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Triple Black Attack: 1970 440 6-Pack 'Cuda - BIG MUSCLE
1969 roadrunner 440 drag burnout
ڪ Ingrown hair 440 - Scab trap
Traktorpulling Notzing 2012 Jagur Panzer gegen CASE Steiger STX 440
Jim Belding Monuments 440-567-1111: Ceremony for K9 Officer Kubo Casto
JUAN LUIS GUERRA - Festival de Viña del Mar 2012 (Completo)
1970 Superbee w/ Souped up 440 Cu In Engine, Idlin n REVVIN, WOOHOO!!... 440, .060 over,
Social Work 440: Video Interview Project
Piano — My Heart Will Go On (James Horner)
Muse - Madness (Lyric Video)
Largest Ship afloat  - 440.000 DWT - NO ACCIDENT
How far will a .22 LR Kill?


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Triple Black Attack: 1970 440 6-Pack 'Cuda - BIG MUSCLE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:33
  • Updated: 16 May 2013
Each and every muscle car enthusiast has that one experience that has helped define the way in which they view the automobile. For Northern California's John...
  • published: 07 Jun 2012
  • author: drive Black Attack: 1970 440 6-Pack 'Cuda - BIG MUSCLE
ڪ Ingrown hair 440 - Scab trap
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:52
  • Updated: 10 May 2013
I should have left it alone and not bothered this scab until I could exfoliate it away. But it was too tempting. Alas here are the results... Location: Abdom...ڪ Ingrown hair 440 - Scab trap
Traktorpulling Notzing 2012 Jagur Panzer gegen CASE Steiger STX 440
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:49
  • Updated: 04 May 2013
Das Finale nach dem Traktorpulling war ein direkter Vergleich zwischen dem Jaguar Panzer und dem Case Steiger. Seht selbst:-) Notzing 2012 Jagur Panzer gegen CASE Steiger STX 440
Jim Belding Monuments 440-567-1111: Ceremony for K9 Officer Kubo Casto
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:51
  • Updated: 11 Apr 2013
Ceremony for K9 Officer Kubo Casto at DeJohn Flynn Mylott Funeral Home, Willoughby Hills Ohio. Video shot and provided by Jim Belding Monuments. Belding Monuments 440-567-1111: Ceremony for K9 Officer Kubo Casto
JUAN LUIS GUERRA - Festival de Viña del Mar 2012 (Completo)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:24:06
  • Updated: 16 May 2013
Presentación del famoso cantante en el sexto y ultimo día del certamen internacional (Lunes 27 de Febrero 2012). Chile. El mas exitoso en el sentido real, ya... LUIS GUERRA - Festival de Viña del Mar 2012 (Completo)
1970 Superbee w/ Souped up 440 Cu In Engine, Idlin n REVVIN, WOOHOO!!... 440, .060 over,
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2013
1970 Superbee Idlin n REVVIN, WOOHOO!!... For more info about this car, goto - Plum Crazy - 1969 Chrysler Newport 440 from Pik-ur-part in H... Superbee w/ Souped up 440 Cu In Engine, Idlin n REVVIN, WOOHOO!!... 440, .060 over,
Piano — My Heart Will Go On (James Horner)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:11
  • Updated: 13 May 2013
"My Heart Will Go On" by James Horner on a Yamaha CLP-440b. The intro is originally "composed" by yoursoul85:
  • published: 26 Oct 2011
  • views: 241824
  • author: Arqam Sajid — My Heart Will Go On (James Horner)
Muse - Madness (Lyric Video)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:41
  • Updated: 16 May 2013
Muse 'Madness': the first single from the forthcoming album 'The 2nd Law'. Download Madness from itunes here and Muse'...
  • published: 20 Aug 2012
  • author: muse - Madness (Lyric Video)
Largest Ship afloat  - 440.000 DWT - NO ACCIDENT
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 06 May 2013
The Birth Of Hellespont Fairfax (A.K.A. TI OCENIA) - 440.000 SDWT Visual media source : N24.
  • published: 13 Feb 2010
  • views: 571111
  • author: bickin Ship afloat - 440.000 DWT - NO ACCIDENT
How far will a .22 LR Kill?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:42
  • Updated: 15 May 2013
This is considered part 3 to "Why a .22 caliber firearm may be the most important purchase you can make" Hopefully the points are well made. I apologize in a... far will a .22 LR Kill?
Juan Luis Guerra - A Pedir Su Mano [FULL VIDEO]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:14
  • Updated: 13 May 2013
Juan Luis old school. From the Bachata Rosa album. 1990 No copyright infringement intended. Just sharing the music.
  • published: 16 Apr 2007
  • views: 1447197
  • author: biglittlekid Luis Guerra - A Pedir Su Mano [FULL VIDEO]
juan luis guerra burbujas de amor
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:07
  • Updated: 16 May 2013
Quisiera ser una especie de pez que nade por tu sangre, ser tus celulas, ser tu...estar en todo tu cuerpo mi amor. Mi Osita de mi corazon, a horas de operar ... luis guerra burbujas de amor

Each and every muscle car enthusiast has that one experience that has helped define the way in which they view the automobile. For Northern California's John...
  • published: 07 Jun 2012
  • author: drive

