- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 8589
- author: mybringback

Learn Xcode 4.2 Tutorial iOS iPad iPhone 1.41 Combining Navigation Controller with Tab Bar
Learn Xcode 4.2 Tutorial iOS iPad iPhone 1.41 Combining Navigation Controller with Tab Bar...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: mybringback
Learn Xcode 4.2 Tutorial iOS iPad iPhone 1.41 Combining Navigation Controller with Tab Bar
Learn Xcode 4.2 Tutorial iOS iPad iPhone 1.41 Combining Navigation Controller with Tab Bar Brief Xcode Tutorial Overview of the combining a navigation controller with a tab bar controller. This can all be done through Xcode 4.2. This video is from the mybringback series: Xcode 4 Tutorial iOS iPad iPhone at: www.mybringback.com follow us twitter: www.twitter.com facebook: www.facebook.com
- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 8589
- author: mybringback

iRacing: Mazda MX5 Laguna Seca 1.41.564 Race
published: 26 Nov 2010
author: Nikita Gorlov
iRacing: Mazda MX5 Laguna Seca 1.41.564 Race
- published: 26 Nov 2010
- views: 6204
- author: Nikita Gorlov

Blackberry App Reviews: Blackberry Messenger (
Starting new app review videos for the Blackberry hope you like it!!! Suggest me any app o...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: hampsteadbuzz
Blackberry App Reviews: Blackberry Messenger (
Starting new app review videos for the Blackberry hope you like it!!! Suggest me any app on the blackberry you want me to review?? Blackberry Messenger is an exclusive Instant messenger app only on blackberry's that allows to chat to your friends; send them pictures; create groups etc.. As must have app for the blackberry!! Link to App: appworld.blackberry.com Feel free to comment rate and subscribe!!!
- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 19413
- author: hampsteadbuzz

Acekard2i Error on DSi 1.4/1.41 & Update Tutorial
dsTom.com Acekard hacked DSi v1.41. Acekard Firmware and Updater here We show you how to u...
published: 22 Aug 2010
author: DSTomBlog
Acekard2i Error on DSi 1.4/1.41 & Update Tutorial
dsTom.com Acekard hacked DSi v1.41. Acekard Firmware and Updater here We show you how to update Acekard2i for DSi v.141.
- published: 22 Aug 2010
- views: 5894
- author: DSTomBlog

Help for BF2 1.41 Patch Error "Cannot Find BF2 Install Directory"
Disclaimer: All BF2 Content (c) EA Games...
published: 27 Jul 2009
author: chiefjoboo
Help for BF2 1.41 Patch Error "Cannot Find BF2 Install Directory"
Disclaimer: All BF2 Content (c) EA Games
- published: 27 Jul 2009
- views: 12049
- author: chiefjoboo

I think this might be the last video I post up about Socom Confrontation. This game makes ...
published: 15 Mar 2009
author: Blackwido88
I think this might be the last video I post up about Socom Confrontation. This game makes me sick.
- published: 15 Mar 2009
- views: 18479
- author: Blackwido88

RayFire Tool 1.41 | Tutorial | PhysX Interactive Demolition | Basic
This tutorial shows how to use Interactive Demolition....
published: 02 Jul 2009
author: MirVadim
RayFire Tool 1.41 | Tutorial | PhysX Interactive Demolition | Basic
This tutorial shows how to use Interactive Demolition.
- published: 02 Jul 2009
- views: 17636
- author: MirVadim

Seafight Bot 1.41 - September 5 2012 - No expired license
If u want to try a good game -- signup.leagueoflegends.com League of legends Seafight Bot ...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: DragonCraft44
Seafight Bot 1.41 - September 5 2012 - No expired license
If u want to try a good game -- signup.leagueoflegends.com League of legends Seafight Bot working 100%. Last update 14 august 2012 Working. Download --- www16.multiupload.nl Scan VirusTotal --- www.virustotal.com For any problems comment. Please subscribe and give some likes Login to forum Username: 1 Password: 2
- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 14556
- author: DragonCraft44

RayFire Tool 1.41 | Tutorial | PhysX Glass demolition
This tutorial shows how to create glass demolition in 3ds Max using RayFire Tool plugin....
published: 02 Jul 2009
author: MirVadim
RayFire Tool 1.41 | Tutorial | PhysX Glass demolition
This tutorial shows how to create glass demolition in 3ds Max using RayFire Tool plugin.
- published: 02 Jul 2009
- views: 14034
- author: MirVadim

recovery flasher 1.41
Recovery Flasher 1.41 www.megaupload.com/?d=1OQ2D8Y2 This is to show it does not work on o...
published: 30 Nov 2008
author: ilikeplaystation
recovery flasher 1.41
Recovery Flasher 1.41 www.megaupload.com/?d=1OQ2D8Y2 This is to show it does not work on official firmware 1.50 It does work to upgrade 3.52m33 etc. You can upgrade or downgrade to just about any M33 custom firmware.
- published: 30 Nov 2008
- views: 5446
- author: ilikeplaystation

