Betel International Short Movie
A brief video documentary about Betel International. In 1985, eleven years before opening ...
published: 26 May 2010
Betel do Brasil Cesário Lange SP
Nova Sede no Brasil — resultado de uma edificação de fé! Uma grande edificação foi feita n...
published: 25 Jul 2009
making a betel nut chew
Quick video showing the Micronesian method of creating a betel nut chew. Betel nut use ref...
published: 30 May 2009
Testigos de Jehova en Betel - Telemundo 47
This is a nice report about jehovah witness in brooklyn / Un reportaje que hizo un noticie...
published: 16 Apr 2010
Visita alla Betel di Roma
Una visita alla casa Betel di Roma....
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: gianniweb2
Visita Betel Colombia 2011
Visita a la sucursal de Colombia de los testigos de Jehová , familia Toledo 2011....
published: 03 Dec 2011
Betel en Desayuno Americano
published: 21 May 2012
My first ever betel nut!
People in Taiwan really go nuts for these nuts and why? I will try it for the first time i...
published: 03 Sep 2010
author: Li Jing
betel - united TT REPORT
Evanjelizačný projekt United TT organizovaný spoločenstvom a kapelou Bétel. www.betel.sk...
published: 26 Aug 2012
Betel drug rehab documentary trailer
2 minute trailer featuring scences from Madrid Gypsy camp and mass baptism. Betel is a chu...
published: 10 Oct 2006
Ministerio de Danza Betel (Levantate Señor)
El Ministerio de Danza Betel Danzando el canto de Levantate De Paul wilbur....
published: 06 Mar 2009
author: Alex Solache
Carrion - Betel
"Carrion" © 2007 MJM Music PL || http://www.facebook.com/carrionpl TEKST UTWORU: słowa wij...
published: 08 Sep 2012
author: carrionTV
Betel de Mexico
Visita al Betel de Mexico en diciembre 2009, como delegada argentina a la Asamblea Interna...
published: 31 Jan 2010
El Betel - Eli, Eli, Lama Sabactani
Scene din filmul "Passion of Christ" pe piesa de muzica crestina El Betel - Eli, Eli, Lama...
published: 06 Feb 2009
author: IohannaB
Youtube results:
Tag61/2 Palau Betel Nut Betelnuss Interview - ReiseWorld In 124 Tagen um die Welt
Der 61. Tag, Nachschlag: Ein Interview zur Betelnuss, die örtliche Droge, die als Ersatz z...
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: ReiseWorld
Grupul Betel Dumbraveni, Suceava - Tu mi-ai fost tarie in vreme de nevoi
Studio Porumbelul Oradea Tel: 0723/446080 - 0741/358693 Filmări video la diverse ocazii, N...
published: 29 Jan 2011
Corul Bisericii Penticostale ,,Betel" Zalau - Voi preamari mereu
O productie: www.emanuelpavel.ro; www.naostudio.ro Evanghelizare - 23 februarie 2013....
published: 24 Feb 2013
Corul Bisericii Betel Bucuresti - In Fata Tronului De Sus
published: 02 Jan 2013