Triple Black At­tack: 1970 440 6-Pack 'Cuda - BIG MUS­CLE
Each and every mus­cle car en­thu­si­ast has that one ex­pe­ri­ence that has helped de­fine the wa...
pub­lished: 07 Jun 2012
au­thor: drive
1969 road­run­ner 440 drag burnout
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2011
au­thor: bu­lakekec
ڪ In­grown hair 440 - Scab trap
I should have left it alone and not both­ered this scab until I could ex­fo­li­ate it away. Bu...
pub­lished: 27 Apr 2013
Trak­tor­pulling Notz­ing 2012 Jagur Panz­er gegen CASE Steiger STX 440
Das Fi­nale nach dem Trak­tor­pulling war ein di­rek­ter Ver­gle­ich zwis­chen dem Jaguar Panz­er u...
pub­lished: 20 Jun 2012
Jim Beld­ing Mon­u­ments 440-567-1111: Cer­e­mo­ny for K9 Of­fi­cer Kubo Casto
Cer­e­mo­ny for K9 Of­fi­cer Kubo Casto at De­John Flynn My­lott Fu­ner­al Home, Willough­by Hills O...
pub­lished: 03 Apr 2013
au­thor: Jim Beld­ing
JUAN LUIS GUER­RA - Fes­ti­val de Viña del Mar 2012 (Com­ple­to)
Pre­sentación del famoso can­tante en el sexto y ul­ti­mo día del cer­ta­men in­ter­na­cional (Lune...
pub­lished: 28 Feb 2012
1970 Su­per­bee w/ Souped up 440 Cu In En­gine, Idlin n REVVIN, WOOHOO!!... 440, .060 over,
1970 Su­per­bee Idlin n REVVIN, WOOHOO!!... For more info about this car, goto www.​xtremebee...
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2008
So­cial Work 440: Video In­ter­view Pro­ject
by Aman­da Myers....
pub­lished: 12 Dec 2008
Piano — My Heart Will Go On (James Horner)
"My Heart Will Go On" by James Horner on a Yama­ha CLP-440b. The intro is orig­i­nal­ly "compo...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2011
au­thor: Arqam Sajid
Muse - Mad­ness (Lyric Video)
Muse 'Mad­ness': the first sin­gle from the forth­com­ing album 'The 2nd Law'. Down­load Madnes...
pub­lished: 20 Aug 2012
au­thor: muse
Largest Ship afloat - 440.000 DWT - NO AC­CI­DENT
The Birth Of Helle­spont Fair­fax (A.K.A. TI OCE­NIA) - 440.000 SDWT Vi­su­al media source : N2...
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2010
au­thor: bickin
How far will a .22 LR Kill?
This is con­sid­ered part 3 to "Why a .22 cal­iber firearm may be the most im­por­tant pur­chase...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2012
Juan Luis Guer­ra - A Pedir Su Mano [FULL VIDEO]
Juan Luis old school. From the Bacha­ta Rosa album. 1990 No copy­right in­fringe­ment in­tend­ed...
pub­lished: 16 Apr 2007
au­thor: biglit­tlekid
juan luis guer­ra bur­bu­jas de amor
Quisiera ser una es­pecie de pez que nade por tu san­gre, ser tus celu­las, ser tu...​estar en...
pub­lished: 09 Feb 2009
au­thor: re­puert­ero
Youtube results:
Zom­bie Na­tion - Kernkraft 400
The Lord's great­est song ever!!! More about this song: http://​www.​kernkraft-400.​zombie-nat...
pub­lished: 26 Feb 2007
au­thor: tist­lo
Juan Luis Guer­ra - La Cosquil­li­ta
Juan Luis Guer­ra - La Cosquil­li­ta....
pub­lished: 18 Sep 2006
au­thor: alu2125
Juan Luis Guer­ra "Bacha­ta en Fukuo­ka" HD of­fi­cial Video.
High Def­i­ni­tion Video and Sound. Capi­tol. EMI Records Di­rec­tor: SImon Brand. 2010....
pub­lished: 12 Apr 2010
au­thor: yernisi­mo
pub­lished: 14 Oct 2006
au­thor: IN­DOMABLES
photo: US Navy / MCS2 Tony D. Curtis
An X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator launches from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, 14 May, 2013.
Edit Al Jazeera
15 May 2013
A drone the size of a fighter jet has taken off from the deck of an US aircraft carrier for the first time in a test flight that could eventually open the way for the US to launch unmanned aircraft from almost anywhere in the world. The X-47B is the first drone designed to take off and land on a carrier, meaning the US military would not need permission from other countries to use their bases ... 643 Source.. AP ... Infographic....(size: 8.4Kb)
photo: AP / Mike Fuentes
Johnny Ortiz, left, and James South, right, carry Miguel Morales, center, who was injured in a tornado, to an ambulance in Granbury, Texas, on Wednesday May 15, 2013.
Edit National Public Radio
16 May 2013
"A massive emergency response" is underway in North Texas, where tornadoes blew through Wednesday night, The Dallas Morning News says. A twister that hit Granbury, about 35 miles southwest of Fort Worth, left at least six people dead, more than 100 injured and even more homeless, The Associated Press adds ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
photo: AP / Koji Sasahara
File- Japanese Emperor Akihito, left, speaks with Japanese scientist Sinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University during the annual spring garden party hosted by the emperor and empress in Tokyo Caption here in Tokyo, Japan, Thursday, April 16, 2009. Standing from left are: Osaka Prefectural Gov. Toru Hashimoto and his wife, Noriko, Jaapanese actress Kaori Momoi.
Edit Al Jazeera
14 May 2013
The Japanese military's forced prostitution of Asian women before and during World War II was necessary to "maintain discipline" in the ranks and provide rest for soldiers, an outspoken nationalist mayor has said. The comments made on Monday are already raising anger in neighbouring countries that bore the brunt of Japan's wartime aggression, and that have long complained that Japan has failed to make amends for wartime atrocities ... ....(size: 8.3Kb)
photo: AP / Ariel Schalit
Israeli soldiers stand atop of a tank during a military exercise in the Israeli controlled Golan Heights
Edit Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
15 May 2013
Correction Appended. WASHINGTON – A senior Israeli official signaled on Wednesday that Israel was considering further military strikes on Syria to stop the transfer of advanced weapons to Islamic militants, and he warned the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, that his government would face crippling consequences if it retaliated against Israel. The Israeli official said ... He contacted The New York Times on Wednesday ... Mr ... Wednesday ... ....(size: 4.6Kb)
photo: AP / Abdukareem Haruna
Soldiers looks at bodies of suspected Islamic extremist killed
Edit The New York Times
15 May 2013
Admitting that Islamist extremists now control some of his nation’s villages and towns, President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency on Tuesday across Nigeria’s troubled northeast, promising to send more troops to fight what he said is now an open rebellion. Mr ... Get Free E-mail Alerts on These Topics. Nigeria Jonathan, Goodluck Disasters and Emergencies Muslims and Islam ...  . Inside Books » ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)

