- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 10

Jacques Christian Michel Widerkehr (1759-1823) Chamber music with Oboe
Jacques Christian Michel Widerkehr (1759-1823) Chamber music with Oboe http://www.allmusic...
published: 25 Mar 2013
author: harpsichordRB
Jacques Christian Michel Widerkehr (1759-1823) Chamber music with Oboe
Jacques Christian Michel Widerkehr (1759-1823) Chamber music with Oboe
Jacques Christian Michel Widerkehr (1759-1823) Chamber music with Oboe http://www.allmusic.com/album/jacques-christian-michel-widerkehr-chamber-music-with-ob...- published: 25 Mar 2013
- views: 1042
- author: harpsichordRB

Jürgen Benkö - Fanfare D-Dur von Nicolas-Jacques Lemmens (1823-1881)
Webseite:http://www.juergen-benkoe.de/ Konzertorganist Jürgen Benkö spielt Fanfare D-Dur v...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Wilma2511
Jürgen Benkö - Fanfare D-Dur von Nicolas-Jacques Lemmens (1823-1881)
Jürgen Benkö - Fanfare D-Dur von Nicolas-Jacques Lemmens (1823-1881)
Webseite:http://www.juergen-benkoe.de/ Konzertorganist Jürgen Benkö spielt Fanfare D-Dur von Nicolas-Jacques Lemmens auf der Rieger/Tzschöckel-Orgel in der L...- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 13925
- author: Wilma2511
Youtube results:

Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (Android version) - Tell me@1823 (Android版本)示範短片
Tell me@1823 GovHK, OGCIO, HKSARG https://market.android.com/details?id=gov.hk.ogcio.tellm...
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: GovHKvideochannel
Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (Android version) - Tell me@1823 (Android版本)示範短片
Demo. video of Tell me@1823 (Android version) - Tell me@1823 (Android版本)示範短片
Tell me@1823 GovHK, OGCIO, HKSARG https://market.android.com/details?id=gov.hk.ogcio.tellme1823.- published: 30 Jun 2011
- views: 851
- author: GovHKvideochannel