The Fish Market of Negombo, Sri Lanka
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ In this episode David travels for over 24 hours until he finall...
published: 23 Aug 2011
The city of Negombo - Travel Tips.flv
By watching this video you can imagine how the Coastal City Negombo(Little Rome)is.Negombo...
published: 08 Dec 2011
Snakes in Negombo, Sri Lanka
I don't know the exact name of these types of snakes, but they are not dangerous. I filmed...
published: 02 Mar 2013
A a cycle trip around Negombo, Sri Lanka September 2012....
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: amzakei
Negombo, Sri Lanka: Mr Ascari's wonderful Guest House
If you visit Sri Lanka I highly recommend a stay here, just 30 minutes drive from the airp...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: ishnummunshi
Guided tour in Negombo Beach - beach and town, 2013
This video is a short introduction to the town Negombo Beach in Sri Lanka. Negombo Beach i...
published: 28 Mar 2013
Markt van Negombo, Sri Lanka
In juli 2002 waren we op de overdekte markt van Negombo, Sri Lanka....
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: anoorden
Jetwing Beach Hotel, Negombo Sri Lanka - a guided tour, 2013
This is a guided tour around the Jetwing Beach hotel in Negombo, Sri Lanka. Negombo is clo...
published: 29 Mar 2013
Negombo - Terme a Ischia
Nel parco termale di Negombo potrete godervi le terme ad Ischia. Tra i percorsi benessere ...
published: 17 Sep 2010
Boottocht op de lagune bij Negombo, Sri Lanka
September 2006: we maken met vrienden een boottochtje op de lagune ten zuiden van Negombo,...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: anoorden
The Jetwing Blue Negombo
The Jetwing Blue Negombo beach party....
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: saraprobe
Meine Strandempfehlung in Sri Lanka: Negombo Beach
Interessant aus diversen Gruenden: - Geeignet als Stopover nach Fernost (nur 30 Minuten zu...
published: 26 Jan 2012
fishing at negombo
published: 06 Feb 2009
Negombo Sri Lanka
Negombo Sri Lanka....
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: syn0nym
Youtube results:
Sri Lanka Motorbike Negombo Back Streets.wmv
A ride through the back streets of Negombo - a popular beachside town in Sri Lanka....
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: Bambloozled
Negombo Bus Stand - SRI LANKA
The modern Negombo Bus Stand Complex constructed at a cost of Rs. 220 Million was declared...
published: 05 Oct 2011
Motor Bike-Tipper Accident in Negombo
Motor Bike-Tipper Accident in Negombo....
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: lankadog
Ceylon / Sri Lanka - Negombo
Negombo city is an ideal and liberal place with luxury life style, for those who want quic...
published: 12 Jan 2013
author: Samuel Degen