Edit noodls
17 May 2013
(Source. State of Washington). Date.  Thursday, May 16, 2013. Contact. Kris Olsen, WSDOT communications, 206-440-4704 (Shoreline). Mark Sawyer, WSDOT project engineer, 425-225-8799 (Everett). Overnight lane and ramp closures mean detours this summer. SHORELINE -Nearly everything wears down over time, and it's no different with the pavement on Interstate 5. But help is coming to South Snohomish County ... Work should be complete this fall....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit noodls
16 May 2013
(Source. Forefront Group Limited) ... (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code. 0885). POLL RESULTS AT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 16 MAY 2013. The Board is pleased to announce that all the resolutions as set out in the notice of AGM ... * For identification purpose only. 1 ... Ordinary Resolutions. No ... For ... 1 ... 440,319,897 ... 0 ... 440,319,897 ... 440,319,897 ... 440,319,897 ... 440,319,897 ... 440,304,848 ... 440,319,897 ... 440,304,848 ... 440,319,897....(size: 6.0Kb)
Edit noodls
16 May 2013
(Source. PolyOne Corporation). CLEVELAND, May 15, 2013/PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PolyOne Corporation (NYSE ... About PolyOne ... SOURCE PolyOne Corporation ... DeLuca, Vice President, Planning & Investor Relations, PolyOne Corporation, +1 440-930-1226,, or Media Contact. Kyle Rose, Director, Corporate Communications, PolyOne Corporation, +1 440-930-3162, ... (noodl....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Business Wire
16 May 2013
For the development of traceable mismatch-corrected microwave-scattering parameters and temporal waveform calibration and measurement . CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The IEEE has named Dr. Dylan Forrest Williams as the recipient of the 2013 IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement. The award, which Keithley Instruments, Inc ... About IEEE ... 800-688-9951 440-248-0400 FAX. 440-248-6168 E-mail ... Laurel Brennan, 440-498-2567 ... ....(size: 10.1Kb)
Edit Atlanta Journal
16 May 2013
The judge overseeing the Atlanta test-cheating scandal expressed surprise and concern Thursday over the mounting size of the case, in which prosecutors listed 2,440 potential witnesses and intent to produce more than 1 million pages of documents....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Sun Star
16 May 2013
MANILA – Vice Presidential daughter Nancy Binay was out of the top five in the senatorial race for the first time in the tally released by the National Board of Canvassers (NBOC) before it suspended proceedings late Wednesday. Taking her place was Sonny Angara with 2, 803, 181 votes while Binay gathered 2, 724, 274 votes ... 1. Grace Poe . 3, 440, 764. 2. Loren Legarda ... 3 ... 4 ... 2, 440, 836....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit noodls
16 May 2013
(Source. Cellectis SA). New Brighton, May 16, 2013 - Cellectis (NYSE PA. ALCLS), the global Genome engineering specialist, announced the issuance by the USPTO on May 14th, 2013 of two new US patents (US 8,440,431 and US 8,440,432) directed to TAL-effector nucleases ... The technology provides to researchers tools and comprehensive solutions to edit genes efficiently in all cell types ... The inventors of both patents are Pr ... Pr ... Pr ... (noodl....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit noodls
16 May 2013
(Source. PolyOne Corporation). CLEVELAND, May 15, 2013/PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PolyOne Corporation (NYSE ... Ms. Beach Lin, 55, retired as president and chief executive officer of Calisolar, Inc ... Stephen D ... Carol A ... DeLuca, Vice President, Planning and Investor Relations, PolyOne Corporation, +1 440-930-1226,, Media ... Rose, Director, Corporate Communications, PolyOne Corporation, +1 440-930-3162, 3.5Kb)
Edit NZ Herald
16 May 2013
The exact timing of its sharemarket listing has yet to confirmed but is widely expected to be in October ... "It makes it a bigger job ... Mighty River Power attracted 440,000 pre-registrations ahead of its listing but just 113,000 ended up buying shares ... Brian Gaynor, executive director at Milford Asset Management, said he never expected all of the 440,000 who pre-registered for Mighty River to buy shares but had expected around 220,000 ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit NZ Herald
16 May 2013
Treasury expected to meet investment bankers on Monday to decide who will help float NZ's largest power company ... Mighty River Power attracted 440,000 pre-registrations ahead of its listing but just 113,000 ended up buying shares ... Brian Gaynor, executive director at Milford Asset Management, said he never expected all of the 440,000 who pre-registered for Mighty River to buy shares but had expected around 220,000 ... • Telecom $4.5b ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Business Wire
16 May 2013
Cellectis provides its customers TALENTM product under license of these patents to easily achieve any genome engineering projects. NEW BRIGHTON, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News. ... Cellectis (Paris.ALCLS) (NYSE PA. ALCLS), the global genome engineering specialist, announced the issuance by the USPTO on May 14th, 2013 of two new US patents (US 8,440,431 and US 8,440,432) directed to TAL-effector nucleases ... Pr ... Pr ... About Cellectis ... ....(size: 7.6Kb)
Edit Business Wire
16 May 2013
On revenue of approximately $3,450,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2013 the Company recorded a net loss of approximately ($440,000) or a ($0.07) per basic and diluted share loss ... March 31, 2012 2013 2012 Revenue $ 3,450,000 $ 7,155,000 (Loss)/income before income taxes (902,000 ) 1,060,000 Net (loss)/income (440,000 ) 728,000 Net ......(size: 14.7Kb)
Edit noodls
16 May 2013
(Source. Northern Ireland Executive) ... ~ Thursday, 16 May 2013 ... The Less Favoured Area Compensatory Allowance (LFACA) is claimed annually by some 13,500 farm businesses and in 2012, around 12,000 farmers carried out environmental enhancement work on 440,000 hectares of land under agri-environment scheme agreement ... Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07699 715 440 and your call will be returned....(size: 5.6Kb)
Millennium: 1st millennium
Centuries: 4th century5th century6th century
Decades: 410s  420s  430s  – 440s –  450s  460s  470s
Years: 437 438 439440441 442 443
440 by topic
State leadersSovereign states
Birth and death categories
Establishment and disestablishment categories
440 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 440
Ab urbe condita 1193
Armenian calendar N/A
Assyrian calendar 5190
Bahá'í calendar -1404–-1403
Bengali calendar -153
Berber calendar 1390
English Regnal year N/A
Buddhist calendar 984
Burmese calendar -198
Byzantine calendar 5948–5949
Chinese calendar 己卯年十一月十一日
— to —
Coptic calendar 156–157
Ethiopian calendar 432–433
Hebrew calendar 4200–4201
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 496–497
 - Shaka Samvat 362–363
 - Kali Yuga 3541–3542
Holocene calendar 10440
Iranian calendar 182 BP – 181 BP
Islamic calendar 188 BH – 187 BH
Japanese calendar
Julian calendar 440    CDXL
Korean calendar 2773
Minguo calendar 1472 before ROC
Thai solar calendar 983
Territories of the Northern Wei (blue) and Liu Song (Red) states (440)

