Apologetics 101: How We Got Our Bible, Part 1
I am beginning a new series today on apologetics — specifically how we got our Bible. This...
published: 16 Oct 2010
author: ProphecyPodRadio
Apologetics 101: How We Got Our Bible, Part 1
I am beginning a new series today on apologetics — specifically how we got our Bible. This is structured for ease of learning and remembering. I hope you enjoy the series. I cover three important terms in this lesson: autograph, manuscript, and translation. An autograph is an original; a manuscript is a copy of the original; and a translation generally refers to translations made from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek. To ensure accuracy of copies, each letter was visually confirmed - despite the fact that vast portions of scripture were memorized. The scribes also counted each word and compared that to the master scroll. The middle letter in each scroll was located and compared to the master scroll. If a single mistake was made or found, the entire scroll was destroyed. The Old Testament manuscripts that are still in existence are The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Geniza Fragments, and the Ben Asher Manuscripts - which include the Aleppo Codex and the Leningrad Codex, both of which contain the complete Old Testament. The Aramaic paraphrases of the Old Testament that began in 400 BC are known as the Aramaic Targums. They helped the Jewish people to understand the Old Testament in the language that they commonly spoke after the Babylonian captivity. The Old Testament was translated into Koine Greek between the 3rd and 2nd century BC in Alexandria. This translation is known as the Septuagint. The oldest Greek Septuagint translations of the Old Testament still in existence are ...
published: 16 Oct 2010
views: 3906
Labyrinth of Truth pt.45 (The Cube)
This video explores the codex vaticanus 666 and meaning of the cube as well as the Black S...
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: TheWatcherReptilian2
Labyrinth of Truth pt.45 (The Cube)
This video explores the codex vaticanus 666 and meaning of the cube as well as the Black Stone in the Islamic religion.Check out the links for more info www.beholdthebeast.com www.walidshoebat.net www.reformation.org www.wat.tv
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: TheWatcherReptilian2
views: 11807
New Versions Are Vatican Versions Part 1 of 3
Part 1 of 3 of an almost 2 hour full length video documentary from kjvbiblebelievers.com T...
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: bbbfohio
New Versions Are Vatican Versions Part 1 of 3
Part 1 of 3 of an almost 2 hour full length video documentary from kjvbiblebelievers.com This video documents the corruptions in new versions, the history of the two conflicting streams of Bible manuscripts and the admission of scholars and critics alike that the reason new translations contradict the King James Bible in thousands of readings is simply because: New Versions Are Vatican Versions. Several segments of this video have been previously uploaded and viewed by tens of thousands of viewers. Now, the entire documentary is available in three parts. Previously unreleased segments include dozens of additional documented quotes proving that new versions are Vatican versions, along with an answer to the ridiculous claim that, "The KJV is a Catholic version, too!" Also included are segments outlining the Vatican agenda to replace God's Bible with their own "Codex Vaticanus" as just one part of the Revelation 17 Whore's end game: complete global unification of all religions under Rome's headship. These videos can be found embedded on our web site at: kjvbiblebelievers.com You will also find information on how you can receive a copy, or multiple copies, in DVD format at that link. Permission to copy and distribute this documentary in DVD format or in any other electronic storage format, including the embedding and/or sharing of these video links, are allowed and encouraged. We look forward to seeing the reward of our labor at the Judgment Seat of Christ and you can share ...
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: bbbfohio
views: 6288
This is what a spellchecker scribe wrote in the CODEX VATICANUS' 1512th page......
published: 19 Oct 2008
author: IslamzSuperior
This is what a spellchecker scribe wrote in the CODEX VATICANUS' 1512th page...
published: 19 Oct 2008
author: IslamzSuperior
views: 1916
Codex Vaticanus
Codex Vaticanus...
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: ardonbarhama1
Codex Vaticanus
Excavating The Empty Tomb - Part 2
PART 2. Codex Sinaiticus online: codexsinaiticus.org Codex Vaticanus online: www.csntm.org...
