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About Me Hey. About me? I'm just a guy who cares about his health. Blogging is a great way to spread awareness! Being healthy is super important guys, so I've dedicated this blog to promoting ideas for living in a healthy, environmentally conscious way.

4 Simple Reasons Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

4 Simple Reasons Why You Should Grow Your Own Food We are very fortunate to live in a time when at any time of day or night we can easily walk or drive to the store and have a choice of different make available on our hands. With this luxury why would you spend your time growing your own food? I have a good simple answer to that: We are human. As humans, this is what we do. We grow food. This is what we have for thousands of years. It was not until the last hundred or so years that we...

The Safer Supplement: MenoClear Product Review

The Safer Supplement:  MenoClear Product Review For some women, going through menopause is no walk in the park. It can be uncomfortable, painful and just plain embarrassing. Those hot flashes seem to come up from nowhere when you are right in the middle of an important meeting or lunching with colleagues. You get moody and irritable and sometimes you can’t even stand to be around yourself. Is this starting to sound familiar?  Well, it happens to women all over and for some, they...

Take a Coffee Break to Lose Weight?

By now we all know about the Green Coffee Bean diet.  Didn’t Dr. Phil or was it Dr. Oz say that green coffee beans contain a magic chemical proven effective in the battle of the bulge. We already knew that coffee keeps us alert and awake so why not take a coffee break to lose weight. Well, don’t rush out to your local coffee shop and ask for a shot of the green bean dieter’s special with an extra shot of real whipped cream. It...

Things to Look for on Food Labels

Things to Look for on Food Labels Why care about food labels? In real estate market, the mantra is location, location, and location.  The equivalent for packaged and processed foods is label, label, and label. When choosing the foods to stock your pantry knowing what to look for in nutrition facts always starts with the label.  The FDA requires food labels on packaged items that include information on portion size, calories, and percent value of the categories from...

10 Ideas for Saving Energy

10 Ideas for Saving Energy Sometimes it just feels like you are drained, and yet you aren’t even half way through the day. There are some small things that you can do that can dramatically improve your energy. Here is a list of how to have more energy during the day, try a couple out and see what works best for you. Eat a Healthy Mid Afternoon Snack – Eating a small healthy snack that has some protein and is low in sugar will keep your body functioning at...

4 Tips for Vegan Eating

4 Tips for Vegan Eating What is veganism? The nature of our modern diets has led some to believe that meals are not hearty without meat.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Those who have chosen to be vegetarians or vegans, as well as chefs, restaurant owners and cookbook authors have designed many ways to combine food into tasty vegan recipes. The diets of vegans are considered more restrictive than that of vegetarians who may still eat eggs, milk...

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