Year 440 (CDXL) was a leap year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Valentinianus and Anatolius (or, less frequently, year 1193 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 440 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.


By place[link]

Roman Empire[link]





By topic[link]


Ancient Games[link]

  • Chaturanga, Indian war game, and a ancestor of chess through the Persian game of Shatranj (or Chatrang), evolves in the Indus Valley on the Indian subcontinent (approximate date).





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Juan Luis Guerra

Juan Luis Guerra during a concert in Boston, Massachusetts.
Background information
Birth name Juan Luis Guerra Seijas
Born (1957-06-07) June 7, 1957 (age 55)
Origin Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Genres Merengue, bachata, salsa, Latin pop
Occupations Record producer, songwriter, musician, composer, arranger, guitarist
Instruments Vocals, guitar, piano
Years active 1984–present
Labels EMI Records
Associated acts Juanes, Enrique Iglesias, 440

Juan Luis Guerra (born June 7, 1957) is a singer, songwriter and producer from the Dominican Republic who has sold over 30 million records, and won numerous awards including 12 Latin Grammy Awards, two Grammy Awards, and two Latin Billboard Music Awards. He recently won 3 Latin Grammy Awards in 2010, including Album of the Year.

He is one of the most internationally recognized Latin artists of recent decades. His pop style of merengue and bolero and Afro-pop/Latin fusion has garnered him considerable success throughout Latin America. Guerra is sometimes associated with the popular Dominican music called bachata, and while this association is partly true, he actually uses the basics of Bachata rhythm with a more bolero feel to the melodies in some of his songs.[1] He does not limit himself to one style of music, instead, he incorporates diverse rhythms like merengue, bolero-bachata, balada, salsa, rock and roll, and even gospel as in the song "La Gallera". "Ojalá Que Llueva Café" ("I Wish It Would Rain Coffee") is one of his most critically acclaimed self-written and composed pieces. A remix of "La Llave de Mi Corazón" ("The Key of My Heart") with Taboo from The Black Eyed Peas is also an example of his fusion of genres.



Early life[link]

Born Juan Luis Guerra Seijas in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, he is the son of Olga Seijas and Gilberto Guerra, a basketball player. Before he committed to music, Guerra studied philosophy and literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo. He then studied guitar and music theory at El Conservatorio Nacional de Música de Santo Domingo, then decided to go to the United States to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston. He graduated from Berklee in 1982 with a diploma in jazz composition.[2] After his return to the Dominican Republic, he released his first album, Soplando (1984) with a group of local musicians that subsequently became known as Juan Luis Guerra y 440. The group members were Maridalia Hernández, Roger Zayas-Bazán, and Mariela Mercado. The band's name in Spanish is officially publicized as Cuatro Cuarenta (Four Forty), a shortening of the normally strict reading of number "four hundred forty". The 440 part of the band's name refers to the standard tuning of A440. Reportedly the name for the band came from a practice session where Juan Luis's brother suggested the name because the name would reflect how "in-tune and precise they were".[citation needed] According to Guerra, this first album was based on jazz tunes and concepts he had learned at Berklee, and it "wasn't intended to be a commercial hit." Subsequently, however, he began to write more merengues.[2]

Two albums followed, Mudanza y Acarreo and Mientras Más Lo Pienso...Tú. The band was nominated to attend the Festival of OTI (Organization of Iberoamerican Television) to represent the Dominican Republic.

Their next album, in 1989, brought them international acclaim. Ojalá Que Llueva Café, a slow melodic number with superfast background tracks, became a number one hit in many Latin American countries, with the hit song of the same name. Subsequently, a video of the song was filmed and Juan Luis Guerra and his 440 band began touring. (The song's fame was revived in 1996 and 2008 with covers by Mexican band Café Tacuba and Spanish singer Rosario Flores.)


In 1990, they released their next album, Bachata Rosa, which became a major hit and earned Guerra his first Grammy award. The album, having sold more than five million copies at that time, allowed Guerra to keep touring Latin America, USA and Europe. This album contains memorable love songs such as "Burbujas de Amor" (Bubbles of Love), "Bachata Rosa", "Rosalia", "Como Abeja al Panal" (Like a Bee to Honeycomb), "A Pedir Su Mano" (Asking For Her Hand), "Carta de Amor" (Love Letter), and "Estrellitas y Duendes" (Little stars and elves).

