- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 116647
"The Big Ear" [Nuevo Misterio] | GTA San Andreas Loquendo 2016 (Con Trolencio911)
"The Big Ear" [Nuevo Misterio] | Gta San Andreas Loquendo 2016 {Parte2} (Con Detenshion)
'The Big Ear' - GTA San Andreas - [Creepypasta 2016]
GTA San Andreas | Myths & Legends | Myth #44 | The Big Ear
GTA San Andreas: ¡¿Que esconde The Big Ear?! MISTERIOS #1
Mount Josiah & The Big Ear Satellite - GTA 5 Jetpack / Chiliad Mystery
The All That Cast Loves The Big Ear Of Corn | All That Reunion | The Splat
GTA SA|FNAF Mitos y Leyendas: "The Big Ear" (OVNI) w/ Toy Chica
GTA San Andreas | Staffel 2 | Mythos #02: The Big Ear! [DE]
The Big Ear - GTA SAN ANDREAS Completando el misterio Loquendo
Este video es bastante distinto a los que estan en mi canal, estoy probando variar un poco el contenido con nuevas cosas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sinopsis del video: Trolencio y yo hemos estado investigando una zona determinada como "The Big Ear" y aqui les presentamos todos los datos que obtuvimos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Links: Mi Oficial Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/detenshion/?... Canal de Trolencio911: https://www.youtube.com/user/Trolenci... Pagina Oficial del GTA SA: http://www.rockstargames.com/sanandreas/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Musicas Utili...
Finalmente ha salido la segunda parte por la que muchos me estuvieron tocando los huevos xD bueno no! En esta segunda parte resolveremos las dudas y teorías que quedaron pendientes en el vídeo anterior en el canal de Detenshion. Salu2 PRIMERA PARTE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSTnuoJ1cFY CANAL DE DETENSHION https://www.youtube.com/user/detenshion Twitter: https://twitter.com/trolencio911_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oficialtrolencio911 Vine: https://vine.co/u/1275911065775001600
'The Big Ear' - GTA San Andreas - [Creepypasta] Esto solo es un Creepypasta, no es real, es basado en un famoso mito de GTA San Andreas The Big Ear es un Radio telescopio ubicado en Bone County, cerca del Lil' Probe Inn, y del Área Restringida. Traducido, sería la "Gran Oreja". Se dice que es una antena que manda ondas de radio para contactarse con los extraterrestres, y con los OVNIs. Es muy grande con respecto a su tamaño, y hay algunas personas circulando alrededor de esta. Aquí hay un Sandking, y unas gafas térmicas abajo de este (luego de pasar la misión: Black Project). Se dice que si pasas cerca con un vehículo que lleve sintonizada la Radio X, coges interferencias y se puede oír ruidos extraños. CANCIONES: 1- Dark Walk - Kevin Mcload 2- Acustic Latin Sound - ¿? 3- Sweet Dreams (...
Don't forget to hit that LIKE button if you enjoyed watching :) ► Follow Me: ● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/darkmythhunter ● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/darkmythhunter ► GTA San Andreas | Myths & Legends | Myth #44 | The Big Ear ● The Big Ear - Probably the oldest myth in GTA San Andreas, but investigated by 5% of all myth hunters. This Big Ear is located at Bone County and it's full of mysteries... enjoy. ► Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a registered trademark of Rockstar Games & Rockstar North. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with them. ► All the music in this video was purchased and its copyrighted by its respective owner. The songs used in this video are provided by the website (below) ● http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/ ● http://www.youtube.com/user/myu...
Capitulo 2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoUwwEFnBqE Capitulo 3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae_6GO3RsZQ -------------------SERIES DE LOS SIMS------------------- Sims 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo9HOL6Pv8Yhd9fPbrNAa2DjM22Ef715p Sims 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo9HOL6Pv8YhJJwWW_U9fJSZY4dJv3bKy -------------------REDES SOCIALES------------------- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GoldGamesMin TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/GoldGamesYT -------------------PREGUNTAS------------------- ¿EN QUE SERVIDORES JUEGAS? Hypixel: mc.hypixel.net (PREMIUM) OlimpoCraft: Olimpo.me (PREMIUM) CubeCraft: play.cubecraftgames.net (PREMIUM) Mineplex: eu.mineplex.com (PREMIUM) ¿TENES SKYPE? _Si tengo skype, pero lo uso para hablar con amigos. Si te gusto el vídeo li...
We look at the lone satellite dish at the Big Ear Array, that many have said points towards either Fort Zancudo or the Altruist Camp. When you take a closer look, perhaps it is pointing us towards the Alien Water Towers, or even Mount Josiah! We investigate maybe the most overlooked clue in the game! To join the TrippyCommsMafia, simply sign up for the Rockstar Social Club (It's free!). Then request an invite to the crew. We will get you in ASAP!