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: TruthSurge
Excavating The Empty Tomb - Part 2
PART 2. Codex Sinaiticus online: codexsinaiticus.org Codex Vaticanus online: www.csntm.org
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: TruthSurge
views: 25952
Studio: I Codici nascosti nella Bibbia [códigos escondidos na Bíblia (na versão original]
[da Voyager] questo è solo il primo passo. (P) Estudo Bíblico - Os códigos escondidos.... ...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Fantagillian
Studio: I Codici nascosti nella Bibbia [códigos escondidos na Bíblia (na versão original]
[da Voyager] questo è solo il primo passo. (P) Estudo Bíblico - Os códigos escondidos.... Os cientistas estão estudando a Bíblia, ainda a ser compreendida e muitas dúvidas ... este é apenas o primeiro passo... ;-) Chi si avvicina per la prima volta alla Bibbia generalmente ignora che di quest'ultima esistano ben ottantamila diverse traduzioni e manipolazioni (il "Codex Vaticanus" scoperto nel 1844 nel monastero di S. Caterina sul Sinai contiene non meno di sedicimila correzioni, dovute ad almeno sette correttori); che papa Giovanni XXIII in passato denunziò pubblicamente l'enorme confusione nata da tutte queste manipolazioni; che già nel VII secolo dopo Cristo il teologo inglese Venerabile Beda attestasse che il biblico Esdra aveva interpolato e censurato le Scritture; e che persino S. Paolo era sospettato di avere modificato l'insegnamento di Gesù, per creare una religione più "guerriera" (come lui), maggiormente ad uso e consumo di un potere politico che stava lentamente infiltrandosi nella sin troppo tollerante società romana (la setta giudeo-cristiana degli ebioniti o "poveri", autori di un omonimo vangelo e vissuti nei primi secoli dopo Cristo, non a caso lo consideravano un apostata; ed è indiscutibile che i suoi scritti siano stati fondamentali per la formazione del cristianesimo ed il distacco dal giudaismo); il cristiano praticante molto spesso non sa nemmeno che non esiste il testo originale della Bibbia (di nessuno dei 45 libri dell'Antico Testamento e dei 27 ...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Fantagillian
views: 1187
Vaticanum. Il manoscritto esoterico - José Rodrigues dos Santos - il booktrailer
www.newtoncompton.com Chi era davvero Gesù? Un mistero che la Chiesa occulta da duemila an...
published: 16 May 2012
author: Newton Compton
Vaticanum. Il manoscritto esoterico - José Rodrigues dos Santos - il booktrailer
www.newtoncompton.com Chi era davvero Gesù? Un mistero che la Chiesa occulta da duemila anni Quale prezioso codice si nasconde nelle stanze della Biblioteca Vaticana? E cosa contiene di tanto pericoloso da spingere qualcuno a uccidere perché non sia rivelato? Patricia Escalona, una ricercatrice spagnola, sta esaminando uno dei più antichi manoscritti biblici, il Codex Vaticanus, quando un rumore la attira negli oscuri meandri della biblioteca. Il cadavere della studiosa verrà ritrovato con la gola tagliata, accanto a un foglio che presenta dei segni indecifrabili. Valentina Ferro, un'affascinante ispettrice della polizia italiana, e Tomás Noronha, un famoso storico portoghese, saranno chiamati a indagare sull'omicidio ea far luce sulle antiche pagine che Patricia stava consultando. Contengono forse un segreto così importante da essere fatale per chi sia vicino a svelarlo? I due scopriranno l'esistenza di qualcuno che, attraverso i passi del Nuovo Testamento, sta cercando di far luce sul mistero che avvolge la vera identità di Gesù Cristo, avvalendosi anche delle ultime tecniche dell'ingegneria genetica. Vaticanum -- Il manoscritto esoterico ci conduce alla scoperta di un avvincente enigma che non è solo frutto della fantasia di dos Santos. E se si trattasse del più grande segreto contenuto nelle Sacre Scritture? Il più grande segreto contenuto nelle sacre scritture. Quale mistero nasconde il codex vaticanus?
published: 16 May 2012
author: Newton Compton
views: 2931
New Versions Are Vatican Versions Part 2 of 3
Part 2 of 3 of an almost 2 hour full length video documentary from kjvbiblebelievers.com T...