Guerra became a controversial figure in 1992 after he released his next album, Areíto (which is a Taíno word for song and dance). It featured the hit single "El costo de la vida", (The Cost of Living), whose video clearly has an anti-capitalist message. Other songs included in this album protest against the poor conditions in many Latin American countries, the celebration of the 'discovery' of the Americas ("1492"), and the double standards of first-world nations. "El costo de la vida" was his first number-one hit in the Hot Latin Tracks. Guerra became the first performer of tropical music to achieve this feat.

In his next album, Fogaraté (1995), he stayed away from recording any protest songs. This album is particularly centered in the more rural and lesser known types of Dominican music, like the Perico Ripiao.

Guerra's 1998 release Ni Es Lo Mismo Ni Es Igual (Neither The Same Nor Equal) garnered much critical acclaim, winning three Latin Grammys in 2000 for Best Merengue Performance, Best Tropical Song, and Best Engineered Album. Its hits include "Mi PC" (My PC), "Palomita Blanca" (Little White Dove), and "El Niágara en Bicicleta" (The Niagara on Bicycle - literal; to ride a bicycle across Niagara Falls, i.e. a difficult task - coloquial "al pasar el Niagara en bicicleta", Cuban).

Juan Luis Guerra in concert in Madrid, Spain, during the Para ti tour. July 2005.


In 2003, Guerra released his first new album in six years. Entitled "Para Ti" (For you), the album's songs are mostly religious in nature, reflecting Guerra's fervent Christianity. With this album the singer won two awards at the 2005 Billboards, in the categories of Gospel-Pop and Tropical-Merengue, for the hit single Las Avispas (The wasps), the first time ever that one song has won these two categories at the same time. Other hits included "Para Ti" and "Soldado" (Soldier). At the same time, Guerra was honored with the Latino Special Award for the Music Academy of Spain for his contributions to the music of his country and the Caribbean in the last 20 years.

In January 2006, Juan Luis performed at Berklee's 60th anniversary along with other artists such as Paul Simon, Herbie Hancock, Michel Camilo and Chiara Civello. That same year, he recorded with Diego Torres in "Abriendo Caminos" (Opening roads) and with Maná in "Bendita Tu Luz" (Blessed your light).

Notably, Juan Luis Guerra was part of the former highest grossing music tour of all time,(U2's 360 tour is currently the highest grossing music tour of all time) as he was the opening act for The Rolling Stones' A Bigger Bang Tour at their San Juan, Puerto Rico show in February, 2006.

He was also invited by Sting to sing with him at a concert at Altos de Chavón, La Romana in the Dominican Republic in 2006. At the Premio Lo Nuestro awards in 2007, he was given the honorary lifetime achievement award. He also performed the lead single of his new album, "La Llave De Mi Corazón", released in March 2007.

"La llave de mi corazón" reached number one on the Billboard charts for four consecutive weeks, and was the #1 selling album in Colombia while climbing the charts in other countries[citation needed]. Guerra won more than 20 awards with this CD, including 5 Latin Grammy Awards, 6 Premios Casandra awards, 4 billboard Awards, 2 lo nuestro, and one Grammy Award.

On April 6, 2006, Juan Luis Guerra was honored as a BMI Icon at the 13th annual BMI Latin Awards. Named BMI's 1995 Latin Songwriter of the Year, Guerra's songwriting has garnered 14 BMI Latin Awards.[3]

Juan Luis Guerra was honored at the Latin Grammy Awards in 2007 with 5 awards, sweeping each category he was nominated in: Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best Tropical Song & Best Merengue Album. The engineers of the album, Allan Leschhorn, Luis Mansilla, Ronnie Torres, and Adam Ayan were awarded Best Engineered album. One night prior to the Latin Grammy Awards he received the Academy's Person of the Year Award for his contribution to Latin music and for his philanthropy.

On March 10, 2008, Juan Luis was honored with 6 awards in los Premios Casandra, the most important award event in the Dominican Republic. He won for Orchestrator of the year, Outstanding artist abroad, Music album of the year for "La Llave de mi Corazón" and "El Soberano" (The Sovereign), the most important award of the night.

On March 16, 2008 He and other artists participated in the Paz Sin Fronteras concert raised by Juanes, because of the conflict in recent days between Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

On April 11, 2008 Juan Luis Guerra was the Billboard Latin awards big winner, with 7 nominations and 3 awards.

On September 15, 2008 Guerra was named a UNESCO Artist for Peace "in recognition of his efforts for the benefit of children with disabilities and children in need."[4]

On May 9, 2009, Guerra was awarded an honorary doctorate from his alma mater, Berklee College of Music at its commencement ceremony.

2010 Juan Luis Guerra was featured in Enrique Iglesias' Spanish single, Cuando Me Enamoro, and appeared with Iglesias in the music video. The single has currently spent 17 non-consecutive weeks at #1, the longest tenure at the peak position for both artists. In addition, the single was a self-replacement at #1 for Guerra as it replaced his own single Bachata en Fukuoka from his album A Son de Guerra.

Singing in other languages[link]

Guerra has recorded several songs in English, like "July 19th" on his Fogaraté release (1995), and more recently "Medicine for My Soul" and "Something Good" with Italian singer Chiara Civello. Some of his songs have verses in both English and Spanish such as "Woman del Callao", "Guavaberry", "Señorita" and more recently "La Llave de Mi Corazón". Album Areíto featured two songs, cover-title song "Areíto" and "Naboria daca, mayanimacaná" which are sung in the Arawak language of the extinct Taino natives of Hispaniola. Juan Luis Guerra also recorded the album "Bachata Rosa" in Portuguese. He uses Japanese words in Bachata en Fukuoka (Bachata in Fukuoka), 2010 Latin Grammy winner for Best Tropical Song.

