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Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

The UM Archive for December, 2011

Third Policeman/Pete Um+ Bridport etc.

Looking forward to heading west to catch up with the man Ergo Phizmiz to play this thing. Also going to catch up with The Trickster, which is always a pleasure. I remember at college he was the only person I’d ever met who knew how to cook food.

Aid & Abet, July 2011

Some rare thing of me I didn’t upload myself. Seems to be a bit big, the beginning’s fluffed and I forget the words at one point but there is a stupid hat and some local celebs so I have archived it here.

Just like that.

Bless my favourite Shirt for writing nice things about the new record and the general daft gesamtkunstwerk.
8< 8< 8< 8

Uncarved Eden

Precious little point looking for a new Eden when there’s good old John niceing up the webz inna blog style since the FIRST WAVE of classic 2003 UK blogging. Sorry, just being a bit silly cos I warm to John because he has the decency to be taller than me and because to me he [...]