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: bbbfohio
New Versions Are Vatican Versions Part 2 of 3
Part 2 of 3 of an almost 2 hour full length video documentary from kjvbiblebelievers.com This video documents the corruptions in new versions, the history of the two conflicting streams of Bible manuscripts and the admission of scholars and critics alike that the reason new translations contradict the King James Bible in thousands of readings is simply because: New Versions Are Vatican Versions. Several segments of this video have been previously uploaded and viewed by tens of thousands of viewers. Now, the entire documentary is available in three parts. Previously unreleased segments include dozens of additional documented quotes proving that new versions are Vatican versions, along with an answer to the ridiculous claim that, "The KJV is a Catholic version, too!" Also included are segments outlining the Vatican agenda to replace God's Bible with their own "Codex Vaticanus" as just one part of the Revelation 17 Whore's end game: complete global unification of all religions under Rome's headship. These videos can be found embedded on our web site at: kjvbiblebelievers.com You will also find information on how you can receive a copy, or multiple copies, in DVD format at that link. Permission to copy and distribute this documentary in DVD format or in any other electronic storage format, including the embedding and/or sharing of these video links, are allowed and encouraged. We look forward to seeing the reward of our labor at the Judgment Seat of Christ and you can share ...
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: bbbfohio
views: 2335
"Una observación a la Traducción" La Traducción del Nuevo Mundo y el Codex Vaticanus
Documental imparcial que investiga a la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Santas Escritura...
published: 11 Jul 2011
author: wtt009
"Una observación a la Traducción" La Traducción del Nuevo Mundo y el Codex Vaticanus
Documental imparcial que investiga a la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Santas Escrituras
published: 11 Jul 2011
author: wtt009
views: 207
Apologetics 101: How We Got Our Bible, Part 2
Some of the subjects discussed in this video are Bible, apologetics, archaeology, Biblical...
published: 06 Nov 2010
author: ProphecyPodRadio
Apologetics 101: How We Got Our Bible, Part 2
Some of the subjects discussed in this video are Bible, apologetics, archaeology, Biblical History, autograph, manuscript, translation, Chester Beatty Papyri, Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, New Testament, Greek manuscripts, Bodmer, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Vulgate, Tertullian, Vatican Library, Protestant Reformation, John Wycliffe, Gutenberg, Textus Receptus, Erasmus, Polyglot, King James Version, NASV, NIV, and more.
published: 06 Nov 2010
author: ProphecyPodRadio
views: 1372
Mark 16:9-20 & the Abrupt Ending - Part 1
Part 1 of a four-part lecture examining the main evidence that has been used to support th...
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: JamesSnapp
Mark 16:9-20 & the Abrupt Ending - Part 1
Part 1 of a four-part lecture examining the main evidence that has been used to support the abrupt ending (at 16:8) of the Gospel of Mark. Part 1 covers Codex Vaticanus, Codex L, and Old Latin Codex Bobbiensis.
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: JamesSnapp
views: 707
New Versions Are Vatican Versions Part 3 of 3
Part 3 of 3 of an almost 2 hour full length video documentary from kjvbiblebelievers.com T...
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: bbbfohio
New Versions Are Vatican Versions Part 3 of 3
Part 3 of 3 of an almost 2 hour full length video documentary from kjvbiblebelievers.com This video documents the corruptions in new versions, the history of the two conflicting streams of Bible manuscripts and the admission of scholars and critics alike that the reason new translations contradict the King James Bible in thousands of readings is simply because: New Versions Are Vatican Versions. Several segments of this video have been previously uploaded and viewed by tens of thousands of viewers. Now, the entire documentary is available in three parts. Previously unreleased segments include dozens of additional documented quotes proving that new versions are Vatican versions, along with an answer to the ridiculous claim that, "The KJV is a Catholic version, too!" Also included are segments outlining the Vatican agenda to replace God's Bible with their own "Codex Vaticanus" as just one part of the Revelation 17 Whore's end game: complete global unification of all religions under Rome's headship. These videos can be found embedded on our web site at: kjvbiblebelievers.com You will also find information on how you can receive a copy, or multiple copies, in DVD format at that link. Permission to copy and distribute this documentary in DVD format or in any other electronic storage format, including the embedding and/or sharing of these video links, are allowed and encouraged. We look forward to seeing the reward of our labor at the Judgment Seat of Christ and you can share ...
