- published: 31 Oct 2014
- views: 379
What is the EuroSTOXX 50? Our Senior Sales Associate Chris Hale examines the index that contains the best blue chip stocks from across Europe, taking a look at when the EuroSTOXX 50 started and the companies that make up the index. For more information and for the full list of companies that make up the EuroSTOXX 50, you can find the full article online: https://www.reyker.com/news/featured/2014/10/08/what-is-the-eurostoxx-50 Please subscribe for more investor information videos. http://www.reyker.com http://www.twitter.com/investmenttoday http://www.linkedin.com/company/reyker
Existe una confluencia de factores técnicos que arrojan un objetivo alcista en el entorno de los 3.200 puntos. Conozca el funcionamiento del EuroStoxx50 en las últimas jornadas y las posibilidades de trading. Abra una cuenta demo gratuita para saber cómo sería la operativa en este activo con los CFDs de IG: https://www.ig.com/es/demo-application
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Viele Privatanleger schauen bei ihren Anlageentscheidungen gern auf die Charttechnik. Was sagen die Kurven und Formationen von Aktien und Indizes. Thorsten Winkler von Advanced Dynamic Asset Management beschäftigt sich mit diesen Fragen und hat dieser Tage positive Signale beim EuroStoxx 50 ausgemacht. Die Details verrät er im Interview mit Börse Stuttgart TV.
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In dieser Ausgabe von HSBC Daily Trading TV analysiert Jörg Scherer, Leiter Technische Analyse, den EURO STOXX 50® und die Aktie Morphosys. ►Weitere Chartanalysen unter http://www.hsbc-zertifikate.de/DailyTrading ►Weitere Infos: http://www.hsbc-zertifikate.de/
Análisis técnico del Euro Stoxx 50.
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Day Trading Euro STOXX 50 ► Hello Traders, The Euro STOXX 50 has great liquidity, a good trading range and trades at 10 Euros a point. (Approx. $11.50 USD). In these 2 videos, I recap some of the trading opportunities that you see in this market EVERY day and cover some others ideas and give some feedback that will be of interest. ► Learn more: http://goo.gl/JpcPkB Video one » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKwPsORN398 Video two » https://youtu.be/rOHapto0VzI Also! I offer a free 20 minutes Skype consultation with me personally. Go to my website to request a 20 min consultation and let’s chat about your trading career. http://goo.gl/bp52rI LET'S CONNECT, TALK TO ME! Email ► trader@iamadaytrader.com U.S. Government Required Disclaimer and Privacy Policy Link - http://www.iamadaytrader.c...
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Ganz schön nervig, diese Schaukelbörse. Mal schauen, ob der Blick auf die Marktlage und den Eurostoxx 50 Klarheit bringt, was nun zu tun ist! Wissen was läuft: Mahnerts Börsen-Briefing: Test unter http://tradersecke.net/wordpress/archives/2329
Le Trading Ideas sono delle video analisi dedicate a quegli investitori e trader italiani interessati a fare trading sia sugli indici azionari europei che sulle singole azioni delle società quotate in Borsa Italiana. Nelle analisi vengono infatti mostrati i livelli chiave di supporto e/o resistenza, soglie la cui violazione al rialzo o al ribasso potrebbe portare a un cambio del sentiment o del trend in atto.
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Le Trading Ideas sono delle video analisi dedicate a quegli investitori e trader italiani interessati a fare trading sia sugli indici azionari europei che sulle singole azioni delle società quotate in Borsa Italiana. Nelle analisi vengono infatti mostrati i livelli chiave di supporto e/o resistenza, soglie la cui violazione al rialzo o al ribasso potrebbe portare a un cambio del sentiment o del trend in atto.
Operazione, pericolosa, su Stoxx50 CFD e conto reale. Il capitale è estremamente piccolo, ma il broker comunque mi permette di aprire la posizione. La posizione è pari ad un contratto. Ma cosa vuole significare questo video? La questione principale è quella di adattarsi al "carattere" dello strumento finanziario che intendiamo tradare. Ci si può riuscire? Certamente e con tutte le difficoltà del caso. Il margine, rispetto al capitale, non ci deve far paura se operiamo solo su uno strumento. Attendere l'operazione che è giusta per noi. Lasciate le emozioni (difficilissimo). Fidatevi di voi stessi. Operate solo con la vostra tecnica (e non con quella degli altri). Studiate sul grafico cercando di cogliere le sfumature della struttura del movimento. Tanta, ma tanta dedizione. Questo vale per ...
ideas daily TV DAX-Charttechnik: Der überverkaufte Zustand im Stundenchart, das erreichte Supportniveau und die ausgeprägte Lunte im Tageschart eröffnen für den DAX kurzfristig weiteren Spielraum auf der Oberseite. Übergeordnet verbleibt der Leitindex im Korrekturmodus, ausgehend vom August-Hoch bei 10.802 Punkten.
