Um Militant Wing.
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Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

The UM Archive for March, 2005

Brandon’s blog: amazing (what we’re up against).

This is a very funny bit of blog that Andrew sent me. Go here:
Or just read the damn thing below:
Monday, January 03, 2005 Evanescence concert review Here is my amazing and fun-filled review for my first “real” concert going experience. On July 27th, Tuesday, Stefanie and I went [...]

currently not working

You know I was on about my problems with voodoo or astrological black ice or whatever it is that causes electronic equipment to choke to death before my ears? Well, in Rotterdam, as I’ll tell you again later on, my video camera stopped working. This is the expensive digital video camera that I use almost [...]

fuck the thief at the station

This is old news (I can’t be current right now because I’m right in the thick of this moving flats biz):
OK – really quick entry. Played an indifferent-ish gig in Notting Hill yesterday, after which bass-matey from The Dirty Pins told me to fuck off. All I’d said to him was “Nice set. [...]

Day Two Menu in the Men’s.

Right, Day Two:
I’m a gonna rush through this because otherwise I won’t. For breakfast we had:
Carrots Peppers Stuffed vine leaves Raw-ish ham in large chunks with cloves of garlic stuffed into it Olive oil Pesto Hard cheese Soft cheese Dark bread White [...]

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.

Well, this isn’t about the tour but I thought I’d share anyhoos. Rob Da Bank played People Hid In Jumpers last Thursday. Funnily enough I saw Jolly James on Mill Road earlier and we’d discussed the efforts of The Dude Ross to get my arse ART played again on the RDB show. I told JJ [...]

Um European Tour Debrief Part One, Day One.

Okay. I’m still alive, although I have a bit of a tickly cough.
It was the night before I left…
I was trying my best to not to freak out and stick to normal routines so I drank quite a large amount of Guinness but nothing seemed to stem a rising sense of [...]

Hey student! An interview with Pete Um.

Sorry, I will write an account of the European Tour very soon. I will I will. The problem is my spare time in the day has been taken up with the decorating of Sam’s new flat, and I really need that window in the day when my brain is working to write stuff, as opposed [...]