Lyrical style[link]

Being a native Dominican, his music is heavily influenced by native Caribbean rhythms, such as merengue and bachata.

His lyrics are often charged with intentionally simple, heavily metaphorical, erotic, or popular expressions, such as "Burbujas de Amor" (Bubbles Of Love) or "El Niágara en Bicicleta" (Niagara on Bicycle), an idiom for something difficult to do.


Title Year Charts[5] Certifications
Latin Albums Tropical Albums Other Charts
Soplando 1984
Mudanza y Acarreo 1985
Mientras Más Lo Pienso...Tú 1987
Ojalá Que Llueva Café 1990 40 2
Bachata Rosa 1991 19 1
Areíto 1992 9 2
Fogaraté 1994 3 2
Grandes Éxitos 1995 10 2
Ni es lo mismo ni es igual 1998 4 2
  • US: 2× Platinum (Latin)[6]
Colección Romantica 2000 6 1
  • US: Platinum (Latin)[6]
Para Ti 2004 2 1 Billboard 200: 108
Top Heatseekers: 3
  • US: 3× Platinum (Latin)[6]
La Llave de Mi Corazón 2007 1 1 Billboard 200: 77
Archivo Digital 4.4 29
A Son de Guerra 2010 2 1
  • US: Platinum (Latin)[6]
Albums that did not chart are denoted with an "—".


Date Song Charts[5] Album
Other Charts
1989 Ojala Que Llueva Café 21 Ojala Que Llueva Café
1990 Burbujas De Amor 2 Bachata Rosa
Como Abeja Al Panal 31
1991 Estrellitas y Duendes 3
Bachata Rosa 15 25
Cartas De Amor 35
Frío Frío 4 Areíto
1992 Señales De Humo 6
1993 Mal De Amor 4
Coronita De Flores 4
Rompiendo Fuente 27
1994 Cuando Te Beso 28
Viviré 5 1 Fogaraté
La Cosquillita 6
1995 El Beso De La Ciguatera 17 5
1998 Mi PC 1 2 Ni Es Lo Mismo Ni Es Igual
1999 Palomita Blanca 1 3
El Niagara En Bicicleta 2 4
La Hormiguita 33
2001 Tu 28 21 Mientras Más Lo Pienso... Tú
Quisiera 33 19 Colección Romantica
2004 Las Avispas 4 11 Para Ti
2005 Para Ti 17 16
2007 La Llave De Mi Corazón 1 2 Regional Mexican Songs: 33
Radio Songs: 66
La Llave de Mi Corazón
Que me des tu Cariño 2 5
La Travesía 3 3
2008 Como Yo 18 13
Solo Tengo Ojos Para Ti 28 9
2010 Bachata en Fukuoka 1 1 Tropical Songs: 1 A son de Guerra
Cuando Me Enamoro (Enrique Iglesias featuring Juan Luis Guerra) 1 1 Hot 100: 89
Tropical Songs: 1
Mi Bendición A son de Guerra
La Guagua 23 10 Tropical Songs: 15
La Calle (featuring Juanes) 26 9
Songs that did not chart are denoted with an "—".

440 band members[link]

  • Roger Zayas
  • Maridalia Hernández
  • Mariela Mercado
  • Marco Hernández (replaced Maridalia Hernández)
  • Adalgisa Pantaleón (replaced Mariela Mercado)
  • Quico Rizek (replaced Marco Hernández)


We write for our home audience. We play music that appeals to those at home, a music that feels natural and intuitive.[7]


  1. ^ iASO Records, David Wayne. "Juan Luis Guerra Biography", Juan Luis Guerra Biography, 2008, iASO Records.
  2. ^ a b Mark Small, "Juan Luis Guerra: Tropical Music Superstar," Berklee Today, vol. 17, no. 1 (Summer 2005).
  3. ^ "Juan Luis Guerra, Juanes Top 13th Annual BMI Latin Awards". Retrieved 2010-10-11. 
  4. ^ "Musician Juan Luis Guerra of the Dominican Republic designated UNESCO Artist for Peace," UNESCO press release, September 16, 2008
  5. ^ a b "Juan Luis Guerra Album & Song Chart History". Retrieved December 5, 2009. 
  6. ^ a b c d e "American certifications – "Guerra, Juan Luis"". Recording Industry Association of America. 
  7. ^ Du Noyer, Paul (2003). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Music (1st ed.). Fulham, London: Flame Tree Publishing. p. 288. ISBN 1-904041-96-5. 


  • Manuel, Peter. Caribbean Currents: Caribbean Music from Rumba to Reggae. 

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

James Horner
Birth name James Roy Horner
Born (1953-08-14) August 14, 1953 (age 58)
Origin Los Angeles, U.S.
Genres Film score
Occupations Composer
Instruments piano
Years active 1979–present
Associated acts Will Jennings, Celine Dion, Sissel Kyrkjebø, Ian Underwood, Randy Kerber, Faith Hill, Josh Groban, Linda Ronstadt, Charlotte Church, Rahat Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Leona Lewis, Michael Jackson, London Philharmonic Orchestra

James Roy Horner (born August 14, 1953)[1] is an American composer, orchestrator, and conductor of orchestral and film music. He is noted for the integration of choral and electronic elements in many of his film scores, and for frequent use of Celtic musical elements. His score to the 1997 film Titanic remains the best selling orchestral film soundtrack of all time.[2][3]

In addition, Horner has scored over 100 films, frequently collaborating with acclaimed directors such as James Cameron and Ron Howard. Some of his most noteworthy works include Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982), Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984), Cocoon (1985), An American Tail (1986), Aliens (1986), The Land Before Time (1988), Willow (1988), Glory (1989), Field of Dreams (1989), The Rocketeer (1991), Legends of the Fall (1994), Apollo 13 (1995), Braveheart (1995), The Mask of Zorro (1998), A Beautiful Mind (2001), Troy (2004), and Avatar (2009).

