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Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

The UM Archive for August, 2005

Not very rock.

The other night Phil and I got engrossed in an earnest debate about gender politics and we must have lost track of time because he left quite late muttering about how I ought to learn to fuckin’ drive and when I woke up the next morning I discovered I had a really, really big hangover. [...]

The cultural differences between England and America.

Here’s a recent review of the debut Um single, which can be found at http://www.dustedmagazine.com/features/379 :
UM The Man’s Got Me Beat 7″ EP (Strange Lights) One of those cultural differences between England and America: we have far less goofy electronic/sample based musical experimentalists running around releasing records. We have no [...]

Why I Hate Jim O’Rourke

What I hate about Jim O’Rourke is his ubiquity. Him joining Sonic Youth was the last straw for me. Like, why? I’m deeply suspicious of Sonic Youth anyway, who seemed to have marketed themselves into all the rock non-fiction books I read with distasteful ease, if you know what I mean. And when you look [...]

In which electronic musicians chat idly about evil…

Now I don’t want to go cluttering up the World Wide Web with a highly personal account of the tedious minutiae of my daily existence, but you know I’m always on about the Voodoo? Do you remember how my minidisk player the Tascam MD-301 MK2 stopped working kinda mysteriously and then started working again even [...]

The Ministry Of Shite

I’m a fan of the documentary form, and when reality TV came along it felt as though the format had been created for me personally. I’ve watched almost all of all of every series of Big Brother, and I’ve had to defend myself and my tastes for this fact. Up until about two-thirds of the [...]

My July 7th

July 7th was my brother’s birthday, and I had my driving theory test booked. I was sitting in front of my PC going through the CD-ROM again and again because I hadn’t actually done any revision until about two days before the test. I was a bit hungover and really, really tired. My dad had [...]

Whatever happened to Pete Um?

No, I’m not dead. Just having some voodoo-related travils. Andrew, my PC mechanic, sent me this link, which seems to give some scientific basis to my rantings about voodoo:
Fucked up, huh?
I’ve only ever played at The Spreadeagle (Shoreditch) twice, but on both occasions I’ve bought a kebab from the [...]