Engine 2 Diet

Farms 2 Forks Vegan Retreat

So I’m a little bummed.  There was a Farms 2 Forks event about an hour from here this past weekend.  Jane and I couldn’t go because finances were tight, and we just couldn’t swing it.  But it sounds like a wonderful thing, so if you can go, there are still a few events scheduled for this [...]

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Product Reviews

Vegan Crab Cakes

Sophie’s Kitchen Reviews

Jane and I were invited to try some of Sophie’s Vegan Kitchen entrees.  They offer a line of vegan “seafood.”  Both Jane and I loved seafood in our pre-vegan life, so we were excited to try these products.  As with all meat analogs, we expected something close, but not the real thing.  With that in [...]

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Vegan Black Pepper Steak

Vegan Black Pepper Steak Review

Jane and I were asked to sample a frozen entree of our choice from the vegeusa people.  They make vegan and vegetarian foods under the Vegetarian Plus brand name.  In all our time being vegan, we haven’t actually sampled their products.  Jane isn’t much for frozen meat alternatives, and the Vegetarian Plus foods are not [...]

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50s kitchen

Vegan Kitchen Tools and Equipment

What are the most important appliances for the vegan kitchen? An article in Mother Nature Network lists their suggestions of the most important and useful tools and equipment that every vegan kitchen should have. Both new and long-time vegans will definitely agree that the right appliances make cooking and baking easier and more enjoyable. Take [...]

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Soyapower Plus soy milk maker, rice milk maker, nut milk maker

Soy Milk Maker Review

We’ve gotten a few queries lately from our readers about which soy milk maker we recommend.  As many of you know, we own the Tribest Soyabella Soymilk Maker.   Jane got it that soy milk maker as a Christmas gift from her mom way back in December of 2007.  We were very happy with it [...]

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Eating Animals

Eating Animals

Firstly — Happy 2010!  We wish you all a peace-filled new year. Secondly — Sorry for the vanishing act.  We’re still here, and still vegan.  Life has been getting in the way of blogging.  We’ve both been very busy and when we’ve had a break, neither of us has been motivated enough to blog. And [...]

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Another Reason Not To Eat Meat

As if there aren’t enough reasons not to eat meat… According to New Scientist magazine, consuming red meat and dairy puts humans at risk from a rather nasty strain of e. coli.  This particular strain attaches itself to a sugar molecule that humans can’t produce, but is ingested when we consume meat and dairy products. [...]

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You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahhto

Blueberries are one of the 8 things you should eat every day.  The reason being, that they are loaded with antioxidants.  Blueberries also help protect eyesight, promote gastrointestinal health, reduce your risk of colon and ovarian cancer, promote healthy bowel movements, and slow the onset of age-related dementias.  And that’s why I put blueberries in [...]

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Yet Another Reason Not To Eat Meat

Recently, I’ve been reading a lot about the “natural” human diet. Some people argue we’ve evolved to be meat eaters, others that we’re naturally vegetarians. Obviously, we’re pro-vegan here, but the question still rages. Are humans natural omnivores? A few weeks ago, I bookmarked an article I saw referenced on Vegan.com. It’s taken me awhile [...]

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Vegetarians Live Longer

The Huffington Post writes today about a study by the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum) which followed 1,904 vegetarians over 21 years. As vegans, we often hear that our diet could be putting us at risk… we’re not getting enough B12, we’re not getting enough calcium, and oh yes, what about protein? Research by [...]

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Mad Cows And Dementia

My mother was recently visiting with a friend. They got around to talking about their kids and she mentioned that Jane and I have been vegan for awhile, and that we’ve been blogging about our vegan experiences. My mom, who is not vegan by the way (hi mom!), explained veganism to her friend and discussed [...]

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Airport Food

My How Things Have Changed

Once upon a time, eating vegan out of the house was difficult, to say the least. While it’s still not the easiest option, I’m finding that I’m hardly ever stuck with a salad or baked potato.  Traveling through the airports this year was a breeze.  I found something palatable everywhere I went.  In Chicago’s O’Hare [...]

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Vegan Travel Tips

Traveling as a vegan can be a challenge, as most of you are aware.  Of course, if you are traveling to a vegan friendly area, such as Portland, OR, you probably don’t have to do anything in advance!  But we all know that it can be difficult to find good vegan food on the road.  [...]

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Frozen Foods at 2 Js

How To Travel As A Vegan

So, we’re back.  I’d love to say we had a wonderful trip, but unfortunately I threw my back out my first night there.  I’m slowly getting better, but it is still rather uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time.   I won’t go into details, because this is a blog about veganism, but man…  If [...]