Horner has won two Academy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, three Satellite Awards, three Saturn Awards, and has been nominated for three BAFTA Awards. His body of work is also notable for including the scores to the two highest-grossing films of all time; Titanic (1997) and Avatar (2009), both of which were directed by James Cameron.


Early life[link]

Horner was born in Los Angeles, the son of Austrian immigrants Joan (née Frankel) and Harry Horner, who was a production designer, set designer and occasional film director.[4]

Horner started playing piano at the age of five. His early years were spent in London, where he attended the Royal College of Music. He subsequently attended Verde Valley High School in Sedona, Arizona. He received his bachelor's degree in music from the University of Southern California, and eventually earned a master's and started working on his doctorate at the University of California, Los Angeles where he studied with Paul Chihara, among others. After several scoring assignments with the American Film Institute in the 1970s, he finished his teaching of music theory at UCLA and turned to film scoring.[5]

Film and television scoring[link]

Horner's first major film score was for the 1979 film, The Lady in Red. He began his film scoring career by working for B film director and producer Roger Corman, with his first composer credit for Corman's big-budget Battle Beyond the Stars. His works steadily gained notice in Hollywood, which led him to take on larger projects. Horner made a breakthrough in 1982, when he had the chance to score for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, establishing himself as a mainstream composer.

Horner continued composing music for high-profile releases during the 1980s, including 48 Hrs. (1982), Krull (1983), Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984), Commando (1985), Cocoon (1985), Aliens (1986), *batteries not included, Willow (1988), Glory and Field of Dreams (both 1989).

Aliens earned Horner his first Academy Award nomination. He has been nominated an additional nine times since. Horner's scores have been sampled in film trailers for other films. The climax of the track Bishop's Countdown from his score for Aliens ranks fifth in the most commonly-used soundtrack cues for film trailers.[6] Also, an unused fragment from Aliens was featured in a scene from Die Hard. Several films whose scores were composed by Michael Kamen have had trailers featuring Horner's music; most notably, the music from Willow is substituted for the theme Kamen wrote for the 1993 remake of The Three Musketeers. Horner also added his nominated Braveheart "For the Love of a Princess" single for Robert Zemeckis's Theatrical Trailer of Cast Away.

Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Horner also wrote orchestral scores for children's films (particularly those produced by Amblin Entertainment), with credits for An American Tail (1986), The Land Before Time (1988), An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (1991), We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993), and Casper, Jumanji, and Balto (all from 1995).

1995 saw Horner produce no fewer than six scores, including his commercially successful and critically acclaimed works for Braveheart and Apollo 13, both of which earned him Academy Award nominations. Horner's greatest financial and critical success would come in 1997, with the score to the motion picture, Titanic. The album became the best-selling primarily orchestral soundtrack in history, selling over 27 million copies worldwide.[7]

At the 70th Academy Awards, Horner won Oscars for Best Original Dramatic Score and Best Original Song for "My Heart Will Go On" (which he co-wrote with Will Jennings). In addition, Horner and Jennings won three Grammy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards for the soundtrack and My Heart Will Go On.[8][9] Titanic also marked the first time in ten years that Horner worked with director James Cameron (following the highly stressful scoring sessions for Aliens, Horner declared that he would never work with Cameron again and described the experience of scoring the film Aliens as "a nightmare").[citation needed]

Since Titanic, Horner has continued to score for major productions (including The Perfect Storm, A Beautiful Mind, Enemy At The Gates, The Mask of Zorro, The Legend of Zorro, House of Sand and Fog and Bicentennial Man).[1]

Aside from scoring major productions, Horner periodically works on smaller projects such as Iris, Radio and Bobby Jones: A Stroke of Genius. He received his eighth and ninth Academy Award nominations for A Beautiful Mind (2001) and House of Sand and Fog (2003), but lost on both occasions to Howard Shore. He frequently collaborates with film director Ron Howard, a partnership that began with Cocoon in 1985. Coincidentally, Horner's end title music from Glory can be heard in the trailer for Howard's Backdraft.

Horner composed the 2006-2011 theme music for the CBS Evening News. The theme was introduced as part of the debut of Katie Couric as anchor on September 5, 2006. It has since been adopted by most other CBS News programs as well.[citation needed]

Horner recollaborated with James Cameron on the 2009 film Avatar, which was released in December 2009 and has since become the highest grossing film of all time, surpassing Titanic (also directed by Cameron and scored by Horner).

Horner spent over two years working on the score for Avatar, and did not take on any other projects during that time. Horner's work on Avatar earned him numerous award nominations, including his tenth Oscar nomination, a Golden Globe nomination, a BAFTA nomination, and a Grammy Award nomination, all of which he lost to Michael Giacchino for Up.[10]

Regarding the experience of scoring Avatar, Horner said, "Avatar has been the most difficult film I have worked on and the biggest job I have undertaken... I work from four in the morning to about ten at night and that’s been my way of life since March. That's the world I'm in now and it makes you feel estranged from everything. I'll have to recover from that and get my head out of Avatar."[11] It is currently unknown whether or not Horner will return as composer for the sequel(s) to Avatar.

Horner recently composed the score for the film The Karate Kid replacing Atli Örvarsson. This is the first film Horner has worked on since Avatar.[12] The film was released in 2010.

Horner has recently scored The Song of Names (2011)[13], as well as The Amazing Spider-Man, which stars Andrew Garfield and is set for release in July 2012.

