IFOR in Bosnia
ABC news clip. About US entering Bosnia...Featuring the Danish tank squdron....
published: 06 Jan 2010
IFOR ILMO infofilm deel 001
Informatiefilm voor IFOR militairen. Beschrijving Implementation Force De Implementation F...
published: 08 Jun 2011
IFOR 1996. vojna vježba u Glamockom polju
Sredinom 1996. godine pripadnici IFORA odrzali su vojnu vjezbu u Glamockom polju....
published: 08 Jul 2009
author: arhivcrotv
IFOR ILMO infofilm deel 002
Informatiefilm voor IFOR militairen. Beschrijving Implementation Force De Implementation F...
published: 12 Jun 2011
Sisava SSVcie IFOR Mechbat 1996 en beelden kamp en schietdag
beelden van Kamp Sisava nmet bar, kamp schietdag....
published: 26 Aug 2010
Botex 38 loader on Ifor Williams trailer
Handy small loader....
published: 22 Feb 2009
Zdenek Izer - Velitel IFOR - 100 scénka.
Tohle je jubilejní 100 scénka od Zdenka , tak neco co jste jeśte nevideli....doufám, Zdend...
published: 31 Oct 2009
author: Mr7boby4
IFOR The Movie
Stary filmik nie istniejącej już grupy IFOR ASG Mysłowice....
published: 23 Apr 2009
author: Tappczan
French Horn Playing - Lesson - Ifor James - Articulation
Ifor James explains the fundamentals of tonguing notes i.e. articulating. Please listen ca...
published: 15 Apr 2008
author: hornchannel
ifor williams horse trailer loading
published: 30 May 2012
Ifor James teaching - Jan 1990
A memory jogger basically for those who studied with Ifor at Freiburg in Germany. Here he ...
published: 27 Sep 2009
author: hornchannel
Ifor James- How the valves work - French Horn Beginners
Prof. Dr. Ifor James Explains for beginners about how the horn valves work i.e. what happe...
published: 16 Oct 2009
author: hornchannel
Prof. Dr. Ifor James on whether to play with the bell on or off the knee
Ifor talking about whether one should play with the bell of the horn on or off the knee. A...
published: 24 Jul 2010
author: hornchannel
Ifor Williams Autokenner
Ifor Williams op Autokenner. Vitaya publiceerde in het programma Autokenner 3 tips voor aa...
published: 14 Jun 2010
Youtube results:
Ifor James - Humorous Anecdote
Ifor relating a story about Michael Höltzel and Ib Lanski Otto at a Potsdam USA Horn Congr...
published: 17 Apr 2008
author: hornchannel
Ifor Williams Flat Bed Trailers
A function guide for our trailers. See http://nimodding.wordpress.com for more info....
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: NI Modding
Prof. Dr. Ifor James - Horn Technique - Breathing II
Ifor James explains a bit more about breathing and supporting the air column necessary to ...
published: 01 Jul 2010
author: hornchannel
Bedrijfsfilm Ifor Williams Trailers Bree....
published: 16 Jun 2010