published: 21 Feb 2011
author: bbbfohio
views: 2010
Vimeo results:
eisenlager - codex vaticanus B
all cds free at http://www.eisenlager.com...
published: 04 Jun 2011
author: midnightradio11
eisenlager - codex vaticanus B
all cds free at http://www.eisenlager.com
002 - 2012 CTS - Ron Minton - Textual Criticism on the Majority Text - Part 1
Ron Minton - Textual Criticism on the Majority Text - Part 1. 2012 Chafer Theological Semi...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: Dean Bible Ministries
002 - 2012 CTS - Ron Minton - Textual Criticism on the Majority Text - Part 1
Ron Minton - Textual Criticism on the Majority Text - Part 1. 2012 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference, Houston, TX, March 12, 2012.
Grace Summit Sermon - Why we can Trust Modern Translations
by Matt Cramer
Father, thank You for Your word this morning.
I’ve been reminded a few t...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: Grace Summit
Grace Summit Sermon - Why we can Trust Modern Translations
by Matt Cramer
Father, thank You for Your word this morning.
I’ve been reminded a few times that last week Pastor mentioned that he is going on vacation – leaving me with the harder of the two part series.
Can we trust our English translations? Pastor Mike mentioned last week that we can have confidence in our English translations.
Introduction to the Bible – Paul Wagner – Tremendous book on the history of the Bible. I plug his book – not only because I had him as a professor – but because he passed me. Out of 9 questions on the midterm – I only missed seven of them!
Textual Criticism -
The study of the copies of any written document whose original (the autograph) is unknown or non-existent, for the primary purpose of determining the exact wording of the original
Daniel B. Wallace—Center for the study of New Testament manuscripts
There are four reasons it is important –
1) Translating the Bible – to have an accurate English translation, we must have an accurate translation of the original languages.
2) We do not have the original autographs, John, Mark, Matthew, Paul, Luke – we don’t have them.
3) The copies that we do have differ from one another – it can be alarming. The term for that is textual variance.
4) The manuscripts we have are ancient, but the issue is current and relevant. I call it the DaVinci Code Factor. I know it is a few years old, but Transformers never discusses textual criticism – but it is pop culture trying to undermine the Bible. Have you heard of The Jesus Seminar? They say that Jesus’ body was eaten by dogs.
There is going to be a rumble between Wallace and Ehrman – coming up –
Center for New Testament Manuscripts. Because I ‘lliked’ it on facebook – I can see that the student section has sold out.
Several of these scholars like to remind us that there are no original autographs – the skeptics like to remind us of that – but what we do have is ridiculous.
Bruce Metzger – lived to be 94 – I think he passed away in 2007 – he was a giant in this field – from the 40s on – we have an embarrassment of riches –
One critical point to consider in establishing our trust in the New Testament – is the amount of MANUSCRIPTS we have.
What Bible did Gutenberg print? Latin.
What evidence do we have? Roughly 24,000 New Testament manuscripts –
5000 Greek
10000 Latin
9000 in various other languages – or lectionaries – notes/sermons from preachers who quoted Scripture.
Let’s compare this to our understanding of ancient Greek and Rome. The time between when the original was written and the first manuscript.
Tacitus – Mentions Jesus in 115-117 AD,
Tacitus, a Roman historian, in his Annals (written between 115 A.D. and 117 A.D.) states:
Tacitus was no lover of Christians but commented about them and gives historical evidence as to their creation in his Annals
Therefore to scotch the rumor Nero substituted as culprits, and punished with the utmost refinements of cruelty, a class of men loath for their vices whom the crowd styled as Christians. Christus, the founder of the name, had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius by sentence of the Procurator Pontius Pilate.
Nobody debates the historicity of Tacitus or these other guys. But they will criticize that Pontius Pilate was not a Procurator, even though Tacitus said so.
Josephus, writing between 37-100 A.D.
About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one would call him a man… He won over many of the Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah…
Papyri fragments have been found containing parts of John, written within 40 years of the original. Parts of Acts have been dated to the 2nd and 3rd Centuries.
List of Papyrus documents – 127
Uncials - 322,
Miniscules – 2907
Papyrus – I have a handout – it is a Biblical Manuscript – pass it around – this is a biblical manuscript – we aren’t always dealing with entire gospels, but a piece of paper 3”x3” – and that counts.
