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Mugged! My Story By Man From Uranus

Um "Holy Fire" Strawberry Fair 2004

You are at the UM archive for the grist Category:

An Appeal

Hey guys,
ha, floppy own-brand tortilla chips, peanuts and Lilt and vodka (just a very small medical dash for my damaged tropical child) for breakfast. Happy New Year. Can’t sleep so let my betters rest. A guitar string just pinged on the wall so I must be Accompanied.
I don’t know if you use Discogs but I [...]

Money Just A Fall Like Rain

Had a bit of a reggae windfall this week. I’m getting used to the heartache of seeing a box of records lying about in Resale, falling upon them like Indiana Jones, but then being told they are still to be looked at and then never seeing them again. The other week there was a box [...]

High Fidelity: Pete Um’s “Evil” and The Beta Band.

Here’s a classic bit of Grist, or at least it is if you’re me. So, what, two years ago or thereabouts I do that song Evil which has just a smidgen of a sample of some guitar and some claps from some Beta Band tune – I don’t even know which one to be honest. [...]

Steve Mason Support again innit?

Next Tuesday at Cargo in London.

A wink and a smile to a Mill Road exile.

Yesterday I was in the Cat’s Protection League doing dumb things like wondering if I should spend £7 pounds on a hugely outsized cream-coloured kind of, uh… ornate designer bling streetwear jacket and just about resisting but then hardly wondering at all whether i should spend 50p a pop on some old 78s of Maori [...]

Party Records

I have a nasty birthday next week, so I’m in party activist mode this week trying to make sure the damn thing has food and music and guests and stuff. As I’m super stinko-poor I haven’t bought hardly any records in about a year and a half apart from a couple of charity-shop things that [...]

Same Old Me

Feel more enthusiastic about this than most things today:

Local Person

If you want to see me on the 25th I’m afraid it’s going to cost you £32. Also, apologies to anyone who plays guitar.

Who is Pete Um?

Another Um profile with interview.
It sez:
Who is Pete Um?
Pete Um is an experimental solo artist from Cambridge in the UK, who takes life around him and converts it into music. Over the years his prolific output has challenged much of everyday perception of life..
His challenging output hasn’t hit the mainstream, which to Pete is not [...]

War & Dynamite

Looks like I’m playing tomorrow’s Bad Timing with Gary War, which is cool.
In other cool news Dave & I watched the Sensational film last night and it’s great & I am totally in it, which makes me really proud and embarassed at the same time. Dave is the original fan round here though, and he’s [...]