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Vegan Travel

I read a rather funny description of flying as a vegan in Monday’s New York Times.  The article was authored by Wayne Pacelle, of the US Humane Society and let me tell you, I can relate!  Pacelle talks about his travails trying to get peanut butter through security — “The security agent insisted that my [...]

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Native Foods

Jane’s mom is here for a visit, so we took a quick trip down to Palm Desert (a resort town in the California desert) this weekend. The weather was excellent there. (Unfortunately, it was in the 90′s here this weekend too, so we could have just stayed home!) But we enjoyed the usual tourist treats: [...]

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venus williams vegan

Venus Williams is a Raw Vegan

Venus Williams is a raw vegan now.  Tennis great Venus Williams recently switched to a raw vegan diet as an attempt to control her fatigue and pain which resulted from an autoimmune disease: When tennis pro Venus Williams discovered her fatigue and pain resulted from an autoimmune disease, she took action by adopting a raw [...]

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arian foster

Arian Foster is a Vegan

Arian Foster is now a vegan. Mr. Foster, running back for the Houston Texans is amongst the best running backs in the National Footabll League. Most people don’t associate veganism with (American) football, so this news is causing quite a stir. It’s not completely unprecidented however. Tony Gonzalez was a vegetarian for a while as [...]

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Vegan Brownies

Vegan Baking

There is an article in the Wall St. Journal about vegan baking. The article discusses how a number of vegan bakeries have avoided pointing out that their products are made without the usual baking product – eggs, butter, milk, etc. For fear of alienating the non-vegan public. There are vegan bakeries all over the United [...]

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Vegan Menu At Hilton

Wow, a major hotel chain is offering both a vegan and vegetarian tasting – 7 days a week. Where can you find this gourmet vegan fare? — At the Hilton Anatole’s Nana Restaurant in Dallas, Texas.  While the Carrot Marmalade served with passion fruit granita and peanuts, and the Cucumber Spaghetti with pistachio gravel, scallions, [...]

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Vegans in Jail

So tonight I learned that Ira Black, guitarist for Lizzie Borden, was in the Los Angeles County jail system this month for a misdemeanor charge. Since I don’t know anything about Ira Black that news didn’t make much of an impression. However, Mr. Black was on a hunger strike… why you ask? Because the prison [...]

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Recipe Recommendations

Vegan Lasagna

Vegan Lasagna

I’m a fan of the vegan brownies and vegan banana nut chip muffin recipes in The Joy of Vegan Baking, by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.  So when we found out that she had a new cookbook out,  The Vegan Table, I rushed right out to get a copy.  (Okay, I ran to the computer and ordered it… [...]

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Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

First, we’d like to thank everyone who shared their recipes with us.  There are some really wonderful sounding dishes here.  We hope you find this compilation of Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes of value when you’re planning your Thanksgiving Feast! Main Dishes Holiday Nut Loaf Tofurky Take 2 Side Dishes Cashew Gravy Cranberry Sauce Cumin Braised Brussels [...]

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Hearty Quinoa Recipe for Breakfast

Unfortunately for our guests, it’s been “winter” here. By that I mean, the weather is not cooperating, and it’s been rainy and unseasonably cold here. The high yesterday was only 64°F. That’s actually cold for Los Angeles! And while we welcome the respite from the hot summer weather we know is imminent, our company would [...]

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Top 10 Vegan Recipes

At the beginning of the month Vegan.com put together a list of of his favorite vegan cookbook recipes for the year. I must have been sleeping, somehow I missed it. But I also read the Vegan Planet blog, and Robin posted about it today. Having reviewed the recipes with Jane earlier, we feel compelled to [...]

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Vegan Brownies

Vegan Brownies

Over the past few months, I’ve been complaining about the results of Jane’s vegan baking efforts. Don’t get me wrong… she’s been complaining too. Overall, we’ve come to the conclusion that vegan baked goods just aren’t as good as traditional baked goods. And while we miss the olden days of Princess Cake (the most amazing [...]

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Engine 2 Diet

Farms 2 Forks Vegan Retreat

So I’m a little bummed.  There was a Farms 2 Forks event about an hour from here this past weekend.  Jane and I couldn’t go because finances were tight, and we just couldn’t swing it.  But it sounds like a wonderful thing, so if you can go, there are still a few events scheduled for this [...]

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vegan pizza

NY Vegan Pizza, aaah!