The Big Ear of Corn was a staple on the set of All That, and the love between the corn and Lori Beth Denberg is the stuff fairytales are made of. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/TheSplatSubscribe Check out The Splat’s official website: http://bit.ly/SplatOnline More From The Splat: Facebook: http://bit.ly/TheSplatFacebook Twitter: http://bit.ly/TheSplatTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/TheSplatGram Tumblr: http://bit.ly/TheSplatTumblr Vine: http://bit.ly/TheSplatVine Pinterest: http://bit.ly/SplatPinterest What is The Splat? The Splat is your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows. We don’t question football-shaped heads, but embrace them – along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete’s) sake...
Bueno! espero que os guste el este vídeo y perdón por tardar demasiado en subir vídeo!! Canal de Bycreep99: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1kT... Canal de War Thunder y más!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyVT... Canal de amigo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtM6... Canal de MMD de FNAF y más!:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVKP... Canal Random de amigos: https://www.youtube.com/user/DagasGames LIKASO Y SUSCRIBE TE PARA MÁS!
►Ausklappen für Informationen ►Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen zu Mythen und Legenden in GTA San Andreas! Die zweite Staffel ist jetzt da mit hoffentlich neuen und atemberaubenden Mythen und Legenden! Wir erforschen die Geheimnisse und Secrets, die Rockstar Games in GTA San Andreas versteckt haben! Heute der Mythos: The Big Ear! + The Wow! Signal! ►The Wow! Signal: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!-Signal ►Ihr könnt mich auch einfach auf YouTube verfolgen! =) Einfach nur auf abonnieren klicken :D ►Facebook: www.facebook.com/Vasitur ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/vasihasi ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/vasitur ►Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat würde ich mich über ein Like freuen und einen Feedback! :) Es werden mehr Mythen und Legenden folgen! :)
el misterio que investigo/descubrio @Detenshion lo hemos completado entre Mr.Delux y un servidor, espero que les guste y si es asi comenten compartan y suscribance al canal (aclaro que el fragmento que tome del video de Detenshion se lo pedi prestado le mande un mensaje por facebook y ya me dio permiso de usar este fragmento pero no me atribullo nada de su video solo el cacho de misterio que hemos decubierto mr.delux y yo) ▶▶▶▶ABRIR◀◀◀◀ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pliploi?ref=hl TWITTER https://twitter.com/mrxmgs2 SUSCRIBIRSE http://goo.gl/tQfL9f STEAM: http://goo.gl/KGZoev ORIGIN: pliploi ¿QUIERES SER PARTNER Y GANAR DINERO POR TUS VIDEOS? https://www.freedom.tm/via/pliploi CONTENIDO SORPRESA http://sh.st/ibjFK ------------------------------------------------- Music by — Mike Old...
When to Seek Medical Care for Earwax See your doctor if you think you may have any symptoms of an earwax impaction. Other conditions may cause these symptoms and it is important to be sure earwax is the culprit before trying any home remedies. Go to the hospital if: You have a severe spinning sensation, loss of balance, or inability to walk You have persistent vomiting or high fever You experience sudden loss of hearing Exams and Tests A doctor can diagnose earwax blockage (or eardrum perforation) by listening to your symptoms and then looking into your ear with an otoscope (ear-scope). Этот ролик обработан в Видеоредакторе YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
The big Pimple in your ear
blackhead removal and prevention educational context below: None of the blackhead cleansing and exfoliating methods offer immediate results, but will produce long-term results. Continue treating your skin with your method of choice daily for several months in order to completely remove your skin of blackheads. Certain prescription pills and creams can be given to you by a dermatologist to remove especially difficult blackheads. If your blackheads do not disappear after several months, a visit to your dermatologist may be in order.
In this video I discuss the advantages of custom molded ear plug for use when riding, along with showing a video of the process being done at the MOA rally in Hamburg. These videos are intended as a graphical overview and may not contain every detail pertaining to the specific service. Work at your own risk.
Disgusting video Get big ear wax inside the ear boys unsanitary. Subscribe - http://goo.gl/ZYT2gS
Hearing loss Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear A deaf person has little to no hearing.Hearing loss may occur in one or both ears. In children hearing problems can affect the ability to learn language and in adults it can cause work related difficulties.[4] In some people, particularly older people, hearing loss can result in loneliness Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent. Hearing loss may be caused by a number of factors, including: genetics, ageing, exposure to noise, some infections, birth complications, trauma to the ear, and certain medications or toxins. A common condition that results in hearing loss is chronic ear infections. Certain infections during pregnancy such as rubella may also cause problems. Hearing loss is diag...
Sziasztok! Ez a 11. része a legendák sorozatomnak, melyben a ''nagy fülnél'' fogunk nyomozni furcsaságok után. Egyesek azt állítják, hogy itt egy rádióállomást lehet venni és hogy itt marslakók, illetve ufók találhatóak.
