random UM button

Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

The UM Archive for September, 2011

My man Simon Doling wrote some entirely factually incorrect stuff about my brilliant songs here.
In case the world explodes and that link dies the text goes like this:
UM (or as he’s know these days, Pete UM) is the shizz. Still (other than the birth of my second son and marriage to my wife) the best [...]

I will be there.

This Sat in Cambridge city. I like it when old skool local promoters bill me as Um.

The Curse Of The Face Of The Mask Of Hanson etc

One day I will figure out how to insert photos into text in Wordpress so as to form words+picture narrative but whatever version I’m using makes it spectacularly difficult. Perhaps I will try elsewhere where it is comparatively simple and user-intuitive but until then…
Here’s some mildly weird synchronicity wedded to trademark occasional haplessness.
I follow the [...]

Hallo Hamburg

Me & Phil off to Luton on Friday.