Boy do I wish I was going to be in New York in October.  In addition to still missing autumn after all these years, you probably know from reading this blog that I miss real NY Cheese Pizza.  Admittedly, I don’t miss it as much as I did immediately after going vegan, but this was [...]

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world vegan day

World Vegan Day – Celebrating 65 Years of Veganism

Tomorrow is World Vegan Day, for some of you around the globe, it is today already.   So what?  Why should you care?   Well, it’s certainly not as well-known or celebrated as Halloween is.  But it is a chance to get out and meet with other vegans, to sample vegan fare, to stand up for animal [...]

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animal rights national conference

Animal Rights National Conference 2009

This year the Animal Rights National Conference will be held right here in Los Angeles.   (It was in Alexandria, VA last year.)  The conference runs July 16 – 20, 2009 and will be held at the Westin LAX Hotel: 5400 West Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Here is what you can expect: 100 sessions, [...]

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WVBS shirt_final

Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale 2009

Just a reminder, the World Wide Vegan Bake Sale is underway…  The dates of the sale are June 20 – 28th.  To see what events are occuring in your area, click here.  And when they say worldwide, they mean worldwide.  There are sales scheduled for Australian, New Zealand, Canada, England,  Greece, and Nigeria!  (As well [...]

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Animal Rights

pigs mcdonalds

Better Pig Pens For McDonalds

McDonalds is now telling its pork providers that they need to use better pig pens. Recently, we had written about the animal cruelty with regards to McDonalds chickens. Now McDonalds is telling its pork providers that gestational stalls are too small. These pens are usually only two feet wide. This is hardly enough room to [...]

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Animal Cruelty and McDonald’s Eggs

Jane and I have been vegan for over 4 years now.  In that time, we’ve noticed a significant shift in the mindset of the general population. The word “vegan” doesn’t always meet with blank stares (0r thoughts of the cosmos).  Vegan products are readily available at all our local grocery stores.  Veganism is even an [...]

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peta at dog show

Peta at Westmister Dog Show

The Westminster Kennel Dog Show ended today.  Just before the award was given for “Best in Show,” two Peta protesters managed to get out in the ring and held up signs reading “Mutts Rule” and “Breeders Kill Shelter Dogs’ Chances.” The protest was cut from television, so if you missed it make sure to watch [...]

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Pound Puppies

It’s been awhile, sorry.  While I’ve been ignoring this blog, I’ve been watching a fight brew in a chat I visit.  The issue is animal adoption.  One of the people involved is choosing to buy a dog from a breeder.  The other person is a staunch animal rights activist and has taken to berating her [...]

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animal rights national conference

Animal Rights National Conference 2009

This year the Animal Rights National Conference will be held right here in Los Angeles.   (It was in Alexandria, VA last year.)  The conference runs July 16 – 20, 2009 and will be held at the Westin LAX Hotel: 5400 West Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Here is what you can expect: 100 sessions, [...]

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Restaurant Reviews

coaches and horses

Top 10 Vegan Restaurants in London

I haven’t been to London in twenty years. Jane and I have been considering a trip to Europe some time next year. It’s not easy being a vegan when traveling abroad. The excitement of discovering a new city can often be tempered by not knowing where to eat. Guide books provide a limited overview of [...]

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Vegan Restaurants in Austin

We are always looking for good vegan restaurants. Below is an article that was published today which discusses vegan restaurants in Austin, TX. Personally, I’ve never been to Austin, but I have suspected that eating would not be a problem there as I’ve been under the impression that there are many vegan and vegetarian restaurants [...]

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Upscale Vegan Restaurants in Philadelphia

I stumbled upon an article which is discussing vegan food in Philadelphia. The article is basically indicating that a large percentage of the people who are eating at several upscale vegan restaurants in an around Philadelphia are not vegan or vegetarian. Hmmmm…  Perhaps I need to plan a trip to Philadelphia next time I am [...]

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Shojin and the Japanese Tsunami Relief Effort

Hi everyone. If you’ve been a regular reader of this blog, then you’ll already know that our favorite vegan restaurant in Los Angeles is Shojin. Shojin is a Japanese, vegan restaurant which focuses on organic and macrobiotic vegan foods.  We love this restaurant so much that we eat there about once a month.  We’ve also [...]

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Chipotle Logo

Vegan Chicken at Chipotle

UPDATE: 08/18/12 Chipotle no longer offers vegan “meat” options. I contacted the company and received the following reply: “…We did offer a “vegan meat” called the Garden Blend. Unfortunately, this offering was not nearly as popular as we had hoped, and originally anticipated, and because of this it was generating a great deal of food [...]

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