How Are Ear Infections Diagnosed? If you or your child has an earache that is accompanied (in some cases) by a stuffy or runny nose and a sore throat and fever, it is likely that the ear pain is due to an ear infection. Your doctor will examine the eardrum with an instrument called an otoscope for signs of infection -- not an easy task if the patient is a fussy infant. The doctor may also check for blockage or filling of the middle ear using a pneumatic otoscope, which blows a little air at the eardrum. This air should cause the eardrum to move a little back and forth. If fluid is present, the eardrum will not move as readily. Another test for ear infections is tympanometry, which uses sound and air pressure to check for fluid in the middle ear. If needed, an audiologist will perform a h...
A highly dynamic low-medium gain overdrive which excels both at pushing the front end of an amp into clipping, adding some of its own grind or melding with a clean, high-headroom amp. This OD has an "open" and "transparent" sound with just enough character to keep things interesting. Complex chords ring out clearly and every guitar, pickup, and amp will sound distinctive.
Randy Couture drops by the Neighborhood to chat about how he got started with wrestling, eye injury, Bellator Fighting Championship, cauliflower ear and more! SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2106Ncu OTHER VIDEOS : http://bit.ly/2106ONs SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Twitter-- http://bit.ly/1NBKwYw Facebook-- http://on.fb.me/1H7d8MR Instagram-- http://bit.ly/1S29Yui Big Boy TV is expanding the Neighborhood to give viewers YouTube-exclusive content: vlogs, pranks, celebrity interviews, phone taps, and more.
Hey my dears, this is Hailey WhisperingRose with an ASMR ear to ear whispering of a little story about a big Irishman named Kevin, or as he's known on YouTube, "TheWhisperCorner". Settle in kiddies. Here's a link to see his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheWhisperCorner Check out my new website! www.whispering-rose.com Let's be friends! https://www.facebook.com/TheWhisperingRose :D Click here if you'd like to show some love: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=JTPXF4YQ87R66 Let's be friends. http://www.facebook.com/TheWhisperingRose
Today I'm trying out the Demo for Final Fantasy XV. I have never previously played a Final Fantasy game but figured, whats the worst that could happen....... Give me a follow on: Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/RandomChaos84 Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaNdOmChAoSs Instagram: https://instagram.com/randomchaoss84/ and check out my Pins on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/randomchaos84/ #letsplay #finalfantsy #girlgamer #funny #finalfantasyXV #playstation4 #ps4 #funnygames #dreams #geekygirl
The Wow! signal was a strong narrowband radio signal detected by Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio tele. documentry, film, free movie. The Wow! signal was a strong narrowband radio signal detected by Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio State University. The Wow! signal was a strong narrowband radio signal detected by Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio State University.
croatian "postjazz chamber music" trio performing their set in October of 2000. on Big Ear Festival, Budapest, Hungary. lineup: Ivica Baričević - guitar, samples Sven Pavlović - guitar, samples, accordion Bruno Vidović Vorberger - drums
Ah the soothing sounds of the sea! I had quite a few requests to do a whole video of sounds using just my now 'asmr famous' big brushes on the 3dio! This is a sound I must confess I love too and reminds me of the rolling waves on the beach! A positive asmr trigger for me, I hope this tingly induced ear brushing and cleaning medley sooths you into relaxation bliss. . . . Long live the big brushes!!! - Mark xxx If you like this video then please give it a LIKE, SHARE with your friends and SUBSCRIBE to the channel, it's free and that way you get to see new videos in your feed. Donations: I share my work for free and appreciate any donations via this Paypal link, thank you so much for your generous support!! – Mark. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=RQDQ88...
We should clean your ear everyday, after taking a bath. It will make us relax. If some guys has not been clean for a long time, it's difficult to remove wax out of ear. We must use modern tool This video show top biggest ear wax removal 2016, some even has not clean for over decades. this make them could not hear anything
Just a recap of a few things to know about modifying ears and other parts of the body. Figured to update since its been awhile since my last. My apologies about the slight studder and my poor memory for vocabulary. I have a lot more time on my hands now, being layed off of work. So if you have more questions or want another video about another piercing and how to take care of it, just make sure to leave a detailed comment below. Don't forget to subscribe and thumbs up! Thanks. (:
It’s been so long
that it seems like I’ve never
been to the San Juans.
Can we go soon?
Girl slow down with me.
If we leave now
we can catch the last boat out,
and that’s the best one,
on this clear night
under pin-prick light.
The wind on the boat’s deck
is a cold hand on the neck
or slipping into our cold bed.
It’s been so long
that it seems like I’ve never
danced with anyone.
She moves so well.
If we go outside
we can take in a haze of
Roche Harbor light
and drink a bottle of red wine,
forgetting to tell time.
Just sit still,