Overclocked HTC ThunderBolt From 1.41GHz To 1.92GHz!
I'm currently running 1.4GHz and it's 100% stable from 1.8GHz and up it won't always be st...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: xMattieGeex
Overclocked HTC ThunderBolt From 1.41GHz To 1.92GHz!
I'm currently running 1.4GHz and it's 100% stable from 1.8GHz and up it won't always be stable! Warning you may experience your phone on lock or repetitive rebootng if you go above 1.4GHz. NOTE: I am not responsible if you brick your phone. Do this at your own risk! Like me: www.facebook.com Personal G+ me *Google+*: profiles.google.com Tech's Buyer's Guide G+: plus.google.com Stalk me: twitter.com
- published: 12 Apr 2011
- views: 9161
- author: xMattieGeex

RayFire Tool 1.41 | Tutorial | PhysX Interactive Demolition | Advanced
This tutorial shows how to use Interactive Demolition....
published: 02 Jul 2009
author: MirVadim
RayFire Tool 1.41 | Tutorial | PhysX Interactive Demolition | Advanced
This tutorial shows how to use Interactive Demolition.
- published: 02 Jul 2009
- views: 5438
- author: MirVadim
Vimeo results:

Everything Is A Remix: THE MATRIX
EDITED BY Robert Grigsby Wilson
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: robgwilson.com
Everything Is A Remix: THE MATRIX
EDITED BY Robert Grigsby Wilson
PRODUCED BY Kirby Ferguson and Robert Grigsby Wilson
WRITTEN BY Cynthia Closkey
CROWDSOURCED AT erxprod.wordpress.com
0:27 - Fist of Legend (1994)
0:38 - Tai-Chi Master (Twin Dragons) (1993)
0:44 - Fist of Legend (1994)
0:48 - Tai-Chi Master (Twin Dragons) (1993)
0:53 - Drunken Master (1978)
1:02 - Fist of Legend (1994)
1:09 - The Killer (1989)
1:19 - Fist of Legend (1994)
1:21 - Iron Monkey (1993)
1:31 - Once Upon A Time In China (1991)
1:36 - Fist of Legend (1994)
1:41 - Tai-Chi Master (Twin Dragons) (1993)
1:45 - Philip K. Dick Speech (youtube.com/watch?v=jXeVgEs4sOo&feature;=related) (1977)
2:18 - Strange Days (1995)
2:24 - Akira (1988)
2:30 - Total Recall (1990)
3:24 - Alice In Wonderland (1951)
3:42 - The Killer (1989)
3:53 - A Better Tomorrow (1986)
4:05 - Ghost In The Shell (1995)
4:32 - Akira (1998)
4:39 - Koyannisqatsi (1982)
4:49 - Dr. Who: The Deadly Assassin (1976)
5:10 - Ghost In The Shell (1995)
(All sourced from The Matrix Soundtrack)
0:20 - Rob Dougan - Clubbed To Death (Kurayamino Variation)
1:44 - Hive - Ultrasonic Sound
2:30 - Lunatic Calm - Leave You Far Behind (Lunatics Roller Coaster Mix)
3:38 - Propellerheads - Spybreak
4:39 - Rob Dougan - Clubbed To Death (Kurayamino Variation)

Ten Lighting Setups
This was a project for my lighting class. Each shot had specific details on which to foll...
published: 15 Oct 2009
author: John Note
Ten Lighting Setups
This was a project for my lighting class. Each shot had specific details on which to follow, which are explained in the video. In more depth, here are the ten shot assignments.
1. A three-quarter or waist-high silhouette of 1 or 2 people perfectly exposed for the background
with the foreground figure(s) completely dark. There should be enough distance between foreground
and background that the spill of one area does not interfere with the other.
2. Invert the lighting in #1, using exactly the same pose and framing with perfectly exposed
foreground figures at 4:1 key/fill (two stops) and completely dark or just barely visible details in the
3. A waist-high person in soft (diffused) side light, no fill light, and a specular edge light from the
opposite side with the background as dark and unlit as possible. An incident reading of the edge light
should be about the same f/stop as the key light if the subject has light features, or one stop brighter
if the subject has dark features. Expose for the diffused key light.
4. Identical pose and framing to #3 but with added light and shadow (using barn doors, or other
shadowing material) shaping and highlighting the background (think of it as painting the background
with light and shadow).
5. A scene with a standing or seated person, a candle (either held by hand or on a table) seemingly
lighting the person but actually enhanced with additional light, and a circular glow simulating the
effect of the candlelight on the background.
6. A person reading in bed by lamplight at midnight (implied by light, shadow, framing, ratio,
composition, and a “practical”).
7. A person sleeping in bed at 3 am with shadows implying moonlight coming through unseen
foliage or blinds onto part of the scene. You may want to gel the moonlight source or the fill light
with a blue or other color gel.
8. A person in bed at sunrise (implied by light, shadow, color, and composition).
9. Simulate the pose, surface tones, and light of a specific frame from a film of your choosing. If
possible, also turn in a still image of that frame.
Shoot an interior still with at least one person in it using whatever light sources already exist in
the location (lamps, overhead lights, windows, etc.), but without showing any of those sources in the
frame. Now, turn off/cover those sources and replicate, as nearly as possible, that scene using only
artificial lighting. Also shoot wide shots of both the “natural” lighting sources and the artificial
Since it is available in video, instead of using gels, I white balanced off of different color swatches, for a greener look, I white balanced off of a magenta tone, blue look, orange tone, etc...
I also lowered the blacks and raised the mids in Color, to give the video a more filmic look.
Over all, a very fun assignment

