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Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

The UM Archive for October, 2003

I don’t listen to Radio Um

Last night I was sat here in front of my computer drinking Guinness and doing things like checking my email and looking at Jamie Vichy’s diary to see if he’d posted anything new, because I’d completely forgotten that what I was meant to be doing was eagerly tuning in to national Radio 3 FM to [...]

On the curriculum

Just had another bag mail in the mail bag from Felix:
Tues 9th October
Woke up early again this morning, while the sun was still low in the sky over the shed behind the house. Casting a strange almost eerie light over the garden. Wandered down to the remains of last week’s bonfire [...]

Neighbourhood threat and safety pins

Wasted a big hangover today by not writing anything, so I’ll see if I can quickly make amends before the Forces Of Responsibility catch hold of my elbow to direct me once again.
The Kubin/Man From Uranus/Um gig was a stone-cold fucking killer dwarf triumph. I’ve felt good all day and I only had [...]

A flock of sneagles

An odd day so far. Took Syd to school with bizzarro hair because he’d been doused in nit cream last night. We call head lice “sneagles” in our house, and I’ve been toying with the idea of calling the long-awaited Um 5-track e.p “A Flock Of Sneagles”, but it would be silly, a) because it’s [...]

Vortex alert: don’t get suckered in!

Fuck. Got stuck in a dangerous, post-modern technology VORTEX today. My old pal Felix told me in an email how he didn’t need to ask me how I was or what I was up to because he’d read all about it in my diary (this one, vortex fans). He also said that it was only [...]

Too much heroin/beer.

Right, very quickly.
Saw street person in throes of accidental overdose yesterday on Mill Road. His mates were holding his limp body up and slapping his face and arse. “Open your fucking eyes! You are not dying!” Very shocking actually. Of course passers-by are just passing by, including me. Time seemed to be moving [...]

Looks like Berlin is off

Strange end-of-the-summer-holidays feeling, which has a lot to do with the fact that it’s suddenly autumn and I have to back to Arjuna in a couple of weeks. Pretty much failed to do everything I had hoped to accomplish during this sabbatical, especially learning to drive. Did a song about failing to learn to drive [...]