1934 – Colin H. Roberts – finds this fragment in the library – discovers that it is John 17 and the back has a couple words of John 18:37-38. Sends it off to 3 papyrologists – examined to be from 90-150 A.D. – A couple other things solidify the evidence – a copy cannot pre-date an original.
This verifies that it was any time from 10-70 years after John’s gospel.
Codex – scrolls –
P75 – we have 300 some leaves of it – 102 pages out of what was considered to be 140 pages. Dated between 175 and 225 AD –
Papyrus, 125
Uncials – 300
The weight that it carries in Textual Criticism is significant.
Constantine Von Tischendorf – 1815-1874 – Leipzig, Germany – Probably studying Greek in his teens. Professor at Leipzig – for those of you music buffs – his neighbors were Mendelsohn and Schumann (interesting story – read about the end of his life).
Some say Mendelsohn dedicated a piece to Tischendorf.
In a letter to
Youtube results:
Eisenlager - Codex Vaticanus B.
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: glaslichter
Eisenlager - Codex Vaticanus B.
Forbidden History; Masonic Revolutions - THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE OF OSIRIS 1/12
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: Phaeton230780
Forbidden History; Masonic Revolutions - THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE OF OSIRIS 1/12
WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION OF NOVO ORDO SECLORUM (NWO) OR WHERE IS THE SOLOMON'S TEMPLE? BRUTAL BLOODY FACTS, METHODS & IMPLEMENTATIONS OF THE MESSIANIC GOALS FOR HUMANITY BY "NEW WORLD ORDER" ARE PRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING FOOTAGE. IT IS IMPERATIVE TO NOTE THAT CURRENT THREE WORLD DOMINATING ORGANISED FORMS OF RELIGION & FOLLOWING FROM THEM SECULAR IDEOLOGIES AS COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM & "DEMOCRACY", ETC ARE RESP. INJECTED WITH AND THE OFFSPRING OF WELL "FORGOTTEN" & INTENTIONALLY HIDDEN BY MYSTERY SCHOOLS OCCULT OSIRIANISM, WHICH BECAME TO BE A PREVAILING MULTI-FAUCETED CONTROLLED DOGMA IN THE WORLD SINCE THE LANDS OF SUMER, ETHIOPIA & EGYPT WERE INVADED BY OSIRIS (HE IS BACCHUS, DIONYSUS, VAKHA). (JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS BOOK 1, SECTION 73, - Against Apion quoting Manetho: Aegyptiaca., frag. 42, 1.75-79.2) & (Book 1, section 227 - "Those sent to work in the quarries lived miserably for a long while, and the king was asked to set apart the city Avaris for their habitation and protection; and he granted them their wish. But when these men had entered it, and found it suitable for a revolt, they chose a ruler from among the priests of Heliopolis, whose name was Osarsiph [9]. It was also reported that the priest, who ordained their polity and their laws, was by birth of Heliopolis, and his name Osarsiph, from Osyris (OSIRIS), who was the god of Heliopolis. www.reshafim.org.il HISTORICAL FACTS: Rabbi Kaufmann wrote in "The Biblical Era" book, that "The foundations of the ...
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: Phaeton230780
views: 9690
Get Plur-Worlds Fastest FFA MOAB On MW3 2:40
Worlds Fastest FFA MOAB On MW3 Boron "Codex Vaticanus" "National FFA Organization"lace up ...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: MrBrian216
Get Plur-Worlds Fastest FFA MOAB On MW3 2:40
Worlds Fastest FFA MOAB On MW3 Boron "Codex Vaticanus" "National FFA Organization"lace up mgk machine gun kelly tribute drake take care MOAB CALL OF DUTY mw3 "Call Of Duty" "Call Duty" Modern "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" Ever Best Mw2 Cod4 Montage Cod5 Worst Greatest Gameplay...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: MrBrian216
views: 186
Refuting KJV Only Mythology 5
Discussion of Eusebius, Codex Vaticanus, and Codex Siniaticus....
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: labarum312
Refuting KJV Only Mythology 5
Discussion of Eusebius, Codex Vaticanus, and Codex Siniaticus.
published: 08 Jun 2010
author: labarum312
views: 414