Steve Lucas of 3cAnalysis, with a technical chart analysis, explains his thoughts behind shorting EuroStoxx 50 (Dec 16). He aims to sell at 2983 - Tuesday's open - with a stop at 3011. His targets are 2934 (Tuesday's low) and 2908 (this month’s base). http://video.saxobank.com/video/14566491/why-im-trading-eurostoxx-dec-16-lucas
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In questo Video verrà fatta un’analisi sull’Eurostoxx per capire le forze in atto a partire dal Ciclo Trimestrale secondo la tecnica dell’Analisi Multi-Ciclica. Si cercheranno di capire quali saranno le forze principali e le tendenze per i prossimi giorni. eugenio sartorelli - www.investimentivincenti.it – www.tradingnavigator.it
Day Trading Euro STOXX 50 ► Hello Traders, The Euro STOXX 50 has great liquidity, a good trading range and trades at 10 Euros a point. (Approx. $11.50 USD). In these 2 videos, I recap some of the trading opportunities that you see in this market EVERY day and cover some others ideas and give some feedback that will be of interest. ► Learn more: http://goo.gl/JpcPkB Video one » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKwPsORN398 Video two » https://youtu.be/rOHapto0VzI Also! I offer a free 20 minutes Skype consultation with me personally. Go to my website to request a 20 min consultation and let’s chat about your trading career. http://goo.gl/bp52rI LET'S CONNECT, TALK TO ME! Email ► trader@iamadaytrader.com U.S. Government Required Disclaimer and Privacy Policy Link - http://www.iamadaytrader.c...
http://VideoBourse.fr - Session de Trading Intraday sur le DAX / Euro Stoxx 50 du 29/07/2016. Retrouvez nos émissions de trading en direct chaque jour de la semaine de 14h à 17h30. Participez en audio via Google Hangout ou par écrit via notre chat (sans inscription obligatoire). Plus d'informations: http://www.videobourse.fr/trader-ensemble-live.php . Suivre mes Résultats: http://www.videobourse.fr/test-trade.php
http://VideoBourse.fr - Session de Trading Intraday sur le DAX / Euro Stoxx 50 du 16/08/2016. Retrouvez nos émissions de trading en direct chaque jour de la semaine de 14h à 17h30. Participez en audio via Google Hangout ou par écrit via notre chat (sans inscription obligatoire). Plus d'informations: http://www.videobourse.fr/trader-ensemble-live.php . Suivre mes Résultats: http://www.videobourse.fr/test-trade.php
http://VideoBourse.fr - Session de Trading Intraday sur le DAX / Euro Stoxx 50 du 19/08/2016. Retrouvez nos émissions de trading en direct chaque jour de la semaine de 14h à 17h30. Participez en audio via Google Hangout ou par écrit via notre chat (sans inscription obligatoire). Plus d'informations: http://www.videobourse.fr/trader-ensemble-live.php . Suivre mes Résultats: http://www.videobourse.fr/test-trade.php
http://VideoBourse.fr - Session de Trading Intraday sur le DAX / Euro Stoxx 50 du 25/08/2016. Retrouvez nos émissions de trading en direct chaque jour de la semaine de 14h à 17h30. Participez en audio via Google Hangout ou par écrit via notre chat (sans inscription obligatoire). Plus d'informations: http://www.videobourse.fr/trader-ensemble-live.php . Suivre mes Résultats: http://www.videobourse.fr/test-trade.php
http://VideoBourse.fr - Session de Trading Intraday sur le DAX / Euro Stoxx 50 du 26/08/2016. Retrouvez nos émissions de trading en direct chaque jour de la semaine de 14h à 17h30. Participez en audio via Google Hangout ou par écrit via notre chat (sans inscription obligatoire). Plus d'informations: http://www.videobourse.fr/trader-ensemble-live.php . Suivre mes Résultats: http://www.videobourse.fr/test-trade.php