Bug no iOS 4.1
Siga as instruções para ligar para qualquer contato, mesmo com a tela travada!
Dá para ac...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: Salomão Filho
Bug no iOS 4.1
Siga as instruções para ligar para qualquer contato, mesmo com a tela travada!
Dá para acessar as fotos, mandar email...
"In response to people who were asking, I have an iPhone 4.1. It has a password. What I did to access the contacts is hit “emergency call.” Push the pound key three times. Hold down the green key, and the moment you let it go, you push the lock button. And that’s it. Now you can access all the contacts and call them. For example, Fabio. There you go. That’s it. Need to fix this quick."
Twitter: @salomaofilho

We are a group of people for whom film is not a choice, its a mandate. We are of the Color...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: Forge Motion Pictures
We are a group of people for whom film is not a choice, its a mandate. We are of the Colorado Mountains. We aim only to connect emotionally with an audience. We defy conventions. We keep the process in house. We keep the team light, fast and agile. We use the best tools. We listen. We find the essence of the brand or subject. And we deliver more. http://www.forgemotionpictures.com
All shots by Anson Fogel or Skip Armstrong as DP except:
1:21, 2:43 Jason Dewey/Fogel co-DP
1:33, 1:43 Carlos Veron DP, Fogel 1st AC/Operator
1:39, 1:41 Wolfgang Held DP, Fogel 1st AC/Operator
and in the documentary film segment:
COLD - Directed by Anson Fogel, Cinematography by Cory Richards
CHASING WATER - Directed by Pete McBride, Editing and Additional Cinematography Anson Fogel/Forge
WILDWATER - Directed, shot and edited by Anson Fogel/Forge
Thumbnail image by Cory Richards.
Parkour shots created with Brian Bailey
Thank you to all the crews, agencies, friends, clients and cast that make our work and lives so deeply satisfying.
Music in order:
Cloud Cult, Unexplainable Stories, buy here:
Angels & Airwaves, Saturday Love, buy here:
Muse, Map Of The Problematique, buy here:
Youtube results:

New R4iTT Review, works on DSi 1.41?
www.Koolds.com New R4iTT, compatible with DSi v1.41, no update needed...
published: 01 Oct 2010
author: newoakbarrel
New R4iTT Review, works on DSi 1.41?
www.Koolds.com New R4iTT, compatible with DSi v1.41, no update needed
- published: 01 Oct 2010
- views: 8470
- author: newoakbarrel

BF2 1.41 Karkand Glitch #4
This is an all new glitch, discovered by me, and it's located near the hotel in Strike At ...
published: 16 Mar 2007
author: simpsons225
BF2 1.41 Karkand Glitch #4
This is an all new glitch, discovered by me, and it's located near the hotel in Strike At Karkand. Music by: Drowning Pool - Bodies Enjoy, and please comment and rate ;)
- published: 16 Mar 2007
- views: 33187
- author: simpsons225

Minecraft - Villagers and Lily Pads (1.9 Prerelease Part 1)
In the first part of today's pre-released 1.9 update, we look at the villagers added to NP...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: BlueXephos
Minecraft - Villagers and Lily Pads (1.9 Prerelease Part 1)
In the first part of today's pre-released 1.9 update, we look at the villagers added to NPC villages and the new-look swampy biomes with lily pads!
- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 1620264
- author: BlueXephos

Circuit Record 1.41.702 Slovakiaring.avi
Fastest ever lap around Slovakiaring, 1min 41.702 sec 19.10.2010 Zele-Racing GP2/05 Averag...
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: mzele1
Circuit Record 1.41.702 Slovakiaring.avi
Fastest ever lap around Slovakiaring, 1min 41.702 sec 19.10.2010 Zele-Racing GP2/05 Average Speed 209 kph Topspeed 298 kph
- published: 23 Oct 2010
- views: 2274
- author: mzele1