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MUSUTA Ltd. is an internationally awarded creative team and a studio made of Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu - directing motion and films, doing design, art direction & creative direction for brands and advertising agencies worldwide.
MUSUTA is based in and between Helsinki and Tokyo - doing innovative work across all media.
MUSUTA has been awarded with the Gold Lion in Cannes from design, bronze in D&Ad London and bronze in European Design Awards.
MUSUTA's work has been featured in numerous exhibitions and festivals around the world such as The Pompidou Museum in Paris, One_Dot_Zero in London and New York, A Design Film Festival in Singapore and Berlin plus many many more...
Jopsu Ramu is the Director, Creative Director, Art Director and Designer - whereas Timo is her creative partner, sounding board and the producer of MUSUTA.
MUSUTA is a platform for both - commercial and personal work. Their style is sleek, abstract, graphical, flowing, a bit playful and beautiful.
'We can draw write and think - We seek to find and to give inspiration'
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