Critical debate[link]

Horner has been criticised for transposing hooks, orchestral motifs, or larger passages from other scores of his own or of other composers.[14][15] These contentions are points of fierce debates between supporters of Horner and his detractors.[16]

List of scores[link]








  • 1981 A Few Days in Weasel Creek
  • 1982 A Piano for Mrs. Cimino
  • 1983 Between Friends
  • 1985 Amazing Stories (Episode: "Alamo Jobe")
  • 1985 Faerie Tale Theatre (Episode: "The Pied Piper of Hamelin")
  • 1985 Surviving
  • 1990 Tales from the Crypt (Episode: "Cutting Cards")
  • 1990 Extreme Close-Up
  • 1992 Crossroads (theme)
  • 1992 Fish Police (theme and pilot episode)
  • 2000 Freedom Song
  • 2006 CBS Evening News

Short films[link]

  • 1985 Let's Go
  • 1986 Captain EO (shown at Walt Disney theme parks worldwide)
  • 1989 Tummy Trouble
  • 1991 Norman and the Killer

Concert works[link]

  • 1976: "Conversations"
  • 1977: "Spectral Shimmers"
  • 1998: "Titanic Suite"
  • 2000: "A Forest Passage"

Miscellaneous works[link]

Awards and nominations[link]

Horner has won two Academy Awards for Best Original Score (Titanic) and Best Original Song ("My Heart Will Go On") in 1998, and has been nominated for Oscars an additional eight times. He has also won two Golden Globe Awards, three Satellite Awards, three Saturn Awards, and has been nominated for three BAFTA Awards.


In 2005, the American Film Institute unveiled their list of America's top twenty-five film scores. Five of Horner's scores were among 250 nominees, making him the most nominated composer to not make the top twenty-five:[20]

List of accolades[link]

Award Year Project Category Outcome
Academy Awards 1986 Aliens Best Original Score Nominated
"Somewhere Out There" (from An American Tail; shared with Cynthia Weil) Best Original Song Nominated
1989 Field of Dreams Best Original Score Nominated
1995 Apollo 13 Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated
Braveheart Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated
1997 Titanic Best Original Dramatic Score Won
"My Heart Will Go On" (from Titanic; shared with Will Jennings) Best Original Song Won
2001 A Beautiful Mind Best Original Score Nominated
2003 House Of Sand And Fog Best Original Score Nominated
2009 Avatar Best Original Score Nominated
BAFTA Awards 1995 Braveheart Best Film Music Nominated
1997 Titanic Best Film Music Nominated
2009 Avatar Best Film Music Nominated
Chicago Film Critics Association 1997 Titanic Best Original Score Won
2001 A Beautiful Mind Best Original Score Nominated
2009 Avatar Best Original Score Nominated
Golden Globe Awards 1986 "Somewhere Out There" (from An American Tail; shared with Cynthia Weil) Best Original Song Nominated
1989 Glory Best Original Score Nominated
1991 "Dreams to Dream" (from An American Tail: Fievel Goes West; shared with Will Jennings) Best Original Song Nominated
1994 Legends of the Fall Best Original Score Nominated
1995 Braveheart Best Original Score Nominated
1997 Titanic Best Original Score Won
"My Heart Will Go On" (from Titanic; shared with Will Jennings) Best Original Song Won
2001 A Beautiful Mind Best Original Score Nominated
2009 Avatar Best Original Score Nominated
Satellite Awards 1997 Titanic Best Original Score Won
"My Heart Will Go On" (from Titanic; shared with Will Jennings) Best Original Song Won
2001 A Beautiful Mind Best Original Score Nominated
"All Love Can Be" (from A Beautiful Mind; shared with Will Jennings) Best Original Song Won
2003 The Missing Best Original Score Nominated
Saturn Awards 1983 Brainstorm Best Music Won
Krull Best Music Nominated
Something Wicked This Way Comes Best Music Nominated
1985 Cocoon Best Music Nominated
1986 An American Tail Best Music Nominated
1989 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Best Music Nominated
1995 Braveheart Best Music Nominated
2000 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Best Music Won
2009 Avatar Best Music Won


  • 1988: An American Tail
  • 1988: "Somewhere Out There" (from: An American Tail, Winner)
  • 1990: Field of Dreams
  • 1991: Glory (Winner)
  • 1996: "Whatever You Imagine" (from: The Pagemaster)
  • 1999: "My Heart Will Go On" (from: Titanic, Winner)
  • 2003: A Beautiful Mind


  1. ^ a b Clemmensen, Christian. "James Horner (1953-)". Retrieved 21 May 2012. 
  2. ^ USA Today coverage of Horner's work
  3. ^ Clemmensen, Christian (18 November 1997, Revised 16 April 2012). "Titanic (James Horner)". Retrieved 21 May 2012. 
  4. ^ , also known as "Big balls Johnson" Harry Horner's films as art director
  5. ^ MacDonald, Laurence E. The invisible art of film music: a comprehensive history. Ardsley House Publishers, 1998: p. 328 [1]
  6. ^ "Top 100 Frequently Used Cues". Retrieved December 19, 2007. 
  7. ^ New mom Dion back with new album, Vegas deal
  8. ^ Horner's win at the 70th annual Oscar telecast
  9. ^ HFPA – Awards Search
  10. ^ Clemmensen, Christian (25 January 2010, revised 2 August 2011). "Up: (Michael Giacchino)". Retrieved 25 May 2012. 
  11. ^ Times Online
  12. ^ Horner assigned to The Karate Kid film remake
  13. ^ a b The Song of Names (2011) – Full cast and crew
  14. ^ Thomas Muething, "Wen immer es angeht" (To Whom It May Concern), in: Der Deutsche Film Musik-Dienst, Nr.30/1995 (in German)
  15. ^ Alex Ross, "Oscar Scores", in The New Yorker, March 9, 1998.
  16. ^ Lukas Kendall & Jeff Bond, "Letters about James Horner's Titanic," in Film Score Monthly, 1997.
  17. ^ –
  18. ^ [2][dead link]
  19. ^ [3][dead link]
  20. ^ "AFI's 100 Years Of Film Scores". American Film Institute. 2005. Retrieved 24 May 2012. 

External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.